
So Easy

Dan can't remove the smile from his face. Jade's heart was so big and that was on of the things he loved about her. She had compassion and love her family it was easy to tell that was the most important thing to her.

"Right now, I think thats what Dylan. However, he was pretty tired so many the hug should be given out tomorrow first thing when you see him."

He figured Dylan might pass out as soon as he got to his bunk. It had taken him no time to in the car and being home in his own comfortable bed was probable something that Dylan welcomed very much.

Sitting down on the couch with her feet up Beth leans back smiling still. She just couldn't seem to whip it off her face. Not that wanted to either.

"Yeah we did have a good time. After Brookshire we went for subs, ice cream and than a walk in the park. It was really nice."

Pausing for a moment Beth picks at the blanket that payed over the couch. The though of how Justin was acting strange seemed to enter her mind again.

"Is everything ok? When I saw you today it seemed like something was wrong."

Listing to Ariel as she talked Trey could feel his feelings twist and and churn, his hanger raising, and his feelings being crushed witched made his anger even higher. He hadn't wanted to form feelings for Ariel but he had and now...now it ended how he new it would pain.

"So now after YOU played me you want to be my friend, but if we had met on the street you wouldn't have given me the time of day right?"

Standing up from the bed and starting to pace back and forth it was the only thing Trey could do to keep from yelling. He wanted to, oh how he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs but if he did that whoever could be watching at the other end of the camera would surely come running and lock him in the room or something worse.

Turning and looking at Ariel again he squints his eyes he new she would be able to tell how upset he was and maybe even worse how hurt and broken he felt all over again.

"Some kind of friendship and you guys though I was the bad guy. You, Pete, this place trys to help people but all I have seen is lies, and leading people on. You guys are worse than my own mother....at least she had the decency to give me away than to pretend she liked me."

Trey new his words would sting but he didn't care. He felt like a fool and to actually think maybe maybe he was starting to like Ariel more and taking her on a date...HA...what a joke.

"Get out and leave me alone. It was easy for you to pretend to like me...."

He points his finger at her.

"...Than it will be just as easy to forget me."

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