
Welcome to my world

Three days. Justin leans his elbows on his knees and rests his face in his hands for a moment. Snippets of his experience make their way through the fog in his mind. The onset of getting sick... taking up residence on the couch... nightmares...

Justin lifts his face. Nightmares. Shouts of agony. Bits and pieces were returning to him, along with a stark realization. "I talked... a lot... didn't I?" He glances to Beth, but doesn't need an answer. He already knew.

Leaning back into the couch again, he sighs deeply. "Three days - I think I owe you some sort of a thanks, but just saying it doesn't seem like enough." He turns his head to look at her, letting his eyes fall to hers for a long moment. Something was different. He wasn't sure what it was, but for a strange second or two, it felt as though they were a lot closer than they had been several days ago.

"Um... I feel like a truck ran over me, but I think my head's back on straight again." He attempts a little smile. "No food yet, but some tea would be nice... if... you don't mind?"

Ten minutes later, Justin was settled back in the corner of the couch with one knee propped up to support his cup of tea, while his other foot was tucked up under himself. He had fallen very quiet as his recollection of the past week had begun to reemerge in his mind. He also remembered at least one nightmare and could just barely remember waking up with a scream. He knew Beth had been there - not only had he probably scared her, but she was probably quite confused as well.

Once again, his eyes drift to hers and rest there for several moments... those eyes that somehow were able to get him to do just about anything, whether she knew it or not. Physically, he was over the worst of it. Emotionally, he was still in anguish. Maybe he couldn't remember everything from the last couple days, but instincts told him that enough had happened that he owed her an explanation.

Glancing down, Justin takes another sip of tea. There was a strange stillness in the air, as if the atmosphere knew it was his turn to speak and was waiting on him.

"I, um... I'm sorry that you had to see me go through what I did." His voice was perhaps a bit quieter than normal. Gone was the confident tone that proclaimed he had everything under control. No, this time, it was just him exposing the rawness that Beth had already caught a glimpse of through his incoherent rants.

Looking back up her, his expression is something like a mix of a smile and a wince. He had never intended to let her in on this level of his personal life. He had always kept up his guard, being the strong, knowing one, no matter how he was feeling on the inside. It's what he did. It's how he helped other people who needed a strong person to help them. He'd perfected the art of always being "fine" to whomever he spoke - even Beth - and his personal life stayed neatly tucked behind a thick veil that very few had the privilege of seeing behind. He had discovered how to offer small talk and give the other person just enough information to make them feel as though they were getting to know him, when in reality, his world was very different from the one he had learned to paint for the public - even Beth.

"A... few days ago, my brother showed up at my mom's." Did she even know he had a brother? Probably not. He goes on anyway. "He, um... apparently still blames me for our dad's death." He knew he'd let Beth in on how his dad had died, so she'd understand this part at least. "We got into it and I lost my temper."

Justin's eyes drop from Beth's once more as his discomfort increases. "I wound up punching him in the mouth. Justified or not, it was stupid and... apparently Ma saw me do it. So now Jared's the angel and she's so scared of me and my violence that she doesn't even want to see me."

That in itself was enough to make Justin's stomach lurch again. To think his own mother was afraid of him was despicable. Yes, he lost his temper, but a violent man he was not. Gritting his teeth, he tries to move on, though he knew that Beth surely could read the look on his face. "In the meantime, I found out that my friends like to talk about me behind my back. Apparently I'm a judgmental know-it-all that can't see past himself and doesn't deserve to have any friends." At this point, he honestly didn't know if that were true or not. He hadn't thought he was judgmental or any of that, but... if that's the way they saw him, then perhaps he'd been blind to his own actions this whole time.

He shrugs lamely as his fingers rub the warm cup of tea. "I guess after my failure with Scott, that shouldn't have come as a surprise." His eyes dare to glance at her for a moment before retreating again. "And to top it off, all this stuff happened after Rebecca and I broke up." Saying it aloud for the first time sent a pang straight through his heart.

Before he can stop it, tears sting his eyes, though he manages to keep them from falling. It felt like his entire life was a mess. To some, his problems might seem petty. But everything that had gone wrong revolved around the most important things to him. His mother... his friendships... his girlfriend... his career. It was all a mess.

