
Laughter, the best Medicine

Looking up from her text book that had been sitting at the table with her for most of dinner Ashlee gives a smile to Jade. She had a text tomorrow she was studying for but she had spent the last hour doing so, maybe it would be ok this time.

"Yeah sure."

Closing her book and standing Ashlee makes her way to the table before she stops and turns to look at Dylan for a moment and than back at the group. It looked like a lot of people where there and if she asked him to join that wouldn't be her imposing right? They looked friendly enough not to mind and at least than she would know someone there.

Turning and heading over to Dylan's table she taps on it lightly to get his attachen giving him a nice warm smile. She wanted to be friends with him, and she wanted to see him smile more. There was a look in his eyes that showed deep down he wanted to smile but something stopped him from doing it.

"Hey Dylan. I know your trying to study and all but I was wondering if you would like to come play cards too. It would be nice to know someone else at the table too and it would be a nice break from school work. What do you want to say? Wanna try and venture this road with me?"

Looking up at Con Katie smiles big. It had been a little while since she had talked to Con and even longer since she had hung out with him and Jamie. Jason being sick took up most of her time not that is bothered it at all, but it just let little time for her to do anything else.

"Lunch huh? I don't know Jamie keeps me on a tight leash with all this works and everything on top of taking one hundred percent of you time away from her she might double my work load."

Katie gave a little smile. She was trying to be funny but once the joke was said it just didn't seem as funny anymore and she rolled her eyes at herself. She new Jamie wouldn't mind if she tagged along and what she said now just seemed dumb.

"I think I can take a lunch break today. I just need to call Jason to see how he is doing before we go."

It felt strange saying she had to call Jason. It was so abnormal, for them to ever have to pick up the telephone to talk to each other that now it just felt strange. But at least they had that still so they could get a hold of each other when they needed too.

Misty's look held one of worry. It wasn't often a smile wasn't on her face even in hard time, but this time...this was something completely different. This was there friend, someone close to them who was not given a choose to live or die. This was out of there hands and Misty hated it.

"Yeah its right here on the counter."

Standing Misty goes over to the counter and picks up the needle along with the pain killers. Handing them to Rick she lays a hand on his shoulder and trys to give the best smile she could at this point. It was hard, but it was all she had.

"I'm going to keep seeing what I can do. We are going to figure this out, and we are going to save Jason and Katie. One without the other is not an options."

Letting out another laugh at one of Tal's jokes Ryan almost had tears in her eyes. Once Tal started it was on a roll for sure. It had turned out to be a pretty good afternoon and Ryan was pleased with that. She might haven't taken a longer lunch than intended but that just met she would work a little later tonight.

"Tal you have got to stop...my sides hurt so much...oh my goodness."

It had been a long time since Ryan had laughed like this but it felt good. To just open up like this and laugh as loud and as long as they wanted too. Laughter the best medicine....Ryan was starting to think that saying way true.

Looking up at the clouds she finally sits up and glances at her watch and than back at Tal. She didn't want to time to end not yet, but she new she had too. Letting out a small sigh she throws a blade of grass Tal's way.

"Well I better get back or everyone is going to think you kidnapped me. Not that I mind that thought but you might end up having an angry Auto mob coming after you and that...can't end well."

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