

Watching Misty leave his office, Reese wonders a moment about her and Carson. Was everything really okay? He'd brushed off Carson's behavior a few days ago, but now with Misty wondering about it...

He shakes his head. It really was none of his business, even if he did care. He'd just keep his eyes and ears open.

Sighing, he stares at all the unfinished paperwork strewn about. They were accomplishing a lot of things lately, but there were also a lot of things going wrong and they needed to get a handle on things. Nobody really seemed happy anymore. Was it him? He knew he'd been tough on everybody lately but he had his reasons. Then there was Wyatt, who hadn't come in today at all - Reese really couldn't blame him, though they did need Wyatt here, whether he was on probation or not. All in all, things around the Elite had been very tense lately. There was a lot going on, including much that no one but he knew about. He had some very hard decisions to make, which had only added to his stress lately. Soon though, he'd have to go one way or the other, and it could cause a major change in the Elite once again. It wasn't an easy burden to bear... and he was tired of doing it alone.

Getting up from his desk, Reese wanders out across the main floor and down the hall. Stopping at Angelica's office, he knocks and pokes his head inside. "Hey... you got a minute or two to talk? Not here though... over a late lunch?"

Tal grins and shrugs. "Wherever you want to go. Today is your day... until we have to go back to work."

Lifting her hand to his lips, he gives it a kiss. "You're an amazing woman, Ryan... don't let anybody tell you otherwise."

Having the woman read his mind, a smile spreads on Zach's face. "I really am too predictable," he muses. Taking a sip, he shakes his head. "Nah... it's not what's in the cola. It's... kinda like how food from people we like always tastes better. It's not what the food is, but who serves it."

A slight tinge of red reaches his cheeks before he takes another sip of pop. Moving on quickly, he nods at her question. "Yeah, I'm finally figuring things out around here. I've lived all my life about three hours north of here and just didn't get down here very much. Now that I got a job here though, I better learn things quick."

Slowly spinning his glass on the counter for a moment, he finally reaches his hand out. "I'm Zach, by the way, and I've been trying to get up enough nerve to ask your name for weeks now."

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