

Just keeping his arms wrapped around Susanne Chuck liked the feeling of her leaning into him. Though he felt the tremble his arms tightened just a little bit. He wanted her to feel safe in his arms, and he wanted to be able to let her know he would protect her all he could.

"If you mess up I will continue to care just as much as I do now. It's not your acts that make me care for you, its who you are that makes me care. Sooner or late this prince is bound to fall as well. But as long as his princess is willing to work through it, the prince can do the same."

Leaning his head on top of Susanne's Chuck looks out across the water his eyes just watching the reflections of the might sky, as the bull frogs song there songs somewhere, and the soft sound of water lapping filled the air. Natures providing the perfect mood as Chuck just swayed a little before a soft sweet sound came from him.

"Susannnnnnne, I might not be a perfect man, but I'm me. I don't always have the perfect plan Susannnnne. Put I'll do my best to be all I can be. I'll give you the moon, I'll bring you the stars, the world is a big open space and its ours. So when I fall, I'll do the best I can Susannnnnnne to get up again and show you how much you still mean to me. I'll leaned you my hand when you need it the most, I'll chase away all those wondering ghosts. Susannnnne, never has to worry about letting me down, because I'll still think she is the best woman around."

Letting his words die off Chuck gives Susanne's head a kiss before tighting his arms around her just a little more to keep her close. He really did feel that way about her. She ment a lot and in his eyes she was a princess and much much more.

Letting her eyes go between Carson and Reese again Ryan's eyes fall on Carson. He'd told her not to do anything dumb knowing she would. If they were going to think Alec had gone back to the Agency than she needed to investage herself. After being with Alec every day, sometimes morning noon and night as they cuddled on the couch Ryan new he wouldn't have gone back. Or had he fooled her so well too? It just didn't seem possible.

"When you figure whatever out, let me know. I'm going to go for a walk. Sorry Bro don't feel much like going to the beach anymore."

Slipping the necklace into her pocket Ryan makes her way around Carson and Reese heading for the door. Jumping off the porch and aiming for her car Ryan gets in revving the engine and squealing her tires a little bit as she pulled out of the driving way.

Letting her mind wonder as she drove Ryan didn't know where she was going she was just driving. Tonight she was happy there was no race her mind wouldn't be on it and she probably wouldn't go anyways. She needed to find information about how to get a hold of the Agency. If she could get in herself maybe she could figure out what happened to Alec. But how?

Squeezing Jason's had a little more and studying his eyes. She new this time it wasn't going to be easy. There was going to be ups and there were going to be downs. But this was going to be a time they needed each other like no other.

"I'm in it with you even if you told me not to be. I'd never turn my back on you."

Leaning forward and giving Jason another kiss on the lips Katie leans her head on his shoulder for a long moment. One small tear finally seeming to slip but she only lets that one holding the others at bay still.

"I know you love me J, and I love you so very much too."

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