

Wyatt could hear a weariness in Hope's voice, and he wonders if it was more than her just being physically tired. But then... her boyfriend was still at Brookshire - that would be enough to make anyone a bit weary.

"How about tomorrow then? I can get her things together and bring her over on my lunch break, if that will work." He stands up again and watches as Domino slowly gets up from her bed and wanders to the window by the door. Putting her paws on the window sill she tries to look out into the dark street and just stays there for the longest time.

Susanne rolls her eyes. "I'm only ready if you quit with the compliments for a while. I can't handle so many in one night."

Tossing him a crooked grin, she goes to grab her purse and her jacket as well. "Let's go before I change my mind."

Getting outside, she locks the house then follows Chuck to the motorcycle. After putting on her helmet, she climbs on behind him and wraps her arms around his waist. Tonight... it didn't feel so awkward.

"Ryan, you..." Eli growls as she hangs up on him. Part of him couldn't blame her. He knew she was in love with Alec and he certainly knew how strong of a feeling that was. But he wished she had better sense than this. If it wasn't for the Agency, it wouldn't be so bad, but they were walking into a lion's den and it was stupid, to say the least.

Ty... Ty... Eli looks at the note again. His eyes narrow. Crumpling the paper in his fist, he throws it towards the trash can. It misses and goes bouncing onto the floor, but Eli is already gone...

...Ty props open the men's bathroom door as he cleans, mopping the floors, cleaning toilets then cleaning the sink and mirror. He didn't exactly enjoy this sort of work, but he sometimes liked being alone in the quiet and he could have a far worse job than this. Maybe sometime he could -

His thoughts are brought to a screeching halt as someone grabs him from behind. He hadn't been paying a bit of attention - he'd let his mind wander too far that he hadn't even heard anyone come into the bathroom. Being whipped around and slammed face-first up against the wall, he winces and tries to break free, but his opponent felt very strong. "Let me go!" he shouts.

"Not on your life," came the hissed reply.

Ty glares at the voice and shifts his weight just enough to bring an elbow back into his adversary's gut. Released for just a moment, it's the split second he needs to duck out from under the arms and twist around to see who it was. Startled, he pauses for too long and is slammed into the wall again, this time with a forearm up against his throat. "Eli..."

Eli's eyes flash with anger. "Good memory." He'd only see this guy a time or two when he'd come in to talk with Reese. "Where is my sister?"

"How should I know?"

"Where is she?! I know you helped her and I know she's with Carson. Now I want to know where they're going and I want to know now."

"I don't know."

"You do too!" Eli puts more pressure on Ty's windpipe. "Talk, or you'll regret it."

"North!" Ty lands a kick to Eli's shins, breaking free for the second time. Backing towards the door with his hands up, he tries to avoid a fight. "I don't know where they're at now, alright? We don't even know for sure where Alec is - it's all a guess until we get more intel. You've got to believe me." As he backs closer to the door, he suddenly runs into another body and jumps to the side. He's relieved though, to see that it's Hal.

"What is going on here?" Hal demands.

Eli sighs and throws up his arms. "Just someone not wanting to see his sister get killed."

Hal frowns. "Eli, right?"


"Mmmm... what's Ty got to do with this?"

Ty rolls his eyes. "I helped Ryan hook up with Carson and they went after Alec. That's it. If Eli doesn't kill me now, Reese probably will, so apparently I'm doomed either way."

Hal smirks a little. "Do you ever learn?" He shakes his head and looks back to Eli. "Well instead of killing anybody, how about you just calm that temper of yours and we sit and talk, huh?"

Carson glances over at Ryan, letting his imagination fill in the blanks about the phone call. He was sure that Eli was none too happy about all of this. And he couldn't blame him. But he and Ryan were on the road and they weren't about to turn around now. This was too important.

So the hours drag on as does the night. A stopover for sleep doesn't happen until the light of dawn begins to spread across the sky, and even then, the rest is over too quickly before they're driving once again. Wyoming never seemed farther away.

...It was early morning yet when they have to stop for gas and Carson pulls into a little station. "Want any breakfast?" he asks Ryan.

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