

Sitting at the little desk in her house Hope holds the letter from Scott in her hand. He eyes scanning the page. She'd been so happy to receive the letter. To finally hear from Scott had had warmed her heart. She missed him so much with every day that had passed, being alive and on the mend she couldn't wait to be able to see him.

But as her eyes continued to scan the paper soon Hope's heart became heavy as it pounded in her chest. She understood what he was saying but at the same time she didn't understand. He wanted her to be free? To be full of joy? How could that even be possible. The love of her life was just breaking up with her. Oh how her heart flooded with pain.

Standing Hope slowly walks over to the window and stands by it. The letter still in her hand. Scott was no long her boyfriend, and her heart was breaking. It hurt more than anything else right now. To lose someone so close to her. Pressing her hand against the glass she remembered her sessions with Scott. She remembered there laughs and there love, but now...it was gone. Now there was a hole. All the stuff she could tell other people about moving on, and in time it would be ok, but now coming to her own self, it just didn't seem like it would help much.

Following behind Susanne as she makes her way back to his bike Chuck can't help but smile. Her own words just seemed to float on the air so pleasing to his ears. Walking a little faster to catch up with her Chuck takes his hand in his own for a moment and brings it to his lips as he hears her mention of the movie tomorrow.

"Susanne, would you like to join me at the movies tomorrow?"

Chuck new she would say yes since she did just mention it but he wanted to ask anyways. It only seemed right rather than just assuming. Not to mention he liked asking and hearing Susanne say yes!

Still looking down at her own bottle as her brother talks Ryan can't help but let out a long sigh. Maybe Alec hadn't changed? She refused to let her own mind believe that but what her brother said did make sense and it seemed from what Ty said it was that way too. Even if he had run away, if he was with another woman not only was he cheating on her than that meant he really didn't care after all. It was just all confusing to her no one had ever been able to pull one over on her like this before.

"Yeah, I just...I guess I just wish I could find out for myself what was going on. You know I've always been hardheaded unless I can see it with my own eyes."

Letting out another sigh Ryan leans back in her chair for a moment. Hearing Eli talk about his job offer and how he wasn't going to take it Ryan's head snaps up as she looks across the table at her brother. He was going to stay? He had the offer of money but he was going to stay anyways?

"You...but...Eli, I am happy you choose to stay. On top of everything else I don't think I could handle my brother leaving me too. It would be way to quiet around here without you and I'd miss you something terrible. I love having you here. So thank you."

Ryan new Eli was making her feel better and even if she did a little still the whole thing with Alec was heavy on her mind. It was one big mess, but soon Ty would have the information for her and she could get to the bottom of it herself. Than maybe...she could move on.

"Want to see about finding a funny movie to watch?"

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