
The Talk

Watching as Dylan left the barn Ashlee cocked her head for a moment a look in her eye thinking about the look she had seen in Dylan's. It was leery, maybe a little sad. One might interpreted it as cold but as Ashlee would guess it was one because of the weight he bore. He was interesting and definitely took after his dad in the good looks. Maybe she'd get to learn more about him as the time went on.

Enjoying taking a look around the ranch and getting to meet everyone Ashlee stayed with her mom but couldn't help the excitement and that laid in her eyes. Stacy couldn't help but just smile watching her daughter having fun already and getting to know everyone.

Helping get the stuff inside Ashlee deiced to stay in there new home and opening up some of the stuff they had placing it around and making it look a little more like home. Stacy slips from the room and heads outside with Mick again following him to the office. Seeing Rosetta and giving a little bigger smile Ashlee was so pleased to meet her.

Sitting in one of the chairs across from Mick she folded her hands in her lap. Listing closely to what he had to say. Giving a nod here and there so Mick new she was listing Stacy was just quiet taking everything in. Some of what Mick said was surprising but from what she ready about the Agency themselves she wasn't surprised with most.

Once Mick was done with his whole explanation Stacy just sits in the chair for a long moment thinking and processing everything. She did trust Ashlee, and well she didn't know Dylan to know if she trusted him or not but she would definitely keep her eyes open just a little closely till she new for sure.

"First and foremost I do want to thank you very much for telling me about Dylan Mick. Knowing that before hand in a way has put my mind at ease a little bit about being here at he ranch. I can't only imagine how hard it was for you to tell me but since you did it made an effort to not hide anything. For that alone is a comfort."

Shifting a little again Stacy sits up a little more thanking for another long moment. It was nice to know this all but she still didn't know how she felt about it. For now all she could really do it just deal with it.

"As for Ashlee spending time with Dylan...it will be something I keep a little closer eye on. Thank you again."

Giving a little jump and a small gasp Katie stops for a second holding onto the counter in the kitchen. She hadn't expected that and it startled her. Feeling Jason's anger she felt bad. She hadn't meant to make him upset. She just wanted to know he was ok was all.

J...I...I'm sorry.

Not knowing what else to say or do for fear of making things worse Katie lets her emotions die down a little and lets Jason go. Standing in the breakroom Katie's hunger seemed to be gone now she was just worried.

Leaving the breakroom and going across the floor and going to the infermary. Slipping inside and looking to Rick's desk and seeing him there Katie was glad. Going over to him she stands there for a moment before finally speaking.

"Rick....I need to talk to you."

Collecting her thoughts for a moment Katie tried to process everything she wanted to say making it as simple as she could. Finally sinking down in one of the chairs and letting out a sigh Katie starts.

"I think something is wrong with J. He's been really tired and keeping things from me. Not hungry...and just something is off. He's been pretty snappy too. I don't know what it is Rick but it doesn't feel right."

Ryan can't help but laugh again as Tal and Eli go back and forth once again. It was funny to watch them interact but it was funny at the same time.

"You two sound like your married to know that?"

Shaking her head again Ryan goes back to what she was doing before looking to her brother. Seeing the look on his face Ryan can't help the small little smile. She did think Tal looked cute, and it seemed easy to flirt with him if it went past that she didn't know. But it was nice to have fun again.


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