
Totally bonkers

For some reason, Misty's invitation for Alec to stay was accepted and he folds his arms across the back of the chair, leaning down to rest his chin on them. "It's a courier job," he responds. "I get to wear khaki and drive a pickup around town to deliver boxes." He shrugs. "It'll come out to twenty or thirty hours a week probably. More at first until I learn the routes."

Straightening, he swivels the chair a little again. "The guy who took my app wasn't too bright. All I had to do was word it right when asked about "previous employment" and he bought it." He rolls his eyes. "If the big boss runs a background check like he should, I'm sure I'll get canned, but at least I'll rack up a few hours in the meantime." Pausing, he shakes his head. "That's what Gage should have done. Problem with him is he's turned to mush after the Agency and he'll blurt out his record to anyone. Who's gonna hire him except that lame lumberyard?"

Strumming his fingers on the back of the chair, he thinks about seeing Gage in the hospital. Though his own feelings confused him, he couldn't deny the fact that he didn't like wondering if Gage was gonna live or not. They were far from being friends, but Gage really was the closest thing he had to his own past and they were connected by the Agency whether they liked it or not. Alec was pretty sure that if Gage hadn't landed a crappy night job, he wouldn't be where he was now.

"'Course the only reason I'm getting a job at all is to keep Reese off my back." He had enough money to survive without a job right now, but in this program he knew he was supposed to find steady employment or at least show an effort. "I don't know how other people do it though," he muses. "Even Carson. Day in and day out in a kitchen... I'm surprised he hasn't gone stir crazy. He might be domesticated but he's still ex-Agency and I know he's still got part of that in his blood. It never does leave."

Alec pauses to wave an arm in the air. "Here though... now this is a job. I mean... people get in on the action, they get to go chase their bad guys and every day it's something new." He gives Misty a wry grin. It wasn't exactly long ago that he'd been one of those bad guys, and even now he knew he sometimes still walked a fine line. "Seems to me a job like this would help keep a person sane, ya know? Reese wants to convert Agency scum into right and proper citizens... problem is, he doesn't figure in that once Agency, always Agency in some way, shape or form. He needs to figure out how to keep up the action for the people he wants to convert. Otherwise..."

He shrugs again and his grin returns. "...I guess they end up like me. But Reese wants me around here 'bout as bad as he wants a shovel over the head. Dalton's the only one who will let me do anything. Not that I'm all gungho about taking down the Agency but if I'm smart, I'll choose the winning side, and right about now, I think the Elite's got a pretty good grip on things."

Stopping the rant and realizing that it really was a rant, Alec clamps his mouth shut. That was more than he usually said in a week, aside from Ryan and Eli. His cheeks felt just slightly warm. He really had been thinking a lot about all these things and it had finally just all spilled out, once he'd found willing ears.

Glancing down, he swivels again and clears his throat. "So I'm gonna be a delivery guy. Fun, fun, fun."

Justin's eyes ricochet from his plate to Beth, a little surprised by what she'd said. It threw him off because one, he hadn't realized he'd been that transparent about the way he was feeling, and two, that she felt comfortable enough to offer her own ears, recognizing that he'd been the one helping her so far. It seemed to be one more step in the right direction though, and while Justin might not be completely comfortable with the idea of sharing himself with her on that level, he knew that to some degree, he needed to if only for her sake. Beth was smart enough to know that friendship was a two-way street and if he didn't talk to her sometimes, she would see only a client/counselor relationship, which was exactly what had upset her a while back.

The same warm smile returns to his lips as he looks back to his food, taking another bite of bread and sauce. "I don't mind listening either," he assures. All of the scenarios, choices and consequences make their way through his mind in a matter of seconds. "But thanks. Just a long day - everything with Scott and all. I guess I shouldn't blab about everything, but there were just some things he wasn't told so he feels betrayed. If he doesn't change his mind, basically I've failed and that's never a good feeling."

He spins his fork in his spaghetti, taking another mouthful and chewing thoughtfully before adding a bite of meatball too. "I suppose if it hadn't been me though, it would have been someone else so I try to not take it personally. Just one more thing to add to my notes of dos and don'ts so the next time I'm more prepared."

Pausing, he sets his elbows on the table and clasps his hands, still holding his fork. His eyes roam the kitchen for a moment as he swallows his mouthful. "There's formulas and methods for everything, but in the end, all I can do is build up my experiences because everyone is different, and everyone will always present something I haven't encountered before."

Offering her another small smile, he reaches for his water and takes a sip before returning to his food. "I bet you get your ear yacked off a lot, while tending bar."

Quinn follows Anastasia, a smile pasted on his face. She knew how bizarre this whole thing had been from the first place - if anyone would understand the rest of the story, it would be her.

