

Now clean and refreshed Karla entered the Gran's house once again. Knowing she didn't need to knock she only hesitated a little bit before entering again. Last time she had knocked on the door Gran had giving her a long talk about how she was family now too and could come right in.

About to head up the steps to Kip's room Karla catchs sight of as shadow in the kitchen one she had seen before and re routs heading there now. Entering she in hails a little something sure did smell good.

"I think sometimes people end up at Gran's house simply because they can smell her cooking from a mile away."

Coming into the kitchen more and over to where Kip was Karla smiles and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek. She was feeling a little better now than she had been this morning even if her heart still hurt for Kip.

"So what did she cook for us today?"

Beth gives a bigger smile with how excited Justin sounded. It was nice to know it sounded good to him. That a lone said he was feeling a little better to think that food sounded good and it made Beth happy. It had been hard seeing him so sick but taking care of him really had been nice to know she could help.

"Oh Danitza showed up at the house. I guess she got loose some how and she new where to find me. So I came back here with her and than found you."

Thinking back Beth remembers when the dog had first shown up. Now stopping and thinking about it again she relized how smart they really must be to have found her. It really did amaze her, and she thought it was more amazing that they new it was her they should come to.

"Your dogs really are smart being able to find where a was such a long ways away."

Looking up as her brother comes into the room Rosetta gives a smile. No matter what had happened yesterday she still loved him and liked having him around. Looking into his eyes though and seeing the clouded look Rosetta cocks her head a little. It was unlike her brother to ever look so down and he'd had it rough a few times.

"Hey Eric, good to see you this morning."

Expecting a some what nice response back Rosetta is thrown for a loop with his reply. His words seem to cut like a knife. His attitude was completely changed twords her now and Rosetta felt at a lose on what to do. Her brother and her had, had disagreements before but they always gotten over them. This one...it seemed so small but so big too.

"Eric I am willing to accept Dana, I just wanted you to becarful. You know my instincts have never seared me wrong so I just wanted you aware."

Rosetta new by the look in his eye that he wouldn't not be changing his mind and nothing she said would really make a difference. It pained her to know that her brother was leaving angry but there was nothing she could do. Maybe Jeff, and Trent would react better.

"Giving me a call Eric so I know all is well. I love you bro."

Once Eric was gone Rosetta let out a long sigh before picking up the phone and dialing Mick's cell. Wendy was watching BJ for her today since she had off, and BJ liked spending time with Chance maybe this could give her a little needed alone time with Mick.

"Hey Sweety, a few things. I was wondering if you wanted to do lunch today? I could use a little get away time and I though it might be nice. Also Eric said he's leaving as soon as he cleans his rig out, and he told me to tell you sorry. Whats that about?"

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