

Eli grins again and takes another bite of his sandwich before leaning his head over to rest against Scarlet's. "Well, I guess it's a good thing you like spending time with me. Otherwise all the work you did to find out about me might all be in vain."

Chuckling, he lifts his head and turns to her, his eyes twinkling. A peck on her nose follows. "Life would be way too boring without my Scarlet."

Gram gives Karla a wide smile and shakes her head. "I never outdo myself, Sweety. Come - have some breakfast." She motions to an empty chair and the more-than-enough food.

Erik offers Karla a smile too, though his eyes study her face, wondering how she was doing, and how Kip was doing. It was hard to tell, but something in her eye said that things could be better. "Good morning, Karla. How ya doing?"

Justin's hand lingers on Beth's face for another moment or two before it gently draws away and returns to his cup of tea. "I'm glad it makes you feel good. It should." He takes another sip of tea before his eyes return to her. "You should feel good about yourself more often. You deserve it."

A yawn overtakes him and he sighs, setting his cup of tea on the table. Something seemed to want to stay awake and talk to Beth more, but his body just wouldn't cooperate any longer. Slowly leaning over in the couch, he lies on his side and pulls the blanket up, looking for a moment back at Beth. He didn't know how long she would stay, but he really was thankful she had been here thus far. "I think I'm falling asleep again," he mumbles as his eyes fall shut. "I'll see you in the... um... my dreams."

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