Forgetting all else, he goes with her to a nearby cafe for lunch and after ordering their food, he finally has the chance to tell her all about what had happened. "Okay, so you left me at the auto shop, right? And we already knew Axel worked there. Well, so come to find out, he just happened to be one of the mechanics to work on my car."

He smirks a little. "Coincidence, right? So I find out they don't have a clue what's wrong with the car - as in can't figure out a thing. I'm stuck in town again, but instead of getting a rental car, I go back to the hotel. I figure they'll find the problem and the next day I can get out of town."

He pauses and shakes his head. "Oh no, that would be too easy. I go to the shop and they still haven't found out what's wrong. I meet up with Axel and we have a short chat without killing each other. He basically says he thinks this whole thing is God, which had already crossed my mind, but he actually had the guts to say it." Becoming more animated, Quinn gestures with his hands as he talks. "So he thinks it's really about him and me and convinces me to go up to his place and talk a while. I figure I really didn't have much to lose at that point, so we did. Went better than the first time around - still not sure what to think about his past and all, but it was about the best chat we could have, considering where we started out."

Forced to pause again as their drinks are brought, he takes a sip of his pop then keeps right on going. "We weren't even done talking and would you believe another mechanic called up to Axel to tell him my car was working? I mean, crazy, right? By that time, we both knew it couldn't be a coincidence, but who would believe us? So I finally got my car back and we parted on not-quite-as-bad terms. Kinda that feeling that you'll probably cross paths with someone again even if you haven't planned it. So I get back on the road finally, I get a ways out of town and here's this old man walking on the side of the road - his car was broken down. What was I supposed to do? Leave him there for a heat stroke?"

Quinn's eyes were shining as he spoke almost too fast to keep up with himself, totally enveloped by the events and knowing that Anastasia would be just as amazed as he was. "So I bring him back to town, then he's got errands to run and I help him out. Well by the time that's all done, it's getting dark again. Great. I only had a few options and I just couldn't think straight or decide what to do. So, I wound up heading back to the lake where you took me the other night. Enjoyed the stars for a while and then I ended up sleeping in my car. You'd think I'd finally get out of town now, right?"

He shakes his head. "Every time I thought abut it, it was like God was right there, pointing me the other direction and telling me to wait." Heaving a deep sigh, he lets his palms flop on the table. "So here I am. I can't leave this town no matter how hard I try! I had so many plans and goals for where I was going next and... and they're just gone now. It's like they're just not important anymore and I don't even know why. Would you believe I'm actually considering finding an indefinite place to stay?" His voice lowers a bit. "I feel like I'm going mad. I mean, really... totally bonkers here. Then at the same time... I get this feeling like... like almost excited, like there's some big plan or something that I haven't seen yet and... and God's just waiting to show me."

Finally stopping again, he searches Anastasia's eyes. "Totally bonkers," he repeats. "If I didn't have that actual Ricky Nelson record in my car, I'd think I dreamed up the whole thing."


Be there for you

Sitting down to dinner with Justin Beth takes a bit of the meal and is a little surprised how well it turned out. Happy to hear that Justin liked it as well made Beth smile a little more. Comfortable eating in front of Justin now Beth looks up for a moment. She could see the weary look in Justin's eye and new it had to do with the long day.

"It's ok, I understand. If you ever want to talk about anything...I...I can listen to you. You don't have to just listen to me all the time."

Giving a smile Beth takes a sip of her milk. She new later they would look at pictures together, but at the same time she did have a feeling of sadness for Justin. She never seen him look like this before and she just wanted to make sure he was ok too. Thats what friends did...right?

Just continuing to watch Alec for a long moment Misty cocks her head to the side again. He really did seem bored and maybe even a bit lonely. Misty couldn't balm him for that at all.

"Maybe she dosn't right now, but ya can't blame her ya know. Give it time though you never know what might happen as you keep proving yourself. She can't hate you forever but sometimes it takes people longer than others."

Looking down at her paper work again and jotting a few things down Misty looks up again at Alec's comment to leave yet he continued to sit in the chair.

For a moment Misty wonders why Alec was there. Was it really he wanted to be around his family and Misty was the only one who didn't mind him being around? In a way she felt bad for him, and could only hope God would bring the family closer together once more.

"You can sit here till Dalton is ready if you want. I don't mind. You can tell me about your job you start tomorrow."

Looking up at Quinn and giving his hand a squeeze back Anastasia grins happy that her Uncle being protective didn't scare him away at all.

"That sounds like a good plan to me. I wanna know about your crazy last few days. Sure do have a feeling its going to be an interesting story."

Starting forward still hand in hand with Quinn Anastasia leads him to the door. She was really interested in what had happened in the last few days and the puzzle peaces God had fit into place to cause Quinn to still be here.

And anything in between

Glad for something to keep his hands busy, Justin spies a bread knife and sets to work. He wasn't sure just why he felt a tad awkward at the moment. No, that was a lie. He did know, and he also felt a tinge of guilt. He needed to be more careful.

