
Late night message

Off in his own little world, Eric was oblivious to Stacy's presence. Hearing her voice, he visibly jumps and looks up quickly. Realizing who it was, he blinks, almost confused for a moment. He'd thought maybe her evening with Jeff wasn't quite over. It hadn't taken her long to get here. Had she realized he'd seen them? Did it even matter? Why was he so concerned about it in the first place? She was obviously just making her rounds now.

Suddenly realizing she'd asked him a question and all he was doing was giving her a blank stare, he snaps back to attention. "Um... yeah...yeah. Least she headed that way." He grins. "I hope you don't mind I told her after she was done with her school work tomorrow she could come help me again." He thinks about the possibility of perhaps other evenings when Ashlee was wanted elsewhere. "I s'pose I should've asked you first though to make sure that didn't conflict with any other plans. She gets so excited, sometimes I forget."

He straightens in the swing and edges over to one side a little... just in case. "Seems y'all had a good time in town?"

New Text Message
To: Dan
From: Unknown 555-7925

Does dad hate me?

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