
Letter Goodbye

Taking the helmet back and giving a smile to Susanne Chuck gives a nod. It did make more sense for her to drive him and than have him go from there to the movies. Why he hadn't thought of that himself beat him.

Shaking his head a little and pushing his helmet down Chuck starts up the bike and follows Susanne. It doesn't take long for them to get to her house and when she offers him inside he is a bit surprised. It must have really taken her a lot of courage to ask him in. He would of been happy just waiting out here for him but not that she was offering why not.

Heading inside with Susanne Chuck looks around the room once she disappears. The room was big and bright. Very clean and one could tell great car had been taken in every detail. Coming in a little more Chuck see the bird cages and can't help but smile. It looked like Susanne took great joy in the birds.

"Well Hello there, you must be the kids. Susanne told me a little about you all but she never mentioned how cute you all were."

Chuck smile at himself for talking to the birds like they could understand them but they really were pretty and it was nice to look at all there colors.

Heading inside Ryan takes a quick look around the room. Eli said he was going to be out late with Scarlet tonight as they took there rain check and went to a concert that was right outside town.

Heading to her room Ryan went to her room and grabbed her backpack. Throwing in some jeans, shirts, and a few other items she would need she new to pack light. Looking around her room Ryan lets out a small sigh. It was hard to look anywhere and not see Alec. He'd been such a big part of her lift over the last few months that now his mark was just left everywhere.

Heading into the kitchen Ryan opens the cupboard and grabs some snack bars throwing them into her back along with her clothing. Than taking a peace of paper and a pen from the counter she sits at the small kitchen table and writes.


I wont be home for a few days. I have deiced I need to see whats going on with Alec myself. Nothing adds up, and yes everyone thinks maybe he didn't change after all but there was no way he could of fooled me that well. No...I saw him, I saw the change and I saw the look in his eye when he said he loved me.

Don't worry big brother I am not going alone. Ty saw to that on and told Carson what I was planning on doing. So now I will be travailing with him. Please don't be angry with Carson. If he hadn't have let me gone than I would of gone alone and that would be more dangerous than it is now.

Carson said we are going to see if Alec will come back with us because he believe Alec is there against his own will. If he makes it clear he does not want to come back than we will have to walk away. I will have to walk away. I know how hard that will be for me to walk away from Alec once I see him again but at the same time I know how easy it will be too.

Wish me luck Eli, and I will see you again soon.

With all my love,

Placing the letter in the counter Ryan new Eli would see it when he got home and went for a beer. She hopped he wouldn't be to angry with her. This was just something she had to do.

Looking at Carson as he comes into the living room Misty new he would be leaving soon so she herself didn't want to get to comfortable. But coming a little closer she places her hand on his arm and gives it a loving rub.

Hearing Ryan was going to go with Carson Misty gives a little nod. She'd guessed that she would say she wanted to go. Misty could see the look in the young woman's eye from the short days she had bumped into her when Alec was still at TJY. It had been the same look of a strong will that Misty had, had at that age.

"Yes I'm still ok with that. I trust you Carson. Just let he know if she does try anything She'll have to answer to me."

Giving a little sassy grin Misty leans in and gives Carson a kiss. She loved Carson and though the past had been rough she trusted him now. He's changed a lot since than and she'd seen every step.

"Just be safe and don't get yourselves into trouble. I want you to come home to me."

Misty gives a smile though on the inside she wish she was coming with Carson this was not her battle and she had to stay behind. As long as Carson was safe and did come home in one peace it would be ok. She'd get to fight along side him another time.

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