He swallows hard, trying to stay in control. Thankfully, his prior breakdown had taken enough energy that he was relatively safe at the moment. But it didn't mean that it hurt less. Everything hurt so badly... each thing that had been piled on top of the other cut deeply and painfully.

Lifting his eyes, he forces himself to look back to Beth. She had now seen him at his very worst. She'd stayed for the last few days, nursing him and making sure he was okay. What would she think of him now? Would she be sorry she came? Opening his mouth, his voice is barely above a whisper now. "Welcome to my world, Beth Parker."

Having Scarlet move to his lap, Eli grins and lets her, rather enjoying it. "You're book's the only one that counts," he muses. "I..." His voice trails off as she moves in to kiss him. Sliding his arms around her, he squeezes her tight, deepening their kiss without caring they were in public. His hand rub her back as he's reminded of just why he'd made the decision to stay. He loved everything about her and wouldn't know what to do if he were to lose her.

How many minutes had passed were unknown, but he eventually draws back slowly with several lighter kisses until he can see her eyes again. Smiling, he leans his head back against the tree and reaches up to cradle Scarlet's face with his hand. His thumb caresses her cheek warmly. "You're the best, you know that?"

Was that a smile that was toying with the corners of Dylan's mouth? He quirks an eyebrow at Dan. "Me? Help keep her in line? You kidding?"

Pulling out a chair, he eases down across from them. "That's your job from now on. Good luck."

Jade smirks and kicks under the table but Dylan had known it was coming and shifts his shins out of the way. Jade rolls her eyes. "And to what do we owe this pleasure?"

Dylan shrugs. "I dunno." Truth? He just didn't want to admit that he was feeling rather lonely lately. And though he was relatively quiet as the meal starts, a part of him was glad he had decided to come sit with his sister and Dan. Mick and Rosetta weren't that far away but... it would be a while before Dylan would know how to approach that one on his own.

A familiar semi slowly pulls into the ranch driveway, void of a trailer. It's maneuvered skillfully off to the side out of the way, coming to a halt in its normal place. It wasn't unusual for Eric to stay at the ranch when he had days in between runs - it was his first choice if he was in the area and could make it to his next pick-up in time.

Tonight though, something was different. Tonight, Eric was not alone in his truck cab.

Swinging down from the rig, he's quick to turn, offering a hand up to a petite woman who scoots over to the door before sliding out. Halfway down, her foot slips and she winds up half-falling out of the cab and sprawling into Eric, knocking him off balance too. Eric loses control and starts to laugh, while the woman falls into a fit of giggles.

"I'm sorry," she gasps between her giggling. "I just slipped and... and down I went!"

"Good thing I was here." Eric laughs and gives her a squeeze. "Otherwise you mighta fallen and scratched up that pretty face of yours."

She smirks and reaches a hand up to pat his cheek. "You rugged charmer, you."

"Mmm, a shave I need. I think you're the charmer though."

"Oh, no, you are."

"Uh-uh." Eric leans in closer. "You are."

"No, no..." She grins as he nears.

"Oh yes." He plants a kiss on her lips before grinning at her again.

She giggles once more. "See?"

"What? Don't enjoy it?"

"In your dreams."

"Ooh, I got lots of dreams."

"Oh yeah? Am I in any of them?"

Eric turns and pulls her towards the main house, with his arm still around her shoulders. "I think I'm gonna take the fifth."

"Ha!" The woman leans into him, her high heels crunching on the gravel as they walk. "Next time you talk in your sleep, I'm gonna pay more attention."

Eric steps up on the porch and quirks an eyebrow. "I don't talk in my sleep."

"Uh... yes, you do."

"I do not."

The woman grins and matches his quirked eyebrow. "Got a tape recorder?"

"Okay, time to meet the family." Erick goes for the doorknob.

She laughs and shakes her head. "You sure are changing the subject a lot tonight."

"I have a right," he defends, humor twinkling in his eye.

Inside, supper was half over. Tonight, most were eating together, even Clint and Wendy. The room was full of conversation and a little bit of laughter as everyone discusses their days, work and what the plans were for the weekend. As the door opens though, the chatter dies down and eyes look to see who was coming.

"Heeeey, Eric!" Clint waves.

