
Please don't leave

Reese looks up from his desk at Angelica, his eyes filled with worry and he shakes his head. "I just got off the phone with a doctor up at the hospital. It's Hope. She's..." He looks down then back up again. "She's not doing well. Badly enough that they want her close friends to know." To say she was dying was something he just couldn't do right now.

Fiddling with a pen on his desk, he didn't know what else to say. He wasn't even sure why he'd called Angelica to his office to tell her. No, maybe he did. Maybe he just needed someone to reassure him. The people here... he looked after all of them, so to see one fall, even if it wasn't Elite related... it tore him up inside.

Reese's eyes study Angelica's. "She's so young... and what will this do to Scott?" There was a whole other worry there as well. He sighs deeply and puts his head in his hands. Sometimes he just didn't understand.

Scott didn't know how long he stood at the window, but when he moves, his eyes are dry and bloodshot. Still in his jeans and hoodie, he slips on his sneakers while picking up the phone. After a short call, he glances out the window one more time. Pale, thin and weak he was... but there was something more important than his pride right now. He was dying inside and needed closure.

Heading out of his room, Scott looks both ways before heading down the hall and downstairs. Seeing Jenny, he musters up something close to a smile. "I'm going outside for a little while."

"Okay." Jenn could see he'd been crying, but she didn't ask. Scott had learned when he needed someone that she was there, and she never pried. "If you're not in by lunch, I'll come get you."

"Yeah... thanks." Scott wanders outside, down the sidewalk and finds a bench to sit on. His gaze roams the grounds and everything that was no so familiar. He wondered if this was what someone in prison felt like... it was a hated atmosphere, but he was so used to it now, that he didn't even know if he could survive somewhere else.

Once he was confident that no one was paying him much attention, he rises and wanders again, this time towards the parking lot.

Hearing his phone ring, Justin keeps his eyes on the road and doesn't answer it. Usually he didn't care and used his cell while driving, but today it was more than just because he was behind the wheel. His spirits were heavy after leaving Brookshire, and after running some errands then heading home, it hadn't changed.

Finally getting home, he winds up puttering around the house and outside for at least an hour before remembering that his phone had rung a while earlier. The aftenoon was already half over and he wasn't sure what else he was doing now. Finding his cell phone in on the counter, he listens, only now realizing that it had been Beth, and he feels a little badly for not calling her right back. Hearing what she had to say, he quirks an eyebrow. Pictures, huh? Maybe this was what he'd been hoping for, as far as her improvement. But tonight? He could suck it up enough to go right?

Leaning on the counter, he goes to dial but quite suddenly, it rings. Jumping and almost dropping it, Justin sees it's Brookshire. Now what?

Sighing, he answers. "Yeah. What? How? What do you mean he... yeah. For crying out loud. Didn't you... never mind. Yeah, I think I might know. Don't do anything else until you hear from me, okay? Right."

Closing his phone, Justin is already grabbing his truck keys and heading for the door. On his way, he dials Beth, just as glad when he has to leave a message. "Hey, Beth, it's me. Got your message. Would love to come over, but something came up and I don't know when I'll be free. Might be later tonight and I don't even know if you work tonight, so..."

He gets into his pickup and starts the engine, thankful that it started on the first try. "...you can give me a call back if you want, and let me know. Talk to you later."

Off the phone again, Justin heads for the road. This certainly had not been on his agenda today, but he had a feeling he knew where to go.

Entering the small room, Scott's ears pick up the whirring and quiet beeping of machines. He'd always hated hospitals, and now hated them even more. Still shaking from the numerous fears he'd already faced, he forces his feet forward. Seeing the still form in bed makes his heart ache even more. Maybe it was good she was sleeping... she would rest peacefully and wouldn't have to see him like this. He knew he looked far worse than he had when Hope had seen him last, so perhaps it was better this way. She looked so frail herself now though - so quiet and pale.

Reaching the bed, Scott pulls a chair nearer and sits down. Trying to keep his emotions in check, he reaches out and takes Hope's hand in his. She felt cold. He adjusts the blanket a little.

Running his thumb through her palm, tears spring into his eyes. He remembered the last time he'd seen her. He hadn't wanted her to come back. He'd sent her away after being downright manipulative and even mean.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. "I just... I didn't want you to see me like that... like this." He chokes on his words as more tears escape. "I...I don't... I don't like who I am anymore and... and I didn't want you to have to... to see me go through that. I just... wanted to be strong and... and I couldn't be."

His thumb continues to caress her hand. "Please don't leave," he begs in almost a whimper. "You're what's kept me going. If I ever get out of Brookshire and... and you're not here, I... I don't know what I'd do."


His head snaps up and he swallows hard, brushing his eyes with the back of his hand. He didn't need to turn around. He knew who it was. "I know. Give me another minute."

Justin respects Scott's wishes and backs out of the doorway to wait in the hall. Though he wanted to let Scott stay as long as he liked, he needed to get him back to Brookshire - with just the past few hours being gone, it was going to take some quick thinking to convince them not to lock up Scott now, not to mention getting the one nurse not to press charges for car theft.

Scott looks down at Hope again, feeling more helpless than he ever could before. Not only could he not take care of himself, but now he could do nothing for her either. If she died... he wasn't sure he'd ever leave Brookshire. His best friend and his sister had betrayed him... and if Hope was gone on top of it... what would be the point?

Slowly rising, he leans over the bed and places a soft kiss on Hope's forehead. "I love you," he whispers. Standing straight, it seems to take all his energy just to let go of her hand. He knew he hadn't treated her well the last few months, but he didn't know how else to deal with everything. And now... now he might never get to talk to her again.

Too miserable for words, Scott backs away and finally turns, trudging to the door where he knew Justin was waiting.

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