

Letting out a sigh and watching Mick go Dan new if Dylan wasn't in town he would be the one looking for him. Him didn't have to tell him that because it would of been just something he would have done.

Turning and heading back into the dinning hall Dan lets out a long sigh. He wasn't as happy as before and a bit more quiet but he did his best to not be to down for Jade's sake. Sitting down next to her he takes her hand in his own and gives it a little squeeze. Lunch, than looking for Dylan. It was going to be a long afternoon already

Having Gunner sit down next to her Bree was happy he was feeling better enough to move around now. He looked a lot better too for the most part and Bree was glad for that. She had been worried about him and when JT said it was good he was sleeping now she had just let him be. It didn't bother her that the day was almost over as long as Gunner was ok.

"They are pretty cute. Its just nice to see my Uncle happy. He deserves it too. Though....I think you right I think we are even cuter."

Laughing and standing Bree holds her hand out to Gunner. She'd enjoyed there start to a walk before she would enjoy finishing it too. Not to mention there was a bit of wonder on what Gunner had been getting at with his little speech too.

"Alright...let go!"

Sitting with her book open by JT Amanda reads quietly, every once and a while putting it down to have a little bit of small talk. After the excitement they had this morning just sitting back and relaxing was nice.

"You know I am kind of glad they stole us away. This really has been a nice breath of fresh air. I'd almost forgot what going on vacation was."

Giving a smile to JT she really was having a new time. Even if at times they both felt a little awkward. It was still nice to just relax, and have fellowship with someone she liked and was growing to like more and more!

Driving up and down the streets it doesn't take Dan long to get to the bus station to first see if Dylan was there. Nothing seeing him Dan goes back out to the truck and stops as he see the missing ranch truck outside the small dinner. Not going in right away Dan backtracks to the feed store. He had to place an order so he might as well do that first.

Once finished he heads back to the dinner and enters. Not even looking at Dylan he goes to the counter and orders a coke and two ice cream Sundays. Once for himself and one for Jade. Waiting and leaning on the counter Dan scans the dinner. Seeing Dylan he acts a bit surprised and gives a wave. Picking up his coke and walking over her gives a small grin to Dyaln.

"Fancy meeting you here. Though for sure you'd be long gone by now. Mind if I sit while I wait for the ice cream? Had to come into town to put the feed order in, through while I was here maybe Jade would like if I brought her back some."

Now Dan only hopped Dylan would let him sit down. But asking was better than just doing it. Maybe that in itself would give him the right to sit with him younger friend, and show that he did respect him.

Hope lets her smile grow a little more. Hope would never give up on Scott. How could she, he was way to important to even think of that. No matter whatever happened Scott would always hold a place in her heart and be special that was something Hope new for sure.

"Don't you worry Scott, I wont give up on you and I'll remind you that ever day if I have too."

Standing and giving a little stretch Hope looks down at Domino still next to Scott not leaving his side. It made her feel good to see the little pup so full of life again. Without Scott she just hadn't been the same. They had both lost a best friend, and Hope new what she had to do.

"How about we go into the living room and get Domino's things together. I have a feeling she wont let you leave now without her."

Wondering into the house Rosetta wondered if Mick was in here. After stepping out with Dan and never returning she was a little worried. He hadn't left she saw his truck still in the driveway but where he was she didn't know. BJ was over at Wendy and Clint's playing with his cousins so that gave her a little bit of free time now to find Mick.

Going to the living room Rosetta stands in the doorway for a long moment just watching Mick as he sat on the couch. Finally though she goes in and sits down on the couch with her husband. She wasn't sure everything that was going on but seeing the look on Mick's face she could tell it was bothering him.

Not saying anything Rosetta reaches over to Mick and slips her hand in with his interlocking them together letting him know she was there.

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