
A promise

Running her hand gentily through Kip's hair Erik didn't have to tell Karla where he was going she already new because in her heart she new it was the right thing and making sure he was ok and nothing more on the inside was wrong that what they could see.

Getting the the hospital and listing to Kip and Erik go at it Karla just continues to run her hand through his hair and sooth him. She felt bad for him, and broken herself that really there was nothing more she could do. She wanted to take the pain away but there was no way for her to do that.

"Kip you want to go home right? I want to go home with you. But Erik is pretty ferm on this one and I don't think I can even change his mind. Not to mention Kyle is driving your car so I can't even kidnap you and drive away. So the longer we still here and tell him now, the longer its going to be before we go home."

Giving the best encouraging smile she could it was all she could do to keep herself from crying. What had happened to Kip was horrible, and it angered her. Tear boiled in her eyes but she had to stay strong to Kip's sake.

"I'll stay with you and I promise I wont leave you. You don't even have to answer any questions if you don't want to ok?"

Sitting with Justin and listing to him take it was hard to understand what he was saying. She didn't know who Jared was, but from bits and peaces here and there she gathered enough info to at least understand a little and her heart broke.

"It hurts because we are human, and people are cruel because they don't feel good enough about themselves."

Seeing Justin gives a shiver Beth goes for another blanket and puts it around him. Her heart broke for her friend. Even if she didn't know the whole story from what she could gather she could see the pain that was lingering.

Taking his hand in her own to look at the cut Beth could feel her stomach twist and turn at the sight of the blood. It looked like a deep cut but it already had started to clot so stitches were really not needed. Just keeping his hand in her own Beth runs her fingers over his skin. She never noticed how soft it felt before.

"A heart will heal over time with tender love and care."

Those words spoken from Beth's mouth seemed to sting her own eyes as she said them. A wounded heart trying to heal...Beth wondered some days if her's ever would too and it had started too. With Justin's friendship very slowly it was starting to heal.

Seeing Justin shiver again Beth moves closer to him and slips her arms over his shoulders pulling him twords her. It almost felt normal and not awkward at all. Bringing him close to her Beth buts the blankets over her own legs and than both over him. Maybe she could use a little of her own warmth to keep him warm too. Having him lean his head on her chest Beth lied sideways on the couch so he could lay next to her and her arms could remain around him.

"I wont leave Justin...not yet. Not till I know you're going to be ok. I promise I wont leave you."

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