Slicing the bread at an angle, he gives away that he's obviously spent many hours in a kitchen. Some might not notice anything strange, but those who paid attention would perhaps take note that he sliced bread with a flourish not common to an average bachelor. Once finished, he helps Beth get the other things on the table, and before long, they're seated and enjoying the meal. Uneasiness diminishes and Justin returns to his thoughtful but sociable state.

"This is great," he compliments after taking a bite of spaghetti. "I like the spices you used."

Tearing a piece of bread, he dips it in the sauce, comfortable enough to not worry that he was eating with his fingers. While trying to make conversation, he's careful not to bring up the other reason for him being here - that had to be in Beth's time on her own terms. He knew he was weary tonight though, and just hoped that it would not deter Beth from talking to him.

"Sorry I'm not quite on top of my game tonight," he apologizes. If he were with his other friends, they would have already bugged him about it by now. "If I'm quiet, it's just because I'm busy stuffing my face."

Alec smirks a little, but seems a bit more subdued than normal. "Yeah, I guess so." His eyes wander around the room then back to Misty's desk where he picks up a pen to fiddle with. "Job doesn't start 'til tomorrow, but Dalton said he could use me for a while today. Unfortunately, I walked in on him and Dani and I'm just lucky I made it out of there alive."

For a moment, his far-off gaze seems to indicate deeper thoughts. "Guess I should look both ways from now on and stay out of Dani's way. I don't think I'll ever gain her trust back." Using his feet for thrust, he lets the chair spin around like a little kid would. "Not that I care," he adds quickly.

The chair eventually slows to a halt again and Alec gives a little sigh. Quite honestly, he wasn't even sure why he'd ended up in here. He had nothing to talk to Misty about. He had no task in here. So really, it was pointless.

"Well... I guess I'll get out of your hair. I'm sure you've got important Elite business to do." Even though he'd just given himself reason to leave, he remains in the chair, swiveling a little as his eyes roaming the room again.

"Mmm." Dani giggles, her face blushing a little. "I love you too. And I'm sure you could find some way to have some fun without me, but... just not too much fun."

Standing up to leave, she stops, turns and gives him one last kiss. "Just bring yourself tonight. I'm fixing supper for you this time." Grinning, she finally leaves him to his work, slipping from his office and avoiding the chaos in the main room as she heads out to her car.

Quinn's eyes widen just a little as Chuck approaches, immediately leery but the look on the man's face. He accepts the handshake with confidence though, locking eyes with Chuck for a moment. Drawing back then hearing the comments, Quinn quirks one eyebrow. Glancing down to Anastasia, he grins at her explanation of her uncle's behavior. "Protective, huh? I like that."

His fingers give her hand a squeeze. "I would love to do lunch. And dinner. And anything in between or after." He grins, his eyes glinting with humor. The way the last couple days had gone, he was ready for anything and quite willing to play things by ear.

Wont be pretty

Keeping Jade close Dan gives a small nod. He new and understood what Jade was saying. Jim and Mick hadn't been happy with Sparky and worried since he was dating a much younger woman. But for him if Sparky was happy than that is what mattered. Not to mention Jade a slightly younger than him as well so he did understand that love happened no matter the age and you couldn't stop it.

"Maybe you dad and Jim will see how much Faith really means to Sparky now, and that she really loves him too. We can only guess there reaction but I hope it goes well for him too. He's so happy I'd hate to see it ruined."

Pulling away from Jade and looking down at her Dan gives a smile as he runs his finger along her cheek. He'd been so happy that Jade wasn't scared away from him from her own father, and as time move on Dan though he was getting use to him a little more and a little more. For that he was happy.

"Hey, how about after work we go into town just to get away for a little bit and have lunch? Maybe I'll even let you got to the mall and pick out something nice."

Giving a grin Dan's eyes twinkle from under his hat as his smile grows. He always loved teasing Jade a little bit.

Feeling Justin's hand on her chin and his thumb on her cheek Beth doesn't flinch but it did surprise her. The last thing she had expected was Justin to reach out and touch her. His hands were soft though and they felt nice on her skin.

Just looking up into his eyes Beth felt almost lost for a moment in them. Hearing his words sends Beth's heart into a strange flutter. It was odd for her to feel that. If Justin didn't go back to brookshire...he'd still want to see her?

"Yeah, even if your not at brookshire we can still see each other."

Beth couldn't help her voice being so soft and sweet. Maybe she didn't even realize it but today with Justin she felt comfortable.

As Justin's hand stops and he turns away from her Beth can feel the tension in the room change and she shifts a little bit herself. Tensing up a little bit she realized how situation they had been in. Giving a chuckle and than clearing her throat a little.

"Ummm...yeah can you cut that loaf of Italian bread over there for me and I'll set the table."

