
Whats going on?

Giving another smile and pulling on Jason's own happy feelings she was returning the love to him. She was so thankful he was so understanding, and that they had figured there special ability out. It made her feel good, special that they could share there emotions like no one else.

Thanks J, this means a lot. I'll catch up with you a little later. Need anything just call.

Turning back to her dad and giving a nod Katie was excited she would get to spend some time with her dad for lunch. It would be a great break in the busy day she needed.

"Ok we will see how Trent feels about it later than. I'd love for you guys to stay at the house."

Letting go of Jeff's hand and going around the cubical again she grabs her jacket and keys shutting off her monitor. Her work could wait for a little while and when she got back she could buckle down.

Heading out Katie laughs at the small back and forth with Jeff, Jason and Gunner. Get those three all together and they could be a ball of a time for anyone who new them. Finally trying to pull Jeff away though so the boys could get some work done she laughs and toss a wave over her shoulder heading to the elevator with Jeff.

"Ok Dad, we've got a half hour maybe even a little bit longer to have some catch up. Anything special you want to eat or you want to go? I'll drive where ever."

Sitting down with her dad on the couch and having Ryder join them Thirteen couldn't help but be happy. Hearing that everyone was ok, and so was Trent his awkwardness just seemed to pass her by as she didn't even pay any mind to it.

"I'm happy your here. And a little help would be nice. It might take a little stress off Ryder."

Thirteen looks to him and gives a smile. Though he didn't really say it she could tell he was bent out of shape for not being able to do the things he normally did for her. She didn't mind at all but she new it bothered him.

"Do you any place to stay? I am sure Katie wont mind if you stay here. It would be really nice. Ryder has taught me how to cool, and I work at Mom and Pop's with Carson and he lets me cook sometimes too. So I know how to make a few things."

Thirteen couldn't help but be excited. She wanted to cook for her dad and show him everything she had learned in the last few months. It was exciting to her, and she loved every moment.

Still sitting quietly in one of the chairs Misty gives a small smile to Jason as he enters the office. She didn't want there to be much tension but she new no matter what or how friendly they made this there still would be. It was just something they could not help right now.

Jason was a close friend to her and seeing the look of confusion on his face killed her. She new it would only get harder as they told him what this was about. Misty only hoped since Katie was not here, her close friendship with Jason could come into play if he got upset.

Looking to Reese Misty shakes her head a little. She had no way to help really, Reese words were just as good as hers would be right now as they tried to give the blow to Jason slowly and not full in your face.

Glancing back to Rick again Misty just continues to listen before looking to Jason once more. She was trying to read him, and his emotion levels. It took her a lot more concentration than it would take Katie because of there connection but Misty new she had to.

Seeing Jason start to get upset Misty moves forward in her chair a little. She would be there if her friend needed her but at the moment she didn't need to react, but she readied herself knowing it was coming. Hearing Rick's direction Misty leaves the office and moves quickly to the infirmary not bothering to say anything to anyone along the way going right to the cabinet and getting a needle ready.

As Rick enters and asks for the dose Misty has it in no time. Giving the shot to Jason and than laying her own hand on his arm Misty just wanted him to know she was there. Looking up at Rick she gives a nod. She'd call Katie and let her know what was going on and to come back so she didn't worry to much.

Getting to the restraint her dad had picked out Katie parks the car. Starting to get out she suddenly lets out a cry and she doubles over and her head rest on the steering wheel the pain that surged through was like the one she had felt before. No of Jason being cut off, but of his own emotions going haywire like there was something horribly wrong.

Remembering her dad was in the car Katie did her best to maintain control and not let her own emotion go haywire causing her dad any panic as he was probably doing all ready.

J...whats happening....whats going on? Are...are you ok?

Trying to grasp onto Jason's emotions its like she can't his own were pushing back so strong. Lifting her head and squinting her eyes a little the pain seemed to subside a tiny bit enough for her to drive.

Looking to her dad she could see the bit of worry on his face, her own look was one that apologized.

"Somethings wrong with Jason, I have to go back to work. We can grab lunch once I know everything is ok?"

Starting the car and taking is slow Katie heads back to work. Her phone going off makes her jump and she pulls it out. Seeing it was Misty her heart races knowing now something was wrong. Putting it on speaker phone she talks while she drives.

"Misty whats going on? Something is wrong with Jason!"

