

Happy that even though Kip wasn't please but he would go Karla gives a smile. She wanted to have him ok, she wanted to know he would be ok. Though on this inside in his own mind he was far from fine at least she could make sure his body was ok and that was a start.

"Take it easy, I am pulling up the back."

Getting out of the car behind Kip she stays close but lets those two go first so she could hold down the back in case Kip faltered she could be there to catch him. Once inside the hospetil Karla did stay close and through all the paperwork she was there, the IV, the stitching and everything she as there never leaving his side.

Once everything was done and over with Karla helped Kip back out to the car. She new he wouldn't want to stay any longer than he had too, and she had promised they could leave as soon as it was done.

Sitting down like she had before and letting Kip put his head in her lap Karla brings her hand to his hair again and gentile strokes it. Looking at Erik and than down at Kip again she lets out a small sigh.

"I'll get some chicken nuggets Erik. Thanks!"

Looking down at Kip again she gives a small smile before leaning down a little bit and placing a small kiss on his lips. Karla hurt so much for Kip she just wished she could take it all away. She new he needed to eat and she didn't want to force him but because of the pain killers he had to eat something so his stomach would not get affected.

"Because of those pain killers Kip you should eat a little bit of something. How about a milk shake? The cold will feel good, and it will put something into your stomach too. Want to share one with me?"

Completely comfortable with how she was on the couch with Justin it even surprised Beth she didn't find this strange or uncomfortable. Doing her best to stay awake in the dimly lit room in case Justin needed her Beth just sat still her breath drawing in and out. Though soon her eyes were getting tired and dreams are what waited.

I get to help someone....I get a second chance....I can prove I can help people....I couldn't help Sarah but Justin he needs me...I can help him. Redemption....trust....friendship.

Justin's yell shatter's Beth's dreams and she sits up on the couch fast as well her heart pounding in her chest and her eyes wide as she looked at Justin. What was wrong? What happened?

As if he could ready her mind Justin words come about him being ok, and he was having a panic attack. Feeling her heart slow just a little Beth cocks her head slightly. A small chuckle seemed to escape her lips and her eyes gave a small twinkle for a moment. Even while he was sick he was trying to take of everyone but himself.

"Breath Justin. Just relax, and thank you for worrying about me but how about you worry about yourself for once and get better hmmm?"

Standing and picking the blankets off the ground Beth places them over Justin again. Looking into his eyes for a moment and seeing if he really didn't calm down he was going to pass out Beth thinks for a moment. She had to use her head on what to do here.

"I'll be right back I'm going to get you something to drink and a cool wash cloth for your head. Don't go running away on me ok?"

A small smile formed on Beth's face as she tried to make Justin smile. Heading to the kitchen and grabbing a cup from the cabinet Beth gets some OJ from the fridge and a few crackers for Justin to at least put something in his stomach.

Than moving to one of the draws she takes out a wash cloth and runs it under some cool water. It would help with Justin's temperature and calm him down a little bit as well. Coming back into the living room Beth gives a smile.

"Here you go, a little OJ to help kick your cold, and some crackers for your stomach."

Leaning close to Justin for a moment Beth places the washcloth on his head and holds it there for a moment her hand lightly brushing his face.

"Take some deep breaths, the cloth should help with the fever. Don't go passing out on me now...I really really don't want to dial 911."

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