

Having Dani curl into him it felt so nice for Dalton. He loved knowing there was someone there who trusted him as there shelter, it was just...a nice feeling to know. Hearing her thanks just shot another warm chill though him as her squeezed her just a little and returns the kiss to her lips again pulling away and searing her eyes his voice was but a whisper.

"You're very welcome. I'll always come over when I know you need me, no matter where I am."

Feeling her snuggle into her more Dalton shifts on the couch still holding Dani it was quiet easy. Resting now in the corner with his leps up, but down far enough to rest his head on the coutions. Keeping Dani mostly on top of him so his strong arms could hold her. Once his hands hands finding it's way to her hair. Letting his fingers drift through the soft hair, it was soothing for him alone.

Giving a content sigh his eyes fell shut. Now being here with Dani he felt like he could sleep again and if he did, he didn't mind at all. Just keeping her close with him so he could chase the dreams away was important.

Continuing to dry the dishes Misty catches sight of the far off look in Carson's eye. It was a look she saw every now and than. It was a look she new meant he was thinking, dreaming, remembering. She new sometimes he missed home, and he missed the life of action sometimes she wished there was more she could do to make that come true for him.

"Maybe when we can we can take a vacation to Australia. Might be nice to get away, and have you show me your old stomping grounds."

Misty didn't know what to do other than that and maybe seeing if Reese could give him more cases. but if he did that than who would run the restraint? It was hard to see her husband struggle like this but she new in a way it was normal. Carson was a mad of action and still young, do this day in and day out was hard.

Coming over to him and wrapping her arm around his wast Misty looks up at him and gives a smile. She did her best, and she loved every moment with him. All she could do was be there, and be the best she could.

"I think ice cream and a move sounds great, and even better is the cuddle time with you."

Giving a grin and getting back to the fire Trey gives a look around at all the people. Some more faces were new, and some he'd met but taking them all in he liked knowing who had come, and who had gone.

Looking back to Ariel he gives a nod. She was very differnt, and it felt good to be around her even if they said very little.

"Sure we can sit on the bench and get warm a little. After that while you check on the hot chocolate I am gonna make some phone calls, but I will be back to sit with you more."

Letting his arm fall from her shoulders he wasnt to sure how people would feel seeing him with his arm around her knowing he was the new kid. The last thing he really wanted to do was upset anyone.

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