

Sparky grins and shakes his head. "You're thanking me. I'm not sure how that works, but you're welcome as long as I can thank you, too."

Flopping down on his back beside Faith, he takes her hand and holds it up to look at the ring against the sun. It seems the smile simply can't leave his face. "I don't care what my brothers think," he muses aloud. "No matter what, it's worth it. I hope it is for you, too."

Turning his head so he can see Faith's face, he studies her fine features. "A lifetime never felt as short as it does now."

Eli sighs deeply as his gaze drops to his and Scarlet's hands on the table. Her touch brings his fingers around to hold hers, too. He supposed the time frame didn't mean everything, but he hated the position he was in. He hated the letters in the mail asking for full payments, and he hated having to choose between those or paying his sister rent. He knew she didn't care but that didn't matter to him. It didn't feel right. He was the older one... he was supposed to be responsible, and no matter how much Ryan said he was fine, he would always feel like he was mooching if he couldn't pay rent in full. But... leaving here? For a year? At least?

"I guess I'll keep thinking about it," he finally concludes, even though it isn't much of an answer. "Thank you for your honest opinion."

Shoving aside his finished plate, he slides his other hand across the table to take hers. "Don't say anything to Ryan, okay? She doesn't know and..." He shrugs. "I just don't want to tell her yet." He figured his sister would be fine with whatever he decided, but he also knew she'd be somewhat disappointed, and that was enough for him to not want to tell her.

Smiling a little, he squeezes Scarlet's hands. "Wanna take a ride before getting back to work?"

Scott glares at his supper plate as if wanting to stare down the chicken and noodle soup and crackers. He didn't usually sit in the dining room for meals, but tonight he was. His bedroom just felt too small this time.

His eyes were red and swollen from overflowing emotions after getting back from seeing Hope and there was nothing anyone could do about it. He was hurt and he was angry. He'd turned his back on Justin as soon as they'd gotten back to Brookshire, and he wasn't so sure Justin would even show up in the morning. Scott could only hope that if anything more happened with Hope, that someone would have the decency to let him know.

"Has it bitten you yet?"

Scott looks up briefly at Jenny who was doing her best to cheer him up, but a smile just wouldn't come. "No."

"Pretty soon I'm gonna have to reheat it for you." Jenny cocks her head thoughtfully then eases down across from him at the little table. Taking an extra spoon, she dips into the soup her self and blows on it before taking a bite. "Mmm... it's actually good today."

For some reason, Jenny could treat him like a little kid without making him feel like it. "Martha's in the kitchen?"

"Yep." Jenny nods. Martha was the best of the cooks they had there.

Scott finally picks up his own spoon. Staring into the soup, he grips his utensil. He was angry. Angry that things always went wrong. Angry that everything was continually being stolen from him over and over and over. Angry that his life was ripped from him again and again. Angry that every time he thought he'd conquered it, something else happened to set him right back on his backside again. He'd thought he was okay more than once... thought he'd gotten through the nightmare more than once... but was always proven wrong. He had lost everything, including his dignity. Now he was losing Hope too. And he was tired of it. He was tired of losing. Tired of giving in and being trampled on by life and circumstance.

Shoving a mouthful of soup into his mouth, he chews the hearty chicken and noodles and lets the warm liquid slide down his throat. He almost gags and his stomach immediately starts to churn. But he doesn't care. He stuffs another spoonful in his mouth and forces himself to chew and swallow.

Jenny grins a little and helps him with another bite of her own. "Easy, big guy. What did the soup ever do to you?"

Scott swallows and grimaces, forcing the meal down. "It exists. That's good enough."

Jenny smirks at him. "Well I certainly hope I don't get the same treatment just for existing."

Scott looks up quickly with his own smirk. "As if. You're the only one in this place I don't hate."

"Is that a compliment?"

"The best I can do today."

Jenny grins knowingly. "Fair enough."

Scott points at his bowl. "Have another bite. If you help me, I can actually say I finished a meal."

"Mmm, that would be a first, wouldn't it?" Even if she was helping him, she was only taking small spoonfuls and if the bowl ended up empty, it wouldn't have been because of her efforts.

"I guess so."

"Good. Then today will be a day of accomplishment, no matter what else happens."

Justin sits on his front porch in his old jeans, t-shirt and barefoot, one hand absentmindedly stroking Danitza's head. His other hand held his phone. Beth hadn't called him back, and it was already starting to get dark. He still didn't know if she was working tonight, she hadn't called, and he was in no mood for socializing. But... wither he had other problems or not, he couldn't just leave her high and dry.

He finally flips open his phone and dials, waiting for an answer. "Hey, Beth... it's Justin." He tries not to sound as weary as he was. If Beth was ready to face the past through photos, then he needed to be there for her. "I don't know if you got my last message or not. I, um... well, my evening is free, so if you still want to get together, I'm all for it."

Gage continues to lie quietly in the hospital bed, not having moved all day. Doctors had been in and out along with nurses, but there had been no change. It was still uncertain when Gage might awake, but he was stable and that was what kept the doctors positive.

Out in the hall, a figure appears, almost hesitant. He wasn't sure why he was there... someone might say he cared. But that didn't seem right. He'd never cared before. He did feel a little funny, but surely it wasn't because he cared about Gage or even Sapphire... was it?

Biting the inside of his lower lip, Alec tucks his helmet under his arm and finally slips into the room quietly. Approaching the bed slowly, he glances over to Sapphire. "Hi." He was sure she wouldn't know what he was doing here either. "How's he doing?" He still didn't even know why Gage was here, but he was sure Sapphire would tell him - if she wanted anything to do with him, that is.

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