

Susanne is glad to hear that this place might have the CD she was looking for and she's just ready to give the man her phone number when she stops, her mouth still open. Had she just heard him correctly? She blinks. Had he really just said that? Taken totally off guard, she stands there dumbly. She could fend off a robber, but this guy's blatant pass at her wasn't exactly something she encountered every day.

Her cheeks flush and she sees what seems to be and almost-sheepish look in his eye before he apologizes. Clamping her mouth shut she gives him a short nod. "Yes... yes I'd say that was out of line," she responds tersely. Though she boldly stares him in the eye, on the inside, her stomach was doing flipflops. No one ever flirted with her, even in jest. Was he just making fun of her, or was it a genuine invitation, even if spoken haphazardly? Did he just want to take advantage of her, or did he really find her attractive?

Snatching the pen and paper from him, her hand brushes his - only momentarily, but it was enough to send another odd shiver down her spine. Trying to remain composed, she uses a nearby shelf to write on and hands the paper back to him, her eyes going back to his again. "That's my work number at the Elite headquarters," she emphasizes, making sure he knew it was not her personal phone number. "Just ask for Miss Baker. If I don't hear from you, I'll assume you don't have the CD."

Closing her purse and turning around, Susanne suddenly felt a little pang of guilt. So maybe this guy shouldn't have asked her out like he had, but he did seem nice, and he seemed to really want to help her find what she was looking for. So whether or not she deemed him rude, he was doing fine with helping a customer.

Reaching the door, her hand rests against it but doesn't pull yet. It wasn't every day that an incredibly good looking guy asked her out. And he didn't seem like a young punk out to get a middle-aged woman. He seemed a little on the rebellious side with the way he dressed but that didn't prove what he was like on the inside.

"Susie, you're gonna wind up an old maid if you don't loosen up once in a while."

"I don't want to go, Darlene. I'd rather stay home with a good book."

"You just think you do. Come on. I want you to meet Gary and he'll be there all by his lonesome. It's not like we're going to a fancy restaurant and there will only be six or seven of us."

"No, thank you."

"Okay, fine. I should have known better than to ask. The day we hear you've been out on a date is the day we all have heart attacks from shock."

"You mean... all of you?"

"Well, you're not exactly known as a party animal. I mean, come on. You won't even go out with a group of us, let alone on a private date. We all love you, but look at yourself. But if you're happy, that's the main thing, so I won't beg you to come."

Susanne turns back around, a strange new glint in her eye. That conversation with Darlene had been just two days ago, but it hadn't been the first that had left her feeling old and alone. She never let it show... but she knew that within her circle of friends, she was the "fuddy duddy" without a fun bone in her body. Around TJY, she was "Mom" with everything under control and in place without room for being spontaneous.

Eying this man again and giving him a good once-over, she goes back to him. "On second thought... I could make you a deal." She holds up a finger. "If you meet me at Mom and Pop's tonight at seven-thirty, with or without the CD, I'll stay with you for dinner. But whatever you do, don't dress any differently." She steps back and looks him over again, then squints a little, pursing her lips. "Hmm." Closing the gap once more, she stands on her tip toes to reach up and slide her fingers through his hair to adjust the unkempt look just a little differently. "There. And don't shave. You'd look great with a five o'clock shadow. I won't lie - I wouldn't do this because I think it's a grand idea to go out with a perfect stranger. I just want to show some other people that I know how to have fun because they think I'm a stick in the mud. You're perfect because you're hott, and... at the same time, you'd get your dinner request. So we would both win."

His eyes were way too luring, she decides, and she can feel her cheeks growing warm yet again before dropping her gaze. She'd just run her fingers through a man's hair and called him hott to his face - a man she didn't even know. What was she thinking?! Well, she was thinking he had really soft hair that she could -

She forces her thoughts to halt right there and clears her throat, trying to remain business-like. She was absolutely and without a doubt out of her mind, but whether he said yes or no, it really didn't matter... right? "So... you decide. Dinner, or just call me if you find the CD."

Alec isn't so sure he understands what Dalton is saying. It still doesn't make much sense to him. But he nods anyway and decides to drop the subject for now.

