
Hurtful Words

Having Jason reply to her and still feeling nothing a feeling of sadness or what she thought was sadness washed over her. What they had tried really had taken away there ability. It saved Jason's life but at what cost? Emotion, what they though was normal or was it much much more than that.

"I feel...." Those words linger for a moment. What did she feel? "...tired, and drained."

Katie wondered how long Jason had been away now and what had been told to him. By the slight look of confusion on his face Katie would guess not much. Without even thinking Katie found herself searching for Jason's emotions, what he was feeling and there was nothing. It was frustrating and saddening.

"Well, I haven't been out for as long as you have. Maybe a day or two. The agency got in contact with us on you condition and what was happening to you. They would exchange the antidote to make you better for some information." Those words lingered for a moment. "It was like the antidote but more...permanent. You're not going to have to worry about our ability's getting you sick anymore."

Sadness, Anger, hurt....emptiness. It was more lonely than Katie could have ever been prepared for.

Walking with Justin to the door Beth gives a smile. She hated to see him go but new he had too. Standing in the doorway and just looking at him for a long moment Beth cocks her head a little noticing now in the sun light how Justin's eyes sparkled. He was handsome in deed.

"I'll talk to you again soon Justin. Don't be a stranger."

Stepping a little closer to Justin for a moment a fleeting thought passed through Beth's mind. Pushing it away though she new better nor was she bold enough to make THAT move. Leaning in a little she gives a small kiss to Justin's cheek before turning and heading back inside before saying anything or Justin could see her red cheeks.

Shaking her head and rolling her own eyes Amanda throws her arms up in the air a bit of humor in her own eyes. Seeing Gunner was going to be ok it was a little bit easier to relax now.

"You're not an emergency, you're a disaster."

Turning to head back to the dishes that were left she throws a look over her shoulder giving a smile and a wink to Bree.

Laughing and putting her arm around Gunner Bree was able to relax herself. Gunner had given her quite the scare and she was happy now it was over. She hopped it was something they would not have to visit again soon.

"Take your time before we finish our walk. I am in no hurry."

Feeling someone enter the house and than hearing the knock on the kitchen door frame Aerith doesnt even turn around. She could just tell it was Wyatt. His smell, walk, she had just come to know it as his own.

As his arms come up and around her Aerith smiles and brings a hand to his arm giving it a squeeze in return. Wyatt's arms always felt so nice around her.

"That bad huh?" Aerith wondered if it was just work or many more. It had seemed something had been bothering Wyatt lately but wasn't sure what. "I'm sorry your day was bad. Not that I am complaining to much. Any extra time with you is always good."

Pouring the finished coffee into two mugs Aerith turns around and hands one to Wyatt giving him a kiss at the same time and smiling. Searching his eyes for a moment she could see so many mixed emotions.

"Why don't we go into the living room and relax a little bit. Cuddling, coffee and venting al;ways helps me."

Seeing Domino speed by and how happy she was to see Scott Hope couldn't help but laugh. She new the little pup would be excited but to see her this excited it was just a nice feeling. Than Scott's smile catches her eye and it feels Hope with an even warmer feeling. She hadn't seen Scott smile that in a very long time. Would could not describe how Hope felt, or the joy.

"Something tells me your not going to be able to get away from her that easily. However you might be able to con her into the kitchen so you can at least play with her and talk with me at the same time."

Squinting her eyes to see Dylan and Ashlee come up the way Stacy's heart races a little. Anger and worry seem to take over seeing Ashlee was injured. Stepping forward to take Ashlee from Dylan to help hold her up Stacy is about to ask what happens but stops as Mick beats her to it.

As accusations start flying and words are said Ashlee's cheeks turn bright red as she understand finally what Mick was accusing Dylan. Looking to her mother her own eye pleaded hopping she didn't think this was true. Moment after moment Ashlee could just feel her cheeks grow redder and redder. Looking down at the ground she can't even look between everyone anymore. She was to embarrassed.

Looking up slightly as Dylan walks away Ashlee can feel the tears start to well in her eyes. From her ankle, from the harsh words, embarrassment. Ashlee could hardly manage to find words but some how she did.

"He was telling the truth. We just went for a walk. Dylan wanted...he wanted to help me with my school work and I was having a hard time on my own. Than I tripped and he helped me back."

Turning Ashlee hopes a little in the direction of Angel's office. She didn't want to stand here anymore. She just wanted to get her foot looked at and she new her mom was going to scold her as well. She just wanted it done and over with.

Seeing her daughter turn Stacy looks to Mick giving him an apoligetic look and she would talk to him later. Turning and putting an arm under Ashlee she helps her along. Far enough away to be out of ear shot she let out a long sigh trying to keep her own anger under wraps.

"I'm disappointed with you Ash. You new better than to go off without telling me..and with that boy..."

Ashlee didn't let her mom finish her own anger raised a little bit. She was tired of hearing people blame Dylan already for something he didn't do and she was tired of feeling the embarrassment for nothing.

"That boy has a name and he didn't do anything but try to help me. I don't know what the big deal is. You never cared before on where I was going, or what I was doing. Now we are here, one of the safest places in the world and you care? What just trying to look good for everyone else?"

Once the worlds were out of her mouth Ashlee wished she could take them back. She had just been angry and she didn't mean it. She new her mom always loved her and cared.


Ashlee's words stung and hard. Even if she didn't mean them if they were there than there had to be some kind of truth right? The damage was done, and the pain was great. Was coming here a good idea after all?

"Drop it Ashlee, we will talk more about it later. When your done at Angel's I want you to go to your bunk. Your grounded for the next few days and thats final. I don't want you hanging out with Dylan anymore by yourself either."

Giving a huf Ashlee new there was no point in arguing even if it wasn't fair. Dylan was her friend and she likes spending time with him. Would she ever be able to see him again now? Ashlee wished she could tell him that she didn't blame him. This just wasn't fair, no one did anything wrong.

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