

Keeping her arm around Kip and feeling his hands grasp on to it Karla new she had done the right thing. He needed her even if he didn't say it. If she had stayed away it would of made things worse. She'd have to remember to thank Gran double.

"How could I ever get to tired of you? Your way to important to me for that to happen."

Giving a little squeeze but not to hard knowing Kip was still sore she just wanted it to feel like a little hug to him. Her heart broke in a million peace but this wasn't about her and her heart. This was about Kip and no matter how she felt it was a million times worse for him. She had to remember that.

"I though you didn't want me to come anymore, but...I couldn't leave you a lone!"

Katie could feel her stomach twist and turn she felt like she would be sick but her own anger was holding it back. But at the same time she felt sad, upset and couldn't help that maybe she had been wrong. Was she really what Eric had said? He was talking about the whole family but she was part of the family and it really hurt.

Letting some of the tears roll out of her eyes and down her cheeks as she watch Eric leave Katie just stood there. She hurt in so many ways she wouldn't even know how to describe it. Looking down at her Dad finally Katie tried to give a smile but it wouldn't come. The night had been ruined for everyone.

"I'm going to take a drive and cool down. I think I'll go get some ice cream for everyone that might salvage some of this night."

Grabbing her keys from the counter and her jacket Katie heads for the door. Heading to her car she stops. Walking today would be better and the fresh air would do her good. Turning and heading down the side walk once more in the direction of the store Katie finally lets her emotions unclog enough to realize Jason was talking to her.

Hey J, sorry about that got a little heated. Uncle Eric came to visit and he introduced us to his fiance. It was going pretty good thought there was something strange about her and not what I pictured him falling for.

Katie sticks her hands in her pockets letting out a sigh and than taking in another deep breath to keep her cool again. Just talking about it or thinking about it made her upset still.

It was going pretty well till he left the room to look for his cell phone. Than she started in on Ryder and Thirteen. Judging them for there relationship and accusing them of horrible things. Before long we were trying to stick up for them and she was judging us all. It just went from bad to worse and Eric finally stormed out with her yelling and saying some hurtful things.

Katie felt bad she had put Jason though that without even thinking or giving him a warning knowing it must have been uncomfortable for him. She was happy he was there now and it was someone she could talk to.

As Ryder eases down on the couch Thirteen can feel herself bury a little deeper into him. She felt horrable and hurt so badly by this whole thing. A million things ran through her mind she'd lost over the time of being away from the Agency. Now they all rushed back to her and her horrible experience there. Looking up at Ryder Thirteen's look was one of a puppy who had done something wrong. Was this her fault?

"I'm...I'm sorry. I'm ok I think. I hurt, but I just...didn't mean to make anymore mad."

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