
Spontaneous date

Hearing Eric's name, both Trent and Jeff glance up, though they try not to eavesdrop. It was impossible though, as Katie says the word "fiance." Both men blink and stare at her. Jeff's jaw drops and Trent almost falls over the arm of the couch as he backs into it. Neither one said anything yet, though both were dying to know what this was about.

On the other end of the line, Eric chuckles. "Yeah, well, she's got a little craze in her herself." Pausing, he mulls over his second response. "Uh... yeah, we've been at the ranch. Not for long though since we hit the road again. Listen, I gotta get off the phone while I drive, but crashing on the couch, floor, wherever sounds fine. We'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Ryder lets Thirteen support him on the way to the kitchen, and once they were there, he steals a quick kiss to her lips. "Mmm... I like the company but..." He bites his lip. He did miss curling up with her on the couch in the evenings. Grinning, he brushes her cheek with the back of his hand before getting back on task. "Crackers... cheese... what do you want me to do, other than stare at you 'cause I can't help it?"

Mick cringes a little, not having wanted Rosetta to be any more upset with Eric. He reaches up and takes her hand from his face, giving her fingers a loving squeeze. "Don't be sorry - it's not your fault. And yes, I still want to go to lunch. If anyone has a problem with the way I look, I'll just tell them my wife got mad at me."

Giving her a teasing smirk, he tugs her towards the door. "C'mon... it's not very often I get a spontaneous date with you. Let's get out of here before somebody needs us."

Pete sighs as he's left alone in the interrogation room. He didn't know what he could have done differently, but he felt guilty anyway. What if he'd broken the news more gently? What if he'd said things using a different perspective? What if...

He shakes his head and aims back to the hall and to his cubicle where he sits for a few minutes, mulling over the entire dilemma. If he knew Cindy, she'd want to meet Trey. He could only hope that by the time that happened, that Trey would be ready and willing for it to happen. If not, this whole thing would just be one big heartache.

Glancing at the clock, Pete notes that the noon hour is shot. But that didn't mean he couldn't have a late lunch. Grabbing his phone, he dials without needing to look up the number. Smiling, he leans back in his chair. "Hey, Nikki, it's me. Thought maybe we'd do lunch... or if you've already eaten, ice cream... if you've got time today?"

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