"Kate, he's ok he is here at TJY."

"I felt his emotions spike as I doubled over in pain. They are faint now...but I can still feel it."

"We had to give him a little bit of the antidote. He had a shock to his system on something we told him and he didn't take it well."

"What was it?"

"Can you come back to TJY, we can tell you more here."

"I'm already on my way."

"We figured you were but wanted to make sure. See you when you get back here."

Hanging up the phone Katie gives a little gasp as she continues to drive consternating on a few things at once made her head hurt even more. What could they have told Jason to upset him.

"I'm really sorry about this dad."

Finally making it back to TJY and parking the car Katie waits a few moments before getting out of the car. Her head was spinning from emotions, from pain, from trying to drive and trying to keep her emotional response away from her dad so his worry didn't increase.

Getting out finally and slowly making her way downstairs and across the floor Katie heads for the infirmary. Opening the door and entering she says nothing as she goes over to Jason. It felt like she would pass out herself but she had to touch him, know he was ok, she had to be there. Feeling his skin on her hand she leans her head down so her for head was resting on his.

"I'm here J...it's ok...I'm here."

Not moving her words were low but clean as she tried to stay with it. She felt so tired herself and drained but she had to stay away for J...she had to know what was going on.

"Whats going on? What happened?"

Having Ariel link arms with him to Trey by surprise a little bit but he didn't let it show to much. Crooking his arm up and bringing his hand to lay over her hand he gives a grin as they enter the Chinese place. He felt proud of have a pretty girl on his arm and he held his head just a little higher.

"I think that sounds like a good idea. I spend to much time inside as it is, so being out in the nice weather is a better idea than you could imagine."

Looking up at the list of everything that was on there he found something that sounded good and almost like what Margret there cook at home made. He's always loved her food, and the way she cooked. It was never one thing but a mixture of cultures.

"I think I'll have the Broccilie and pepper steak, and can I get lo main instead of rice."

Giving his order and than waiting for Ariel to give her own Trey gets some drinks for them as well before opening his wallet and paying for the meal. He's asked her out to lunch so he was going to pay for it as well. It was only right to do it that way.

"So is the park far from here?"

Not knowing really where anything was from them Trey felt kind of lost as they waited for there food. He had a rough idea on how to get back to TJY but anything more than that and really he just want sure.

Hearing Dylan's reply Dan gives a little laugh and a wave to Dylan as he heads out of the barn again. Some day Dan would get him to trust the horses, and see they would be only as nervous as he was. Giving a shake of his head Dan continues to work.

Finishing up his work and putting all the horses back where they belonged Dan exited the barn and looked around for a moment. Seeing the light on in Jade's bunk Dan new she was still awake. Giving a smile and heading that way it doesn't take long as he knocks on the door and opens it once Jade answers.

"And hows the future Miss. Palmer doing tonight?"

Hearing the knock on the door and letting Sparky in Rosetta couldn't help the slightly worried look on her face. She believed Mick had a good head on his shoulders now and wouldn't do anything stupid but she worried anyways that he would be ok.

"Thank you Sparky, It means a lot that you went out there for me."

Giving a smile to Sparky and a nod of head she was very thankful for him and his willing heart to go when she had asked without any questions.d Sparky had always been loyal and she was so happy for that.

Once he was gone and Rosetta new Mick would be in shortly she goes to the coffee pot and bews a nice hot pot for him along with warming up some dinner and setting it on the table with him. Sitting down Rosetta waits for Mick to come back to the house. She'd go out and meet him but with BJ in the house sleeping she didn't want to go far.

Sitting in the kitchen with two cups of warm coco Faith was reading a book. She new Sparky had been out with Mick. After asking Rosetta if she new where Sparky was she didn't feel worried and he would find his way back.

So she waited with some food in the microwave so when he did come back she could give him something warm to eat. Hearing the door open and looking up a smile forms on Faith's lips. Putting the book down and slowly standing Faith slowly makes her way over to where Sparky was standing. The tiny ring on the finger glittering in the light of the room.

"Well look what the cat dragged in. I though for sure you were lost. I kept some coco and soup warmed up for you."

Leaning up gently Faith leans into Sparky to gives him a light kiss before pulling away her eyes twinkling as she looked into his eyes. Her love reflecting in them showing how much she did care and love him.

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