

Giving another smile as Mick turns and walks down the hall Rosetta just stands there for a long moment. God had blessed her with everything she wanted and she was so happy of that. It might not have been the way most people would want it to unfold but to her it was just right. She had a wonderful husband, and three wonderful kids that she considered her own.

Turning and going back to the table she clears the cups off and whips it down. Wondering into the kitchen and turning the tea pot on she prepared a cup for Mick and herself. They would be up a little bit longer just to wind down from the day.

Continuing to work Ryan goes over the care with a fine tooth comb. Not really paying much attachen to what else was going around her. Working was keeping her mind off everything else that was going on.

Checking the top part of the engine first Ryan than slides under the car checking out there as well. Tinkering here, and there Ryan finally finds the problem her silence being a little odd, but for those who new what was going on it wasn't.

The minutes pass, and one hours turns into two but finally Ryan finishes tighting the last bolt. Closing the hood and going for her rage Ryan whips her hands before getting behind the wheel and starting the car up. Letting it run than giving it some gas she waited to hear if it sputtered or hiccuped. Just hearing the motor purr she was satisfied and shut the car off again before going over to her work bench and filling more papers out.

"Hey Leo, I'm gonna tell Tal what was wrong with his car, can you ring him or for me?"

Letting out a long sigh Dalton shakes his head again as he looks down at Alec. For trying to ask mean and nasty his body language was all wrong and it made Dalton sad that he wouldn't just open up.

"I'll see you around."

Turning from the bed and letting out a long say Dalton makes his way from the room and back down to his car. Just sitting there for a long moment his own heart ached. First Scott, and now Alec...it was a hard to swallow.

Getting back to the office he makes his way to Reese office Dalton knocks before entering hearing Reese voice. He wanted to see what Dalton could get out of Alec but his first concern was following through with what he promised Alec.

"Reese, Alec told me we need to have a few people watched. Ryan, Misty, Dani, Carson, and myself. He didn't tell me why, but he said the needed protection so to have them watched. I think its pretty important we do so. Other than that..I didn't get anything else. Other than the odd feeling he's innocent, but guilty because of it."

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