
Help First

Just staying there with Kip and doing her best to comfort him Karla didn't care how long they stayed there. If they were going to sit there all day it was fine by her. Kip needed to see someone about his injures but he needed someone who wouldn't push him even more. Her heart was breaking and somewhere inside she couldn't help but feel like was partly her fault. What if she had asked him not to go too? Would he still have gone or would he had been spared from this pain?

As he shifts a little Karla shifts too just watching him as he pulls his hood back. Seeing the damage done to his face it crushed Karla. How could anyone do something like this to there child? A person like that should be shot that was for use. Though she was surprised and shocked her face expression did not change from anything but love and care for Kip. If it had it might have made things worse.

"I am sure it does hurt Kip, but we can take it slow. We can go as slow or as fast as you want but I'm not going to leave you."

Karla's fingers find Kips as she very softly runs her hand over his. She wanted him to know she was there. That she cared and still loved him no matter what had happened her thoughts about him, everything she new he was hadn't changed in the least bit.

"You don't have to talk to anyone right now Kip if you don't want too, but please let us get you some place warm before you catch death of cold. I don't want to see that happen."

She didn't know if Kip would come or not but she meant what she said. If he didn't than she would stay there in the cold with him. She wasnt going to leave him again when he needed her. He'd been there for her and now...now she was going to return the favor if he wanted it or not He was way to important to her to just leave him abandoned.

Taking fingers from his hand and resting them gently on his chin Karla lifts his face so she could look into his one good eye. She didn't care what his face looked like she still loved him and cared for him that much was undeniable.

"You mean the world to me Kip, now and forever. If we are gonna stay here a little bit though I am going to go out to the car and grab the first aid kit I know Erik keeps there..ok? You just let me know if you want to stay a little while longer, or if you want to go."

Waiting while Susanne walked to her car and started it up Chuck new she would be ok now. Not that if anyone had tried to jump her on the short walk she wouldn't have been able to defend herself but it just made him fell better knowing she got to her car safely.

Finally giving a wave Chuck pulls away his mind so full, and his heart feeling the same. Then flutters that moves around inside him was a nice a feeling. Susanne was certainly different and he loved it. She was sweet, nice, kind and didn't try to be anyone but herself.

Just enjoying the night ride Chuck decides to take the long way home. It had been a nice time out, and dinner was enjoyable. Riding he felt free and it was peaceful to him. Things seemed to be falling into place now. All in God's time thats what Chuck had to remember. It was all in his time.

Sitting reading a book Beth jumps as the silence in the house is shattered by the sound of scratching and a bark that rings through the night. Looking to the door Beth waits and listens as her heart races. Hearing the scratching again and hearing another whimper and bark Beth couldn't help but feel like she new that bark. Was...Justin here? Why would he like the dogs bark like that if he was and not knock on the door?

Standing and going to the door slowly Beth looks out. Not seeing anyone she opens the door to be greeted by one of Justin's dogs. Bending out to scratch Danitza behind the ears Beth looks to the driveway for Justin's car. Not seeing it Beth couldn't help but feel a little bit of panic. How did the dog get here if Justin hadnt been around? It was a long way to run.

"What are you doing here mmm? Did you get loose from Justin? Come on you lets see if we can call to see where he is ok!"

Bringing the dog inside and closing the door behind her Beth goes to the phone and dials Justin's home number. Not getting an answer she than dials his cell and still gets nothing. Looking down at the dog again Beth could see an eager look in the dog's eye maybe even one that said she was uneasy or upset. It seemed to make Beth worry just a little more.

"Should we take a nice drive out there? At least I can tie you up again if he's not there so he wont worry."

Patting the dog on the head again Beth grabs her jacket and puts it on before taking her keys. She could tell something wasn't right. Patting her leg so the dog would follow Beth opens her car door so she could jump in and than gets in her side. Trying Justin's phone one more time as she pulled out of the parking lot.

...An hour later Beth was pulling into Justin's driveway. How she found her way back here after only coming once she wasn't sure but it was easier than one would expect. Going up the driveway and seeing Justin's truck in the drive way Beth's heart raced even more. If Justin was home why hadn't he answered his phone.

Looking to Danitze Beth's eyes held worry. Getting out and having the dog follow Beth made her way up to the porch, seeing Zora sitting by the door Beth gives her a small nod. Knocking on the door she waited. Knocking again she waited. Getting no answer she check the door and seeing it up locked she push it open.

"Justin...its Beth..Danitze found her way to my house some how. Justin...are you here?"

Silence was the only thing to meet her as she entered. Stepping into the dim lit room Beth saw a light in the kitchen on and heads that way. She couldn't help the cold chill the ran down her spine. Entering and seeing the mess on the floor Beth stops and her heart races even more. It felt like her hole body had gone cold. This was not right. Turning quickly Beth check the bathroom and finds nothing before going to the living room where the dogs had gone.

Seeing Justin laying on the floor Beth freezes. A million thoughts run through her mind. Blood laid in different spots and pictures as clear as day ran around her brain. Her parents, everything that happened the blood.

Giving a shake of her head Beth looked down at Justin's still body again. He needed her...she couldn't freak out. Going to him and placing a hand on his neck Beth's heart continues to race but feeling Justin's pulse seemed to calm her a little he was a live.

"Justin, It's Beth can you hear me? What happened? Here see if you can get up on the couch for me and off the floor."

Being gentile Beth does her best to try and help Justin up off the floor and onto the couch. Feeling his head with her palm she can feel he has a fever. He must be sick. Thinking for a moment she wondered if he needed to go to the hospetil or if he could stay here. She'd never had to help someone who was sick before.

"When was the last time you had anything to eat or drink Justin?"

If he was at least a little coharent that was good she it meant he was not in a danger stage. He could stay here and she could try to help him. If he got worse than she would take him some where. For now he would be ok she hoped.

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