

Letting out a sigh as Eric gets up and turns to leave Rosetta could see the hurt on her brothers face, and could hear it in his tone of voice too. She hadn't wanted to hurt him and she tried her best not to be bossy or mean about it but some how she hurt him anyways.

Looking to Mick Rosetta's eyes were a tad bit sad. She felt something in the wind and just from her personal experiences of being able to read people she didn't like her feeling and tend to listen to her. Something wasnt right and there would be much sadness. Rosetta could only hope for once she would be wrong.

"I don't like it Mick, I don't like it at all."

Letting out another sigh and standing Rosetta takes whats left of the coffee cups and prepared to go to the dinning room. She had to set up the coffee pot and get a few other things for the guys in the morning when they woke up before work and her mind just seemed to full to want to sleep. She wasn't sure if Mick was heading back to the house now or not.

"Where you going to stay here and help me get this stuff ready or are you going to head back to BJ?"

Giving a smile to Justin again Beth could feel the heat return to her cheeks as she turned slightly red. To have Justin say he was proud of her really did make Beth feel good on the inside and like she was starting to really build on who she was.

"Something light for dinner, I think I can handle that. Maybe I could make some home made french onion soup, and some tomato and basil grilled sandwiches."

Beth really did like cooking for someone else. It was nice, and gave her a chance to test her skills. Having company to talk with while eating was nice too. For sure she though Justin might want some alone time but she was happy he had said yes to her offer to come back.

"Of course I don't mind. Thats why I offered."

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