Sighing, he picks up the files and tries to concentrate. "Okay... what are we looking for?"

Time goes by more quickly than expected, and before he knew it, Alec was ambling back to the infirmary at five o'clock. It felt a little odd... this was one of the first days that Ryan wasn't available to hang out with in all his spare time. On top of that, he'd agreed to supper with Misty. Things just seemed upside-down today.

"Knock knock." He leans on the doorway and looks in to find Misty. "Am I too early?"

Though happy that Beth wasn't pulling away, Justin didn't expect her to snuggle into him like that, and for a moment, he didn't even know how to react. He'd hugged... he'd even kissed before, but not even Renae had ever drawn close like this. This was... different. He wasn't just the adviser or counselor... he was a friend... someone genuinely needed. And it felt... different.

Slowly, his arms wrap around her, letting her sink into him and not minding that her tears soaked his shoulder. He rocks her a little... speaks softly and just lets her cry. She needed this... these tears were long overdue and he was proud of her for finally allowing herself to grieve.

As the time passes by, Justin soon realizes that Beth has fallen asleep. For a brief moment, he almost panics. What now? Should he stay? Leave? If he would have brought the dogs, it would have given him an excuse, but as it was, he had no other real reason to leave and she knew that. If he woke her up just to leave, that could make her feel quite badly.

Weighing his options, Justin finally slides down just a bit to be more comfortable, and sets his feet up on the coffee table, moving a few things around so he didn't knock anything off. Crossing his ankles, he settles back with his arms holding Beth and he closes his eyes. If she was sleeping, he might as well sleep, too.

Sitting here with her on his lap... in his arms... he couldn't deny the warm, almost-fuzzy feeling that started way down deep. He knew he wasn't supposed to feel this way... he shouldn't... but...

His hand rubs her arm gently, feeling her soft skin and knowing she was so open and vulnerable right now. And it was him she had chosen to trust.

Opening his eyes again, he moves his head to try and see her face, but it was buried against his chest. When he sighs, she moves up and down with his breath and he wonders if she could hear his heartbeat in her sleep. Then closing his eyes once more, he leans back into the cushion and allows his body to relax, inviting sleep to come.

And sleep does come, more quickly than expected. Exhausted from his own day, Justin's mind is soon far away with time slipping by silently in the darkness. Awakening only briefly a few times, Justin remains pretty much in the same position all night, moving only a little bit when his leg or arm would cramp. But he lets Beth stay right where she is, just making sure she was still breathing too, and allowing her to sleep.

By the time the sun begins to rise, Justin felt surprisingly refreshed for having slept sitting up all night. His mind was still quite full, but the feeling of stress wasn't quite as bad. As the dim light gradually spreads through the living room, he yawns, knowing that he's going to be quite the visitor when Beth wakes up. Not only would he look a mess but he didn't even have a toothbrush.

Checking on Beth again, he knew that now he really did need to leave and she probably needed to get up as well. Grieving was necessary, but so was moving on with life. Running his hand up and down her arm, he speaks quietly. "Beth..."

Lifting his hand to her face, he tucks her hair behind her ear, his fingers running through her soft locks. And for a moment, his hand just lingers where it is as the unwanted feeling in his gut returns. It was the feeling that warned him to keep his head in the game.

"Beth," he prompts gently. "It's morning."

Kip plays with his spoon in the mushy cereal that had remained in the milk too long. He'd gotten up late... it was already ten o'clock and for everyone else, the day had started several hours ago. The band was hanging out as usual but... Kip had said he thought he was coming down with something, so he'd stay here today. Now after finally getting out of bed, he felt guilty for the lie. Physically, he felt fine. It was mentally he was having a problem with.

Supper with Karla last night had been fine. He'd been more quiet than normal, but hoped she hadn't noticed, and he tried his best to smile and laugh like usual. When they'd parted, he'd kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight, hoping to have left her without questions of whether or not he was okay. This morning though... the fake smile was gone and he was staring into a mushy breakfast he didn't even want. Gram and Gramps were gone so the house was quiet and it was just him with his miserable thoughts.

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