Jim leans back in his chair to see too, and smiles. "Eric, man - didn't know you were pulling in!"

Eric's smile widens as he comes in with the woman. "Yeah well, the road curved this direction so... what else was I supposed to do?"

Mick watches from a few tables over as he sits next to Rosetta. Though he smiles at seeing his brother-in-law, his eyes roam to the woman, wondering who she was, and surprised to see Eric's arm around her.

Jim chuckles and waves him over. "Who's your friend?"

"This... is Dana." Eric comes closer to the others, moving Dana a little bit in front of him. "She's gonna hang out here a few days until I pull out again." He looks around expectantly.

The pause that followed was a strange one. It wasn't normal that someone wasn't greeted warmly and immediately. But for some reason, it took a moment for anyone to react. Perhaps it was the way her hand rested on Eric's waist, or the way his arm was slung around her shoulders. Perhaps it was her high-heels, tight slacks and painted nails that would seem to conflict with the atmosphere of the ranch.

Becky was the first on her feet, clearing her throat, then offering a handshake. "Hi, Dana. I'm-"

"Becky, right?" Dana smiles and shakes her hand loosely.

"Um... yes."

Dana giggles. "Eric's done a very good job telling me about everyone here."

Eric rolls his eyes. "Can I help it that I talk about my family?"

"In the morning, in the afternoon, in you're sleep, in-"

Eric's hand comes up to clamp over her mouth. "Okay, so introductions are over. Any food left, or do I have to go back into town?"

Dana grins and pulls his hand down, throwing him a silly look.

Mick's eyebrows were quite high and his gaze gives Rosetta a strange sidelong glance. Had Dana just said what he thought she... He stops his brain and lets his manners override the funny feeling he was experiencing. "Come on over, Eric... Dana. There's room here. We'll get you set up with some supper. Tonight's a chili night."

"Thanks." Eric's hand slides down to Dana's to guide her to the other table, pulling out a chair for her before seating himself next to her. Leaning his elbows on the table, his eyes go to his sister as they sparkle with life. "Howdy, Sis."

Dana's eyes widen and she speaks without giving Rosetta time to respond to Eric. "Ohh, you must be Rosetta. If there's anyone Eric talks about the most, it would be you." She chuckles as her fingers fiddle with her long necklace. "I'm so glad I finally get to meet the woman who can handle a place like this. It just boggles my mind how anyone could survive out in the middle of nowhere."

"That's the beauty of ranch life, Hun." Eric grins. "Bein' out in the middle of nowhere with the people you love."

"Mmm...well, I suppose it would have some advantages."

Eric gives a slight jump and coughs to cover up a laugh, glad that they couldn't see Dana's hand on his thigh under the table.

Mick clears his throat and stands, letting Rosetta take over wherever she wanted to. "I'll go get you two a couple of bowls of chili. You just sit right there."

Watching from their corner, Jade's eyes were wide. She had full view of Eric and Dana and she wasn't quite sure what to think. Eric had been on a run for a couple weeks, and as far as she knew, there was no Dana before that. They looked awfully close though, and Dana was clearly teasing Eric in a way no stranger should - especially in public.

Jade glances beside her at Dan, question in her gaze.

Dylan catches on to her uneasiness and he looks over at Eric and Dana as well, quirking an eyebrow. He just shrugs though and turns back to his bowl of chili. It wasn't any of his nevermind. Eric was his uncle of sorts now, but he wasn't about to stick his nose in where it didn't belong.

On the other side of the room, similar feelings to Jade's were stirring. Sparky cocks his head slightly, just watching Eric and the newcomer for several moments. He usually wasn't one to judge without getting to know a person, but there was definitely a strange air about Dana. She just... well, he couldn't put his finger on it, but there was, without a doubt, something about her that could be felt instantly as she'd entered the room. It wasn't just that she stuck out like a sore thumb. No, it was more than that. Eric sure seemed happy though, so maybe Sparky was just letting his imagination get the best of him.

He turns his head a little and gives Faith a smile. His family hadn't much approved of them being together either, and their engagement hadn't exactly had great results as far as reactions went - but slowly, they were getting used to it, and he and Faith couldn't be happier. Who was he to begrudge Eric happiness?

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