
One Month

"Uhhhh....nobody does, sorry to disappoint you."

Ashlee gives a smile as her eyes held a little bit of humor. She didn't know for sure if anyone did hate Dylan or not but if she had to guess she would say no one did. Everyone made mistakes and any one of them could be forgiven, so Dylan's could too.

"Want to come brush some of the horses with me? Eric says there soothing nature can really help when your having a bad day."

She really did believe Eric when he had told her that. For some reason just being around the horses it seemed to make her feel better when she was down in the dumps. Maybe it would help Dylan too or at least keep him busy for a little bit so he didn't feel like a caged animal in his room.

Taking another bite of her sandwich Michaela thinks for a long moment. It's not like she had a busy life she just did things in different spirts of the day. Sometimes it was hard to plan anything.

"Well the rest of the week I have nights free, Sundays I always am free and next Wednesday I have free too. Sooooo...take your pick."

She'd spouted out when she had off now Rocky could pick the rest. She thought it only right that he make the official date but maybe an idea wouldn't hurt.

"We could always go to church together Sunday and than do something after if you want."

"We can't give up looking. We didn't find a body that means he's out there somewhere still. We owe his wife that."

Shean leans back in the car seat. He was on the phone as soon as he heard they were going to declair Wes dead. It hadn't even been that long yet they just couldn't...not yet.

"At least a month for someone who gave there life to protect us. I know that's a long time to maybe to find nothing but we need to that for his family. So if its true there us real closure there."

He'd go and look for Wes himself if he had too. Just as long as someone was looking for him. That's what Yw cared about.

"Yes Sir. I know he would if done the same for me. Yes, thank you. One month, I got it, thank you."

One month was better than the other option if not looking at all. He had to find something, he just had too.

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