

Hunter just lets Katie talk, quickly realizing that she needed to let some of this out. He felt bad for her - it sounded like this whole thing with her and Jason really had screwed things up. He still didn't understand it, but he continued to refrain from asking a bunch of questions. It really didn't matter and he might understand more of it later. For now though... Katie's feelings were obviously being hurt and that's all he needed to know. 

Sitting up with her, he sighs. "Don't be sorry." He knew what being jealous felt like. Boy did he know. It didn't feel good. It felt like being left out and shoved to the side. "That's a tough bit to swallow, for anybody, let alone you, who's been like, 'connected' as you say, to Jason." He wondered if it was a whole lot worse for her after not being able to communicate with Jason like she had before. Once again, Hunter was clueless about all that or what it was like, so his imagination had to fill in the cracks. And who was Rick? He wasn't sure. 

Falling into silence for a few minutes, he rests his arms on his knees and watches the peaceful water. Finally though he turns his head to study Katie, his eyes searching her face. "Jason's not... cheating on you, is he?" 

Jared listens quietly to Grace, finding her story an interesting one. Lots of people would probably turn out bitter after all that. But not her... she had embraced a new life away from her blood family. There was a strength about her. A peaceful one at that. Jared couldn't help but wonder what it was or how she'd gotten it. 

"Yeah, I see what you're saying. I think we all must be wired to want to know our real families, but I think that's cool that you've got your adopted family and love 'em that much." 

Thinking back to her suggestion a few minutes prior, he shakes his head. "Whenever I talk to my mom about family, she clams up. Kinda like Justin, but not quite as bad. I'm...." His eyes drop. "...getting the feeling that I'm a black sheep or something. If I was that important or loved, I woulda heard from somebody, even if I didn't live around here. I mean I know I didn't - that much I've found out.  I guess I'd just moved here recently. But still... if I had like family or friends that cared about me, I would have at least gotten a note in the mail or a phone call." 

All of a sudden, Jared realized just how alone he'd been feeling. His eyes remain down and his jaw muscles tighten as he tries not to let it bother him. It did though. All his mom talked about was current events... her days of shopping and her friends. And Justin, who only visited on rare occasion, would barely say hi, let alone talk about anything in the past. Jared was getting tired of fishing for information "You'd think my mom and brother would have like, sat down with me and filled me in, or something. I mean, isn't that the way it should work? I lost everything and they're just letting me sit here like a dummy and not even trying to help me regain anything. I like my mom, don't get me wrong, she's awfully sweet, but... I just don't understand."

Dylan glances over his menu at Ashlee and gives her a little nod. "Yeah... yeah when Eric lets you start riding by yourself maybe we can ride together. Sparky's still working with me too but lots of it's just practice now." 

He finally sets his menu down, decided on what he wanted. "So he's.... got you on Moonbeam?" 

Eric cups his water glass with his hands and looks at the ice while a smile spreads on his lips. His eyes rise to Stacy and he shakes his head. "I don't know what you're thanking me for. I'm the one feeling mighty special right about now." 

He glances over at Ashlee and Dylan talking then back to Stacy. His eyes find hers and he just searches them for a few moments. This setting... being here... was nice. It was almost like a little family and... it sent a nice warmth through Eric. He wondered if this is why Jeff had wanted to be with Stacy and Ashlee too, if it had felt like this for him. And then he wonders what his brother might think if he knew Eric was spending time like this with them. Would he mind? 

"Thanks for letting me come along... I haven't... felt a part of much in a while so... this is nice."

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