
Top Secret

Leaving to clock out quick Ryan gives a little wave to the others guys. She didn't didn't know just how ready they were to stepping in but she new they would have if need be and it made her feel safe. This was more than friends here, this was a family...

...Slipping her finger in with Tal's to lock them together Ryan can't help but smile again. She didn't want him to be in the middle of this hole Alec thing but today she was happy he was. Who new what Alec would of done after she hit him.

"It was one of my best. Though I probable shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me like that. Sorry you had to deal with that but thank you for stepping in."

Looking over at Tal Ryan's smile grows just a little more. Tal really had come out of no where and she really was glad for that. There was something about him that was special, peaceful and it made Ryan relax. No matter if she was rough around the edges or not with Tal around they felt smooth.

Being pulled into Carson Misty doesn't resist though it is a lot different than normal. She had a strange feeling something was going on or better yet something was wrong that she didn't know about. It was just abnormal for Carson to be so soft and gentile. In a way it worried her no matter how much she told herself not too.

"I love you too Carson!"

About to ask what was going on with him the moment is passed by, by another kiss to her head and the promise of seeing her tonight after dinner. She's have to ask him than what was going on and if everything was ok once more. She trusted Carson but something just didn't seem right.

"I'll be waiting for you with dinner ready. Just call if your going to be late so I know to hold off cooking so it doesn't get to cold."

Giving a smile Misty turns and leaves the restront heading for her car. Getting back to work she doesn't head for the intermarry first but for Reese office. Giving a know on the door she had to ask. Maybe it was her own imagination or maybe not.

"Hey, you don't have Carson working on any top secret cases do you? He was acting strangely today but I was the only one who seemed to notice."

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