
No idea

Seeing Ryan coming, Tal braces himself, while Eli, unprepared, gets the wind knocked right out of him. Something between a grunt and an "Oomf!" is heard and Eli lets go of Tal, though is still piled on top of him. "Ryan!" Eli squirms around to tickle her by means of getting her off.

As the two wriggle around though, Tal starts to run out of breath, especially when someone's elbow winds up in his gut. Laughing though, it's hard to regain any control at all. "Would you two carry on your tickle match somewhere else?" he hollers teasingly. Mustering up his strength, he gives a mighty heave and hefts both Eli and Ryan off of him so he can roll away and into the clear. His face was beet red by now, but it was still nearly impossible to catch his breath in between his laughing.

Eli winds up sprawled out on the floor too, giving up on wrestling anymore with anyone, totally worn out and trying to catch his breath too. "So what were we talking about?"

Tal grins as he lies on his back and stares up at the ceiling. "You were trying to get me to leave."

"Oh yeah." Eli looks around for his bandanna and finds it, but remains lying on the floor. "So what are you still doing here?"

"I have no idea. But now that we figured out no one wins, I probably should go."

Jason's eyes fall shut again - it took too much energy to keep them open. But his fingers curl a little around Katie's. He felt her touch. He heard her voice. He knew she was okay. Not well at the moment, but okay nonetheless. "I love you too," he whispers.

It would only be a short while later that Jason would feel another prick of a needle in his arm and he knew that it was the full dose of the antidote. And even though he wanted to fight it, he knew that this time, he wouldn't be able to go off of it.

At least an hour and a half later, Rick leans back against the infirmary counter and watches Jason and Katie sleeping. By this evening, Katie would probably be up and functioning again and then by tomorrow, Jason would be well enough to complain about the whole thing and want to get out of here even though he'd be too weak. Rick could see the whole thing already and knew these two well enough that it took most of the guesswork out of it. But that only served to make him think about what his response would be to all of this. And he knew that Jason would be upset with him.

Returning to the blood analysis that Misty had helped him with, he compares samples from last week and now, and finds only more deterioration. This thing, whatever it was, was not slowing down. A visit to Reese's office, a phone call to Cindy, and he was back again, growing more weary as the day dragged on.

Going to Katie's bed, he sits down beside her to rouse her gently while he let Jason continue to sleep. "Hey, Katie." His hand rests softly on her shoulder. It was evening and he wanted to make sure she was doing alright, then talk to her about a few things. "Got some orange juice and crackers here... think you can handle a little bit of it?"

Dylan's eyes don't leave Ashlee's face as she talks. Was it disinterest on his face, or was he just studying her? It was hard to tell.

Her request to sit makes his eyebrow quirk again. "I don't care. You can sit wherever you want."

He pushes on the floor with his feet, making his chair rock on its back legs while he kept his hands behind his head. "Me an' school never did get along. I dare say the teachers back home are glad to be rid of me. Now it's Rosetta that has to put up with my D minuses since she's too nice to give me Fs." And all that did was put him under supervision, which made him cringe just thinking about it. At the moment, he was struggling to do well enough on his next set of tests to avoid having to do all his work in the office with Rosetta's help.

Letting his chair flop back down again, he leans forward, putting his elbows on the table and continuing his stare at Ashlee. "So how much did they tell you about me?"

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