
Day unfolds

Thirteen can't help but smile again. Having her dad here, with her and Ryder...it felt so nice. There were so many emotions that ran through her it was hard to really explain any of them. The idea of lunch makes her smile even more as she stands.

Giving a little jump as the door opens without expecting it Thirteen's eyes widen a little bit. Who would be coming in the house at this house. Shifting a little and moving a few steps closer to Ryder she waits to see what happens.

Seeing Jason, Katie and Jeff enter Thirteen relaxes a little bit knowing everything was ok. But still a worry passed in her eyes seeing Jason and Katie both looking a little waired down. Ryder had explained to her about Kaite and Jason's special ability but it was all hard to understand.

Looking up at Trent, Thirteen and Ryder as she entered with Jason and her dad Katie gave the best smile she could.

"Even if it was a short one, it was a long one too. Sorry if we bothered you guys."

Seeing Trent give a little wave to her Katie smiles and gives a wave with a nod back as she keeps walking though just trying to get Jason to lay down for now. She'd be able to talk to him a little more later.

"Bed or the couch J? Whatever is more comfortable for you just let me know."

Looking to her Uncle Jeff Thirteen smiles. It was nice to see him again, and to just know that her family was here. It felt good to know she had family, people who loved and cared for her too.

"Hi Uncle Jeff."

Moving around Ryder a little Thirteen goes over to him and puts her arms around him in a hug. Taking in a deep breath she could smell the ranch on him. Closing her eyes the smile grew just a little more. Some people wouldn't like the smell but she did, it was almost comforting.

Pulling away from the hug and just looking around at everyone who was in the room now Thirteen nodded a little in a matter of fact manor.

"I guess we will get lunch ready for everyone since you are all here. I'm sure everyone is hungry."

Trey gives a chuckle as his eyes still scan hers looking if it was sinking in what he told her, if the shock had not hit yet, or if she simply didn't care.

"Yeah well, I got times I have to be back in by, though Pete's helped me break those already and time I need to check in but...sooner or later that will end. As for my own wheels I'm work on the money for that."

Taking another peace of his food and chewing on it with through. It wouldn't take him to long to get the money together. With a care a little more freedom would come he was sure of it and that along made him feel a little better.

"Nah, not really rough...just normal. But my parents are over protective. I'd have to say the real tough part was being uprooted and treated like a prisoner. Guess it could of been work though right?"

Hearing the door open and seeing Susanne walks out finally a smiles. The day seemed to fly by. Keeping himself busy he tinkered with his bike a little, watched people and cars go by, and believe it or not even napped a little bit.

"Well there she is. I though maybe you didn't even come into work today."

Getting off his bike his smile just grows a little more Susanne's confustion tickling him a little but not minding or paying much attachen to it much. Going over to her and giving giving her a small hug with a kiss to the cheek he takes a few steps back.

"It was my answer for lunch. Now I want to ask you to come to dinner thats a whole other question I need an answer too. I hope you'll say yes because I have the whole night with nothing to do so the company would be nice."

In the dim light Chuck's dark eyes glittered his smile still on his face. Though his hair was matted down a little from his helmet, there was still a messy look to it that a good set of fingers could set right.

Hearing the knock on the door Beth hurrys to answer it. Opening it and seeing Justin along with the two dogs she couldn't help the smile that formed on her face. It was always nice to see her friend.

"Hey, come on in guys. Oh a mixture of movies that should be fun."

Leaning down and patting the dogs on the head Beth steps back and opens the door more. The house smelled of the sauce that had been cooking a day and it was a bit cleaner than times before.

"I'm doing pretty good today. Meant all day making the sauce for tonight, and...I cleaned a little bit too. I figured it was time to move some stuff around."

Making her way back into the kitchen Beth new Justin would follow as she cut some of the breath and put butter on it for the garlic bread.

"How are doing today considering everything?"

Looking over Sparky into the other room where the tv and couch were a smile crosses Faith's lips. Sparky was very level headed, and down to earth but even he had is moments when he just needed to have a little extra attchen and it was those moments that made Faith love him even more.

"I could use a little snuggle time and a nice movie to fall asleep too."

Standing Faith takes Sparky's empty bowl and brings it to the sink before coming back over to him and taking his hand in her and leading him into the other room. Going to one of the old oak cabinets that held extra blankets Faith pulls one out before sitting down on the couch.

"So what should we watch tonight?"

Pulling away from Kip finally Karla just looks him deep in the eyes for a long moment. Hearing someones voice break through her thought Karla was finally aware of where they were again and what she had just done.


Karla takes a few steps back from Kip her cheeks turning a bright red color as she could feel the heat that only increased as she looked at the other faces that were looking back at her. Had she really done that in front of them all? That was so unlike her.

"I guess..you guys need to keep practicing now...right? Want...me...me and Alice to run and get some food?"

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