Looking up from her desk as Alec enters Misty takes some paper work and puts it over top of the files from Trey and Jason. Cocking her head a little bit she just watches Alec wondering what he was up too. Seeing the glint of boredom in his eye Misty was reminded of Carson and the time he use to have that same look.

"Why yes because he likes to spend his free time under the desk hiding from everyone."

Giving a roll of her eyes Misty lets a grin slip of her lips as she shakes her head. Alec didn't come to see her often but when he did he remanded her so much of Carson. They might not be full blood related but they acted so much alike they could be.

"What are you up to Alec? Bored today?"

Leaning in and giving Dani a returned kiss Dalton new she wasn't fond of her half brother and he was sorry to see it that way but he did understand where she was coming from. Alec hadn't been the best to her and before he spent any time with him and saw the change he thought the same thing.

"Ok Babe, call or text me later on what you want me to bring over to your place. I love you Dani."

Letting his hand linger for a moment on Dani's face the smile on Dalton grows more and his eyes twinkle as he gets a little chuckle.

"With out how how much fun could I have huh? Have a good afternoon ok."

As Quinn spins around a few times in circle and there kiss continues Anastasia can't contain how happy she felt inside. Her emotions just seemed to run high with excitement and something else she just couldn't describe.

Just looking into his eyes as he draws away and still holds her Anastasia's smile grows even more. Her eyes twinkle as she looks back at Quinn. She felt like she was in a fairy tail again and her prince had come back for her.

"I guess you have a point."

Sliding back down to the ground and feeling Quinn's hand to her face Anastasia lets her hand slide down his free arm and fingers link with his. Hearing his invitation for dinner, and maybe even a second, and a third she can feel her excitement and joy grow even more. Did this mean he would be stay?

About to say more Anastasia is cut off by someone clearing there throat. Turning around and seeing her Uncle coming twords them she new he'd just seen the embrace and wasn't sure what he would say but he didn't look happy.

"Uncle Chuck this is Quinn. Quinn this is my Uncle and the owner of the shop Chuck Graham."

Giving a nod and holding his hand out to Quinn for a hand shake. Looking between the both his looks stops on Anastasia for a moment before finally saying anything.

"Ana, if you keep kissing in the middle of the store your going to scare everyone away. Why don't you take your lunch now."

Turning to head back to the counter Chuck stops before looking over his shoulder at his niece and her friend again.

"Don't hurt her...it wont be pretty if you do."

Looking to her Uncle and than to Quinn again Anastasia can't beleive her Uncle just said that but at the same time she should have known and she couldn't blame him. He's seen her hurt before and always hated when it happened.

"He's....protective. Wanna do lunch and than maybe dinner later?"


Or three

Jade smiles as Dan pulls away from their kiss, always reminded of why she'd said "yes" to him. Another little giggle escapes. "Well of course, you have to be most excited about us. If you were more excited about someone else getting married, I might have to think twice."

Teasing him, she gives him a tighter squeeze. But even though she smiles, something else lingers in her eyes. "I just hope it doesn't cause a problem between him and Dad, ya know? I've got my opinion, and Dad has his... and I respect that but... I don't know... I just hope Sparky can be happy without any bad consequences."

Having been mostly in his own little world, Justin didn't notice at first that Beth was just as lost in thought - about something entirely different. It takes a moment for her question to register but when it does, Justin's gaze comes back into focus and he finds himself staring down into two eyes that instantly and, quite surprisingly, turn his heart to pure mush.

"Hey," he assures quietly, "you won't." Without thinking, he reaches out and hooks a finger under her chin, his thumb resting against her cheek. "You're too strong. And besides - just because I may not be there doesn't mean I won't be seeing you, right?"

He smiles his usual, warm, soft smile. Then as if suddenly realizing his hand was still touching her, he lets it drop, and he turns towards the counter again. "Can I help you with anything?"

Alec eyes Dalton then Dani... Dalton.. Dani, then he finally shrugs. "Yeah, ok. I'll be back in a few then." Eying Dani one last time, he leaves the office to return to the hall. Looking both ways, he sighs. The main floor was a war zone at the moment. So aiming the other way, he comes to he infirmary. Heading inside, he spots Misty and ambles in her direction. It was quiet back here - much more comfortable. And Rick was gone - that was another plus.

Flopping down backward in an empty office chair, Alec shoots across the floor to Misty's corner, planting his feet for brakes to stop within only inches of the desk. "Heya, Babe." He grins and leans his arms on the back of the chair he still straddled, boredom written all over his face. "Your husband isn't hiding under the desk or anything, is he?"

Once alone with Dalton, Dani huffs a frustrated sigh. Giving his leg a pat, she leans in to give him a last kiss on the lips. "I guess I'll see you later tonight."

After a pause, she opens her mouth to say more, but then shuts it again. She had her own thoughts about Alec, but for now, she'd keep them to herself. "Don't have too much fun."

