
Right Direction

Sapphire new Gage wasn't happy. She could read his eyes so well and she did feel bad for him. Life was hard, not for him but everyone but with Gage He still had so much to learn she felt bad for him.

"Everything will work ok ya know. And just make sure...your careful of what kind of help you take from Alec ok?"

Giving another warm smile Sapphire gives Gage's hand a little squeeze. She wanted to help Gage follow the right path but still make the desitions on his own. It was important to his growth she only hoped he wouldn't get to discouraged.

Once Carson is gone and Alec was sitting again Misty just shakes her head a little. She new Alec was not amused but she couldn't help but find a little humor in the whole thing.

"Freedom is not so bad, just takes some getting use too. I think its nice having to deiced on my own where I stand."

Taking another bit of her own food Misty new that the moment from before was now gone, but still a little of what Alec said had sunken in and it made Misty determined even more now to include him into things.

"You'll make more friends Alec, it just takes time sometimes to gain someones trust. It does come in time. Just be pashent."

Still standing by the pond Chuck looked out at the water. It was peacful here, and he did feel good sharing it with Susanne. After the day it seemed she was having maybe a little peace would be nice.

As Susanne moves past him Chuck turns his head just a little to watch her. Just studding her even though her back was to him. Listing to the words she spoke it send a little pang to his heart. One could tell Susanne didn't have much confidence in herself. Not when it came to friends and relationships anyways.

Shifting just a little Chuck moves closer to Susanne resting a hand on her shoulder. Keeping a little bit of space between them he gently turns her around to face him. Placing his hand under her he tilts her head up a little bit so he could look into her eyes. His own so deep and dark. His life had been hard but still though it all there was still a sparkle of life.

"I didn't come to get you for the date because I had to. I came because I wanted too. If I had anything better to do, or something I wanted to do more I would be doing it."

Giving a small smile the breeze blows a little bit. Bringing his hand up to Susanne's face he pushes a stand of her hair behind her ear. The soft smell of her perfume filling the air and making Chuck's heart race.

"I wan't to go on this date with you, and I want there to be more bike rides. I'd like for you to be able to open your eyes one day and enjoy the ride. But....one day at a time and we have to get through tonight first without you slapping me again."

Chuck gives a large smile the humor twinkling in his eyes. Stepping a little closer to Susanne his heart still races as he leans into her. But shifting a little his arms slip around her for a moment in a small hug before he pulls away again. A kiss is what he wanted to give her, but his respect for her was to great to rune right now in such a serous moment.

"So, care to take a walk around the pond to kill some time?"

Chuck holds his hand out to Susanne again not scared to take a hold of it. He liked her touch from when he held her hand earlier. It was soft and warm something Chuck hadn't felt in a while.

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