
Think about it

Hearing Susanne Chuck's grin grows even more. It was funny listing to Susanne tell off her friend but at the same time he got a glimpse of the Susanne kicking butt the first day outside his shop again. That was the Susanne he new inside.

Continuing to listen Chuck couldn't help but laugh. It was funny seeing Susanne open up like this, and even funnier to hear her friends reaction. He tryed his best to keep his laughter down but he just couldn't help it. Once Susanne hangs up the phone Chuck shakes his head his eyes twinkling even more with the laughter that had come first.

"That sure was telling her."

Not wanting to bring to much attachen to it making Susanne feel embarrassed or uncomfortable Chuck just leaves it alone though the humor still plays in his eyes. Susanne did something to him. He couldn't explain it other than it was something good and he liked it.

"Alright, I'm ready to go as well. I even remembered my extra helmet."

Holding his arm for Susanne he wanted wondering if she would take a hold or not. He might be a little rough on the outside but he was a big softy who did have manors.

"Oh, and you can stop saying sorry. It's ok really and you were hardly that bad."

Leaning in even closer to Alec as he explains what happened Ryan shifts a little so she was now sitting longways in Alec's lap and could look up at him a little better. Looking into his eyes Ryan could see how much this really did bother him.

"He's probably just not use to the whole thing Alec. One day he will be, I guess it just takes longer for some. After being in the Agency himself its probably just hard for him to trust anyone that was part of it."

Looking out twords the water herself it makes Ryan think of her own brother for a moment. She hadn't seen John in so long she couldn't help but wonder if he felt like Alec did. She'd never even tried to go see him. Maybe...maybe she should.

Bringing her mind back to Alec Ryan lets out a small sigh. She wished things could be ok for him. It was odd to see him down and it made her sad, she just wished everything could work out for him and he could know his family.

"Misty, she likes you right? Thats a start and I am sure Carson will come around. I mean he has to sooner or later when he see you have changed."

Katie can't help but smile as she lets BJ slip to the ground before turning to her dad. She new he'd be surprised to see her seeing as they didn't tell anyone they were coming out.

"Hey Dad. Jason wanted to come out see his mom so I tagged along. Figured you all wouldn't mind seeing me again."

"Mind, we don't see enough of you anymore. This will always be your home Katie. Come sit and eat, than we want to hear about everything thats been going on."

Rosetta smiles at her niece as she motions her to come and sit at the table. There was an empty spot next to BJ, and across from her dad with much food to go around for everyone.

Sitting at her desk the folder still in front of her Stacy looks down at all the information about the R/M ranch. It felt good to be see for all she had done, and to have the chief talk highly of her it was flattering.

But this was something she would have to think about, and something she would have to talk to her daughter about. She didn't have to worry about changing school, Ashlee already was home schooled and a very good student on top of it. If anything going to the ranch would help her get out there and do more things without Stacy having to worry about her to much. This could even give her a chance to spend more time with her daughter.

Tonight she would talk to Ashlee and see what she thought about it all. Her daughter was a big part of her life, and it was not only her life changing, but Ashlee's as well. To not ask her what she thought would be to disregard her all together. She told Chief Brown in a few days she would have her answer, and in a few she would. But for now she had to get to work, and move on with the day.

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