
A Chance

Chuck can't help but chuckle again. Not as how Susanne but at the thoughts that passed through his mind. She was so cute and innocent to this all he couldn't help but just feel that much closer to him.

"You scared you will make me more miserable? Trust me, I've seen my share of women who make me miserable and your definitely not one of them, even if we don't work out."

Shifting his weight for a moment Chuck looks down at the cd he was still holding. He new Susanne was scared of how she felt, he could see it in her eyes. He didn't want to push and make it worse, but he didn't want to back away either. It was a mixed emotion that was hard to figure out what one was right.

"You don't have to be miserable you know, your letting other choose that for you, along with yourself. It's your life and you can take controlle of it. I've left that ball in you court. All I want...it just a chance. A true, honest chance to show you, I'm not a bad guy. If I was I think you might of kicked my butt already and trust me I know you can, I've seen you in action."

Taking a few steps forward Chuck sets the cd down on the desk and takes a few more steps back. Sticking his hands in his pockets he stands quiet for a long moment. What had drawn him to Susanne other than her good look there was just something about her. She had a lot locked inside and maybe thats what he had sensed.

"As much as I'd like to ask you to dinner by the pond on this nice night now, I really did just want to give you the cd. So if you'd like me to leave now so you can get back to work, I can."

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