Seeing Anastasia running for him, Quinn's singing stops as his mouth forms a smile. Turning just in time to catch her, he hadn't expected quite this enthusiastic of a reception and he laughs outright, a deep, happy laugh.

Wrapping his arms around her, he spins in a little circle, stopping only as she envelopes his lips in a kiss. Just holding her, he returns the gesture with a gentle passion, his eyes falling closed as he murmurs his approval at the attention. Chuck went completely unnoticed.

Eventually drawing back, Quinn's eyes twinkle as he smiles. "Yeah... I came back. Only a stupid man would walk away from a fairytale, don't you think?"

Finally letting Anastasia slide back to the floor, he reaches to brush aside a strand of her hair from her face, his palm lingering on her cheek. "The last couple days have been a lifetime. It'll take at least one dinner to tell it all... probably two... or even three if you decide you actually like my company."



As Jade comes to the front of him Dan smiles down at her and brushes a stand of her hair from her face tucking it behind her ear. Just letting his rough palm rent on her soft skin Dan runs his finger over her cheek bone. Never would he tire of looking into those lovely eyes.

"Mmmm...I'll never tire of calling you my wife to be, wife, the love of my life."

Leaning down and placing a kiss on Jade's lips again Dan new they were in the clear right now and let it linger a little longer. He loved just how Jade felt in his arms and the softness she had. Pulling away and looking down into those eyes he had fallen in love with and captivated him.

Hearing about Sparky and Faith Dan's smile grows even more. He'd worked side by side with Sparky and new what a great guy he was. Sparky defiantly deserved a little bit of happyness and if he found it truly in Faith than that was great.

"That's wonderful. I'm so happy for them. It couldn't happened to two better people. Well aside from us."

Giving a little chuckle at Justin's comment about his mom and his bad habit Beth though it was nice to hear just another bit of Justin's mom. She seemed like such a nice lady and you could tell by the way he talked about he that in deed he did love his mom.

Continuing to listen to Justin talk about Scott Beth moves around the kitchen getting some plates down and putting cooked pasta onto it. Talking about something other than herself was nice, and listening to what Justin did all day was nice at the same time. Though it did make her sad to hear Justin might be back. She really had enjoyed there chats each day and to know they might be gone was sad.

Putting the sauce and than some graded cheese onto the pasta Beth is silent for a moment just taking what Justin said in. Finally finishing the process she had been thinking about Beth can't help the sad look that passed though her eyes at the thought of here bench. She defiantly wouldn't let it get cold but...there was something else.

Looking up at Justin Beth searches his eyes for a moment. Her hear pure, her her though process just taking its turn, her lips mouthing the words that made she wanted to ask for a long while. Her own eyes so big and bright in the kitchen light.

"But...what if I get cold and lonely?"

Giving a chuckle and leaning in to give Dani a kiss Dalton looks up at Alec's voice. He was a bit suprised to see his friend here at TJY. Once Alec was gone he thought for sure he wouldn't be back not for a long time always.

"Hey Alec, hows it...."

Getting his words cut off though Dalton looks to Dani and than to Alec than back to Dani again. He could feel the tension in the room growing but he new this was something the both of them needed to work out. So he stayed out of it for now.

Leaning back in his chair Dalton waits till the little conversation come to an end. Sitting up in his chair again and clearing his throat for a moment composting himself too.

"Yeah, if you want to give me about ten or fifteen minutes and if you want to head back I've got some code cracking I could use and extra pare of hands on if your really up to it."

Setting up a few new displays by the counter Anastaisa hums softly as she works away. It had been a few days since Quinn had left, and though he passed though her mind often Anastaisa was dealing with it in her own way and doing ok. She'd probably never seen him again but it had been her fairly tail and for a moment she really had felt like a princess. Maybe that was God's plan to open he eyes to show her love was out there, and dreams did come true.

Finishing with the display and standing Anastaisa was done with that task and now needed to move on to another even if she was moving slow today. Huming to herself so she could keep up her energy Anastaisa stops to the sound of another song, and another voice she new all to well, but was she hearing things.

Lifting her head a little more and still hearing the sound of Quinn's voice Anastaisa spins around. A look of shock cross her face seeing Quinn standing there. She though he was long gone by now and to see him standing right there still sent her heart a flutter. Getting over the shock a smile spreaks across her face so big and a little sequel comes from her lips as she stops the little booklets she was holding falling to the ground as she makes a dash for Quinn knowing he would catch her she jumps and wraps her legs around his wast.

"Quinn you came back."

Not saying anything else Anastaisa press her lips to Quinn's just letting her emotions flow from her to him. She'd missed him over the last few days that was for sure, and thinking she would never see him again now to have him here she just let him know how happy she was.

