
Have to...

Looking up at the clock and seeing what time it was Michaela couldn't help but be a little shocked. This was later than she usually stayed up that was for sure and she had class in the morning.

Thundercat5: Wow, I new it was late but not this late. I'm never going to wake up in the morning. I guess eating can't wait till tomorrow.

Stopping for a moment her fingers move over the keyboard but doesn't type anything. There was a strange feeling she didn't want to get offline tonight. It had been nice talking and getting to know someone new and it had been a long time since she didn't want to stop talking to someone even though she new it was a must.

Thunderccat5: It was really nice chatting with you tonight. I hope to see you Wednesday for our first new meeting.

Thundercat5: Have a great night Rockin_gts. Don't work to hard tomorrow!

As Carson leaves to get changed and clean up Misty sets the table. No plat for her because it was late but makes a cup of tea so she could at least sit with Carson. Once he comes back and she puts the plate in front of him Misty sits down at the char next to him leaning on the table slightly.

Studying his face for a long moment Misty could see in his eyes that the whole thing was bothering him more than he let on. It was plan to see at least for her. Not really sure what to say to make it any better Misty just reaches out and takes Carson's free hand in her own. Giving it a little squeeze she gives him a smile just trying to reassure him everything would be ok.

Just letting herself soak in her brother comfort Ryan moves with him to the couch continuing to just let the tears fall. She always had been able to find shelter in his arms and today had not changed that. Now she was more happy than ever that Eli was here.

As the minutes pass by and a little explanation on what had happened Ryan's tears seem to slow though her eyes were still red showing that she had been crying. Leaning away from Eli and whipping her face she felt crappy and a show was a must.

"I'm going to take a much needed shower I think that would help me feel a little better. Than I think I'm going to go up to the hospital."

Giving Eli a sidelong glance Ryan new he wouldnt approve of her going and she might be upset and hurt over this whole Alec thing but if he wasn't going to make it the last thing she wanted was for him to die alone or with her mad at him. That just wasn't her.

"I just...have to make sure Alec is going to be ok. Or at least be there in case he doesn't make it he wont be alone. I guess....I still care about him."

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