

Entering the diner with Wayne and seeing the band Jackie smiles giving a little wave. Not sure who the other people were she could only guess they were friends of Kyle and the others. Standing there for a moment with Wayne by her side Jackie's eyes roam the area and all the people. Taking them all in and remembering what they saw here today.

Finally though as Kyle calls to them Jackie gives a wave and makes her way over to the table. Finding to seats together with Wayne and opts to sit closer to where Erik was. They'd been the ones that really talked the most so if she felt comfortable talking to anyone else here it would be him.

"Wayne I think I can see where most of Kip's energy gets burned away."

Giving a little chuckle and a shake of her head Jackie's eyes roam the table once again watching all the others interacting and getting along. It was different seeing them in there own zones totally relaxed.

Looking over at Erik and giving a soft smile she gives a little nod before leaning a little closer to the table so she didn't have to yell across it.

"This is a different atmosphere from when you guys are in the studio. Its nice to see ya all layed back. It's good to see that."

Going into the kitchen to get some dessert Jess could see all the emotion in Axel's eyes as she leaves. Standing in the kitchen as Axel calls Jess slowly turns around letting the silence linger. Her heart broke a little more. He was trying to be so strong but maybe all he really needed to do was let it out.

Jess new Axel likes to keep to himself but still maybe he just needed those arms, her arms around him right now even if he didn't ask. Should she dare going for it? Leaving everything on the counter for now Slowly walking to the bathroom Jess gives a little knock on the door as to not startle Axel.


Opening the door a little more she heart just seemed to break even more for him. Seeing him like this was so different she new everything inside of his must have been breaking too. Entering the bathroom she reaches her arm out and wraps them around him. Pulling Axel close to her she rubs his back gently and rests her head on top oh his.


No more words were spoke as Jess just held Axel. Just being there holding him would say all the words that needed to be. She didn't mind seeing Axel cry everyone had a bubbling point.

Looking up at Rick and taking the two vials Misty raises an eyebrow for a moment wondering about both samples and what was written on them. Hearing Rick's reason though she looks up quickly at him again. Was he really saying what she thought?

"Yeah, ok I can do that. Carson is busy tonight so I can work on a bunch of it than though I wont get it all done for a few days and than I'll call you."

Looking down at the samples in her hand again Misty twists them around for a moment just thinking. What would happen with Jason and Trey if they were related?

"Yeah, no one will know till I tell you first on this one."

Wondering bored down the hall Trey was bored and wondered how long it would take for Rick to do what he was doing. He was bored and....stopping in his tracks and lifting his head up he thought he herd a gun shot...there was another.

Moving twords what looked like an elevator he pushes the button and steps in. Hitting the button and going down. As it opens and he steps out into a whole new area Trey's eyes widen a little. There was a reck room a place to spent time and no one old him. That figures.

Hearing some moving around in the other area Trey moves forward and looking in the small window he see Pete. So thats where he was hiding out. Opening the door and stepping in Trey sticks his hands in his pockets.

"So there was a secret area and no one told me. I thought for sure you ran away or something with the pretty looking girl you got now."

Coming in a little closer Trey was serous to look at what Pete had been doing and how good he was. If he had to pick one person he didn't mind here he would say Pete. Just something about him didn't push Trey.

"I might be free soon. Well between cretin times I might be free. Reese wanted Rick to check my blood first to make sure I'm not on anything. It will come up clean."

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