Standing a ways away in the door way to the office Chuck watches as his niece and the stranger from the other night interact. As she runs to him and jumps into his arms Chuck can't help but bristle for a moment. Than seeing the kiss he bristles more and straightens. Just continuing to watch to see what would happen. He didn't like seeing his niece with a stranger like this but she looked happy, but that could lead to a darker road.

Bad judgment call

Receiving the kiss to the lips then her nose, Jade giggles and tightens her grip around Dan's waist. "Mmm... I'm doing quite well, thank you." She grins and closes her eyes to nuzzles her face into his neck. She loved how he smelled of horses, leather and hard work.

Sighing with content, she finally lifts her head and moves around to stand in front of him instead, reaching up to tip his hat back just a little. "Wife to be... I don't think I'll ever get tired of that. Well, until after we're married that is. Then I suppose the "to be" would be outdated." She giggles again and stands on her tip toes to give him another kiss. "Sparky and Faith are engaged," she whispers. "Shhh."

Still grinning, her eyes dance. "They are so adorable and I've never seen Sparky so happy."

Justin grins at Beth's comment, making the dry pasta wriggle between his teeth. "Ma always got after me for chewing on the pasta she was trying to cook - I guess now it's a habit since I'm out of reach of her swatting."

Sighing, his demeanor changes and he shifts slightly though remains with arms folded at the counter after removing the piece of pasta from his mouth. "Yeah..." A lot had happened in one day - it felt like a week had gone by. Scott's first rejection had been like a kick in the gut, then later when taking him back, Scott had told him not to come back. When it really came down to it, Justin felt like a failure.

"I guess I made a bad judgment call and... Scott asked me not to come back." He shrugs lamely, unable to keep his face from showing how much it bothered him. "Unless something drastic happens, I doubt I'll be asked to return. Dr. Hawks might want me to but... I won't unless Scott agrees." He had several different ideas running through his mind, but hadn't sorted any of them out yet, and didn't know if any would even work anyway. He'd made a blunder out of this one alright.

Looking to Beth, he forces a smile. "Guess you'll have to keep that bench warm so it doesn't get lonely."

Alec stands for another awkward moment before finally turning and leaving Sapphire alone with Gage again. He didn't know what else to say and he didn't want to intrude anymore either. Ambling down the halls and finally back outside, he sits on his motorcycle for a few minutes, lost in thought. Eventually, he starts the engine and dons his helmet before pulling away.

It doesn't take him long to arrive at TJY, but upon entering, he's almost sorry he came. It was more chaotic than he'd ever seen. It seemed hardly anyone was on the main floor, but those who were, were running around like chickens with their heads cut off while Reese was spewing orders from the other end.

Meandering a little further into the chaos, Alec spies Susanne. "Hey, what's all the commotion?"

Strands of Susanne's hair were falling down in her face and she tries to blow them out of the way, her arms full of paperwork. "Seriously? Alec, what are you doing here?"

"Well, hi to you too."

She smirks. "Reese won't be happy to see you hanging around. Jason's on watchdog duty, Nate's still out with Laura, Con and Jamie took a few days off for that whole thing, we're losing Hope, Rick and Ty are out of town, Gunner's playing hookie who knows where, Pete's out on a stakeout and Sapphire's gone to look after Gage, of whom Reese has had no time to even check about because he's been here trying to hold down the fort while making me fill in all the gaps!" Huffing, Susanne blinks at Alec. "Any more questions?"

Alec's eyes are wide and he takes a step back. "Um. No. Don't think so, thanks. But somebody should prolly go see Gage sometime. Sapphire was kinda sore about that."

Susanne quirks an eyebrow. "You saw her?"

"Yeah. Just came from the hospital."

Susanne softens just a little. "How's Gage?"

"Not good if he's suppose to be awake. Apparently I'm the only one that's showed up. Guess the guy still hasn't made any friends anywhere."

Susanne's eyes narrow. "Well I'm sure it's not from lack of trying. Not everybody just manipulates their way into people's lives."

"Now what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Sorry. Just... thank you, Alec. I'll tell Reese you saw Gage."

Alec stands lamely as Susanne walks away before he shrugs then aims down the hall away from the mess. Moseying to Dalton's office, he sees the door partway open, so enters after a quick knock with his knuckles. "Hey, Hulk, I..." His voice trails off as he realizes that his big friend isn't alone.

Dani had been sitting in the empty chair next to Dalton, having stopped by for just a few moments on her way from work. Her eyes had now snapped to Alec and were slightly wide. "I thought you weren't here anymore."

Alec smirks. "I'm not. Apparently this was a bad time to show up at all."

Dani can feel her face growing hot. "Apparently." It wasn't so much that her conversation with Dalton had been interrupted, but seeing her half-brother again was not something she'd expected or wanted. Ever since he'd manipulated her into setting him free that one time, she couldn't care less what happened to him and did not want to socialize.

Alec rolls his eyes, seeing the ire in Dani's gaze. "You women hold grudges for a long time, don't you?"

