
A nice break

Ryan almost ignores the jeers of the others as she stands talking with Hunter - other than a snicker that escapes at the mention of her being scared. She wasn't really - some good competition was good and she knew this brought a little more interest to the game.

Seeing the women that flock to Hunter and want his attention, Ryan just shakes her head a little and smiles. He could have the glory for tonight, and the women that went with it. Ryan could tell already he was going to be a popular one with the ladies, and that was okay with her.

Giving a short wave to Hunter as he drives away, she can't help the smile that spreads across her lips at Tal's voice. Tal might be different but he sure did have a way that just seemed to get to her. When his voice was soft but deep, it just seemed to send chills up and down her spine.

"Well, as long as I am the winner in your book and I'm the only one you're kissing, I guess that's all that matters, huh?" Turning her head to the side to see Tal's face, Ryan grins once again. Humor and a spark that some might call love danced in her eyes. Leaning in to press her lips against Tal's, she didn't care where they were standing. She wanted to give him a kiss and that was that. Pulling away again, she searches the depths of Tal's own eyes, just getting lost in them. If not for the start of a loud engine, she might have stood there all night.

"How about we grab some food and head back to my place? Not sure if Eli has plans with Scarlet but I could use the company none the less. I am sure we can find something on television that's worth watching."

Looking down at her book, Ashlee wasn't sure if she had been reading the page or not, maybe she had been just looking at the pictures, maybe she was trying to figure out a problem she had come to, or maybe her brain just didn't want to function with her today. But seeing a shadow stretch out across her face causes her to look up.

Seeing Dylan standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and the sun to his back, Ashlee can't help but think how extra cute he looked at that moment. Trying not to skip a beat, she swallows, trying to put her words together to reply to her friend.

"I'm not so sure myself if I was reading or day dreaming. Science has always been a subject I liked more being hands-on with. Especially when it came to plants."

Setting her book down, she sighs, squinting one of her eyes from the sunlight as she looked up at Dylan. He was bored, and she wanted to see if she could find the plant in her book to be able to look at it herself and see the different parts. Maybe they could help each other out.

Standing ans brushing herself off, she scans the area. The best place to start looking was in the woods. That's where the most plants existed with their full potential of being untouched.

"It is a pretty nice day out. Maybe we could go for a walk in the woods and explore a little. You are bored, I would like to find this plant - it sounds like a good cure for both of us. Not to mention some good company to go with it. You never know - it might be fun."

Ashlee gives a smile at Dylan holding the book under her arm. She hoped her liked the idea. It sounded like fun to her, but most of the stuff she liked, it didn't seem like Dylan was interested in. Maybe he was bored enough though, to think this was. Spending a little extra time with him might help her get to know him a little more too. Maybe they had more in common than they both knew.

"You never have to rush across the bridge and your friends I think know that. However, you're wrong about not taking the first step. You have already started with the first step by talking with me. Now you just need to keep moving forward at your own speed as long as you keep moving."

Hearing that Kip had a few other things he needed to do today, Hope gave a small nod of her head. There was no time line when she would be here with Kip and she didn't want to start. She wanted him to be comfortable and set the pace himself. Somehow she knew he would, and it was what was best for him.

Taking a piece of paper from her pocket, and a pen, Hope writes down her name and phone number. Smiling, she hands it to Kip to take. "When you're ready to talk again, here is my name and number. My calendar is pretty open and easy to work around, so you never have to worry about that. It was very nice meeting you today, Kip. I enjoyed it and look forward to chatting again."

Meeting Kip really had been nice and getting to know him was just as good. It was always nice to meet someone new. That was one thing Hope liked about her job the most - getting to meet new and interesting people and trying to help them. Everyone was special to her and she liked showing people that.

As the owl hoots and the moment is broken, Amanda can't help feeling a little bit of disappointment rise. They have both been lost in that moment, a moment that almost seemed perfect. Now it was gone though, so there was no point in dwelling, even if she was disappointed.

"Bacon and eggs sounds great. Maybe us women can get up too and make the coffee." Giving a smile, Amanda gives a little squeeze to JT's hand before walking a bit away from the fire and turning to give him a smile. She'd had fun tonight, talking, laughing - just sitting there and cuddling with JT by the fire. It was something new, it was exciting, and she liked it.

Mustering up all the guts she had, the moment couldn't be passed by. Walking back over to JT, Amanda takes his hand and pulls him a little closer. Closing her eyes and pressing her lips to his cheek, she could feel her heart racing. Pulling away, her smile was still held fast on her face as her cheeks held a crimson color now.

"I really am happy we got kidnapped today. It's a nice break from the crazy world."

Smiling across the table at her brother and gathering her things, Sapphire felt like this time had been cut short. She did have to go back to work, but the want to just stay and chat more with her brother was strong too.

"Of course we can. Maybe next time you can come over and I can make us some dinner. I'd really like to be able to spend more time with you, Scott."

Though time had made them go their own ways, there were still parts that were connected and Sapphire never wanted to lose that. Scott was the best, and her only brother. She'd already thought she lost him once, now she wanted to make sure to get in all her time while she could.

Sitting across from Justin, Beth gives little nods here and there, letting him know she was still listening to him. She was happy to hear Jared was going to live. No matter how a person could be, Beth would never wish ill will onto them.

Beth could see Justin had much turmoil inside of him and she couldn't blame him. There was a lot of stuff his brother had done that was not good. She only hoped Justin could work through it and soon let it go.

Standing and starting to clear the table off to get some of the stuff out of the way, Beth stops at the table again and rests her hand on Justin's for a moment. Looking down at him, a smile was on her face and her eyes twinkled. "I've spent way too many evenings alone over the years to really start wanting them again. You're being fine company and cay stay as long as you like."

Turning again to take some more stuff into the kitchen, Beth calls over her shoulder as she goes. "We can watch a movie, talk more, or you can simply take up a spot on the couch and rest. I have no objection to any of those ideas."

Coming back to the dining room again, Beth was carrying a pie dish this time with two little plates and forks. "Plus if you get a little hungry later, I made fresh cherry pie for dessert. I'd hate for it to go to waste."

Leaning on the workbench and just watching Axel work, Jess didn't mind waiting for him at all. Whether it was an hour or fifteen minutes, she liked just sitting there, chatting and watching him as he moved around the cars. He seemed so natural at it.

"Axel?" Jess shifts her weight from one foot to the next as she leaned on the bench. She was still new to all this stuff even after going to church for a while with Axel. It was still sometimes hard for her to find words on how to say things.

"Ummm...I've been thinking about it a lot since last Sunday and how the pastor was stalking about being baptized..."

Jess is quiet for a moment as she moves around some of the screwdrivers and ratchets on Axel's desk into different patterns. Looking up at him again, her eyes sparkle like they normally did, but something was different this time. There was an extra light that seemed to be growing.

"...I think I'd like to be baptized too. I was wondering if...if you could help me."

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