

Looking for the hall for a moment Trey doesn't move almost as if still not sure this was all just innocent kindness or a set up for something else. Shaking his head he new he did need to show and look halfway decent for when he return to TJY for his whipping.

Walking down the hall and finding the bathroom Trey enters and shut the door behind him. Looking in the mirror for a long moment he really did look a mess. He had a five a clock shadow going on and he looks like he had been through the ringer.

...A few minutes later after a nice warm shower Trey felt somewhat clean but he still felt pretty crappy. Walking into the kitchen in his bear feel he runs a hand through his wet hair and just lets it fall where it wants. His hair was short enough to be able to do that.

"Thanks for the shower, aspirin, and place to sleep."

Sitting down at the table Trey puts his shocks and shoes on. He might be rough around the edges, he might be broken but he still had manors. His parents had taught him that and it was something that had always stuck with him and always would.

"I should probable get going. I need to face the dogs sooner or later and I'd rather it was sooner to get it over with."

Trying to restront phone there was no answer. Strange. Trying Carson's phone still no answer double strange. Maybe it was just that busy at Mom and Pop's today. As the voicemail kicks on she leaves a message anyways.

"Hey Lover. I was wondering if you had any plans tonight and if not if you would mine Jamie and Con coming over for dinner. Jamie is itching to do something and I figured this would be good fellowship for us all. Give me a call back and let me know. I love you Carson."

Hanging up the phone Misty lets out a little sigh. She hopped everything was with Carson. The last few days he seemed high strung, and just stressed. She didn't know if it was work or what but she hopped he was alright.

Shaking her head and going back to work Misty just dug herself into her work. Once Carson got back to her she would let Con and Jamie know what was going on. It would be a fun might is Carson agreed maybe something they all needed.

Sitting at the kitchen table Jess plays with her phone for a long moment. It had been a few days since she had seen Axel and even longer since they had really been on a date. She hopped everything was ok. Sometimes he needed his free space and she new that but it was unlike him to call into work so much.

She wanted to call him but would that be invading. To Axel it might be. Maybe it was just better to let him call her first. If he canceled there date tonight she'd ask him about it. Jess worse fear though as that she was losing him.

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