"What do you care?"

"I guess I don't." It was a lie, but Alec wasn't about to admit that there were days he wanted to get to know his sister. He stares at Dani until she lowers her eyes first, then he focuses on Dalton. "I had a free afternoon... thought you might need some help with something. But... if you're busy, I'll just leave."

The sun was setting. And for yet another evening, Quinn found himself in the same small city. The Coffee Bean was quiet and the coffee was good as he tried to drink enough to stay awake for his next attempt at leaving. After having helped the old man on the road, he'd wound up giving him a ride back to the car to pick up some personal items, then taking him to the store, then home where he "had" to stay for a meal as payment, then take the man to the auto shop to pick up the now-fixed car. After all that, it had already been dark and Quinn had found himself back at the little coffee shop where he'd been with Anastasia. Tonight though, the booth opposite him was empty... too empty. He should have just left town without stopping but... for some reason, he hadn't.

Downing the rest of his coffee, he sighs and checks his watch. If he left now, he could make it to a hotel by the time he got too tired and he'd rest for a night then head out again early. With any luck, he'd actually get to his destination before going mad.

As he steps outside under the stars though, Quinn finds himself staring up at them. And for a moment, it felt as though his feet were magnets attracted to the sidewalk. Still staring upward, he sighs. "Now what, hmm? I met a girl... said hi to my brother... what else am I supposed to do? Haven't I done everything You wanted me to do?"

The answer in the stillness was not what Quinn expected. "Naw, that's just a passing thought, right? You didn't actually mean for me to..." He scoffs and shakes his head before throwing up his arms. "Just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder. Okay, fine. But pretty soon, I'm liable to go mad - You realize this, right?"

Just over half an hour later, he was staring up at the same stars. But this time while seated on a large rock protruding out from the pier. The gentle sloshing of water was lulling and he couldn't help but hum. He was alone out here - no one else was here this late, and the sounds of traffic were far away. And for a rare moment or two, without trying, the positive aspects about this area began to add up in his mind...

...Morning. The night hadn't been spent as planned. Instead of waking up in a hotel bed, Quinn was hosting aches from sleeping curled in his car all night. After yet another visit to the Coffee Bean though, he was waking up and feeling quite insane for still being here. It really was ridiculous and he was just as confused as ever as to why he really was. But every time he thought about trying to leave again, the silent answer came back: "Not yet."

Wandering through the door of the shop, Quinn's steps are slow and quiet as he ambles around the shelves, taking in the scent he'd enjoyed when been here a couple days ago. Spotting movement over by the counter, he goes the other way, heading to the section where he'd found the Ricky Nelson album.

Flipping through some old records, he starts to hum an old but familiar tune and one that now was a reminder of something special. Continuing to hum to the inaudible music, his voice finally comes through as he knows the words will carry just far enough to gain the attention of one person in particular. "Little things I should have said and done, I just never took the time. You were always on my mind... You were always on my mind."



Going to the stove and string the sauce Beth keeps her hands busy moving the meat around in the pan as well so it wont burn. Listing to him as she continued to cook. Giving a little nod about the dogs she felt a little odd not having them there but she'd been around Justin enough now not to be in a panic without the furry friends.

"Poor guys being left out. I'll have to send you home with a doggies bag for them."

Taking a small spoon and taking a taste of the sauce Beth gives another nod before going up to the cupboard and grabbing a few more spices and putting them into the pot. Catching Justin out of the corner of her eye Beth stops for a moment on what she was doing. Taking Justin in for a moment and how he was standing there a sudden moment her heart seemed to skip a beat. That was something that even startled her, she'd never seen Justin in this light before maybe today it was because she felt a little relaxed.

"You have...a little something hanging from your mouth there."

Not being able to help the smile that formed on her lips as a twinkle made its way through her eye. Bringing her attachen quickly back to her pot of sauce so she didn't keep staring and trying her best to push these new strange feelings away.

Hearing that Justin might not go back to brookshire took Beth a little off guard. Had something happened and he was told not to go back? Surely it was not of his own choosing. He never seemed like one to give up like that.

"Oh no, did something happen today?"

Hearing that Alec would watch Gage's apartment was nice. He was right Gage didn't have many friends so many it wasn't a surprise no body came but Sapphire would of thought at least Reese would have.

"Yeah if you could watch his apartment that would be great. Thanks Alec it means a lot and I know it will mean a lot to Gage too."

Trying to give her best smile for at least Alec's sake since he was trying she followed it with a little nod. Alec didn't seem all that bad not anymore anyways. He'd grown a lot since first coming to TJY and Sapphire could only think some of it hate to do with his girl as well.

Bringing her attahcen back to Gage Sapphire takes his hand in her and gives it a small squeeze. She tryed to be there for him the best she could and helped him along in life, but sometimes, somethings just needed to be found out on there own. Sapphire wanted to blame herself for this happening but some where deep inside she new better. now she could only sit and hope Gage would pull though and when he woke up...she'd be there for him again.

