

Michaela can't help but laugh again as her cheeks start to stop burning just a little. At least it seemed like Rockin_gts wasn't offended so that was a good thing. Where her mind was right now she had no idea.

Thundercat5: Well thats a good thing to know. The later it gets the stranger I get so...at least I know you wont go running for the hills right away.

As something brushes against her leg Michaela looks down to see Sassy's big eyes looking back at her wanting attachen. Reaching down and scooping the cat up she rubs her face against the cats for a moment before giving a yawn and looking back at the computer again.

Thundercat5: I'd say sorry about making you spit juice on you computer screen but than I'd be lieing. I think its way to funny for me to be sorry.

Leaning back in her chair Michaela's stomach gives a loud growl that even causes Sassy to jump down and look at her. Giving a half grin she shakes her head.

Thundercat5: It really is to late at night for my stomach to be growling.

Returning the hug Misty just holds onto Carson feeling him close to her. She missed him and had been worried about him, to have him home now and to be in his arm put her at peace. Hearing his words she doesn't reply for a long moment just holding him close to her and enjoying the silent moment. Finally pulling away and looking up at Carson Misty gives a smile being pulled into the kiss and returning it letting her hand creep up Carson's back to his hair. Letting her fingers rack through it before pulling away again.

"This sheila was waiting for her husband to get home so she could check him over and make sure he was ok before he had his first decent meal since a few days ago."

Misty can't help but let her grin grow a little more. She been worried sick about Carson even if she new he'd be ok that worry was there anyways. Now he was here again she just didn't want to let go.

"I sure did miss you. I'm happy your home now."

Just letting her bag slide off her arm as Eli comes over to her Ryan let out a long sigh. She could feel her walls breaking. She'd been strong, she'd been tough, she had buried that pain so she wouldn't have to feel it but now under her brother question she could feel the walls crumbling.

Looking up at her brother and searching his eyes Ryan could see the worry. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a little voice seemed to chim in as well that said I told you so. Continuing to just look at her brother it seemed as though her walls finally crumbled and all the pain from the last few days seemed to just hit. A few tears seemed to spring into Ryan's eyes till they started to come more, and more, till finally they just streamed down her face.

Taking a few steps forward and just wrapping her arms around Eli Ryan just bury her face into his chest Ryan just lets it all go and cry's as the pain just seemed to grow inside her. It had been a long time since she'd cried let along like this. The last time she could remember was when there father died. Maybe she was due for a good cry.

Walking along side Jason Katie just keeps her fingers locked with his. It seemed in the last few days as though she wanted to take things slower with Jason. Stop and smell the roses a little more. To enjoy his company a little more, and just be with him.

Hearing they could go off the anitdote Katie stands on the other side of the car thinking for a minute. She hated being on it, she didn't like how it felt but she had done it for Jason so did she want to go off it yes, was it smart to..she didn't know.

"Did Rick say it would be safe for you to go off of it? I mean if its going shorten your life being off of it than I don't want to do that. I want to make sure your going to be ok."

It was clear to see the worry in Katie's eyes though she did her best to stay calm about the whole thing. She just wanted Jason to be ok, and do what was best for him right now and not worry what she wanted.

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