Feeling the arms slide around him Dan can instantly tell they are Jade's before she even said anything. The simple smell of her shampoo and the way she touched him said a thousand words and sent a thousand emotions through him.

Putting his hands up and locking his fingers with Jade's as he leans back just a little bit into her. He loved the way he felt around Jade, she made him feel so good, like he had a reason again.

"I think we are cuter than than...but thats just what I think."

Moving just a little so he could look over his shoulder better Dan giving a small kiss to Jade's lips and than to her nose his own eyes twinkling as his hat is tipped back a little. The smile on his lips growing even more.

"Hey there baby. How is my lovely wife to be this afternoon?"

May not be

"Mmm." Justin grins and nods. "Who doesn't like spaghetti? Smells great."

Slipping off his old sneakers, he wanders in behind Beth, noting that though casual, she was dressed quite a bit more nicely than he was. Following her into the kitchen, he leans on the counter, finding a stray piece of spaghetti that had escaped the boiling pot, and he fiddles with his absentmindedly.

"Naw," he replies, "They need baths and it was too much bother to get them together and into the truck tonight." He gives Beth a sidelong glance, wondering if she was bothered by the fact that Danitza and Zora were absent.

The piece of spaghetti snaps between his fingers, and he takes one half and gnaws on it, turning around to lean back against the counter and fold his arms with the uncooked noodle sticking from his mouth as if he were chewing on a blade of grass. Did he realize he was being much more relaxed and himself around her than normal? Maybe.

"I may not be going back to Brookshire," he muses.

Alec stops and turns around as Sapphire speaks to him and he looks at her thoughtfully before giving a little shrug. "Yeah well... from what I understand, he doesn't have too many friends who would show up. I guess that means he's lucky he's got you."

His thumb taps his helmet as he stands awkwardly, not really sure what to say or do now. "I'll um... keep an eye on his place while he's here, if... you want me to." He did feel strange... how did other people do things like this anyway?

"I will definitely accept your help," Jade agrees. Seeing the way Faith and Sparky looked at each other makes her smile all the more.

Saying she would see them both later, she continues her route to the barn, but takes another side trip before heading to the horse stall. Finding Dan near the stack of hay with no one else around, she comes up behind him, reaching up to sling her arms around his waste and kissing the back of his neck. "If we are half as cute as Sparky and Faith, we must both make everyone laugh."

She giggles and stands on her tiptoes to set her chin on his shoulder, bumping the rim of his hat. "Hi, Handsome."


Hearing Alec's words about being an ex-agent makes her cringe a little but a small smile forms a little on her lips anyways knowing he was trying to make her feel better. She was thankful for him at least trying.

Seeing he was turning to leave again Sapphire fishes for a moment before looking up again at Alec.

"Alec...thank you for showing your cared and coming to see Gage. Your the only one that has so far."

She new maybe her words seemed a little bitter that no one else had bothered to even call about Gage but its not how she meant it. She was tired, and stressed she could only hope Alec understand she was thankful that he came and showed he cared.

Keeping her hand linked with Sparky the walk back to the ranch was enjoyable. Coming to the bunk house and come across Jade Faith couldn't help her smile that grew even more than it already had.

Letting her hand raise and sparkle even more in the sun Faith couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped her lips as she returned the hug to Jade. She felt so happy and it was so nice to have someone return the excitement with them. Though she didn't care what others said Faith was still nervous about it.

"I am sure I will need some help when planning happens, and I'd love to have you help me Jade. As long as your let me help you when you and Dan finally pick a date."

Faith couldn't be happier to know she would soon really be part of the family, and to know she got to spend the rest of her life with the man of her dreams. Nothing could seem more perfect nor would she want it any other way.

Looking up at Sparky her eyes were wide, big and bright. So much love and emotion shined in them. So much could be told with one look on how she felt, there was no denying her love for him.

Mixing the sauce that was on the stove Beth continues to get dinner ready as some meatballs were sizzling in a pan. Cooking again for more than just her was nice, and not thinking about heating up a TV dinner was even better.

Hearing the door bell Beth is pulled from her thoughts and looks up from the food. Giving a smile knowing who it was Beth head for the door. Dressed in a nice green top, and a pare of black pants her hair layed around her shoulders.

"Hey Justin...come on in I was just making dinner. I hope you like spaghetti."

Opening the door a little more to let Justin in Beth closes the door behind and before making her way back to the kitchen to check on the dinner. Only now realizing both the Dog's weren't with them.

"Deiced...to keep the dogs home? I didn't mind if they came too."

Waiting at the door

Justin grins a little - he must be tired if he wasn't able to mask it over the phone. "It's been quite the day," he admits. "But no problem - dinner sounds good and I'd be glad to look at pictures with you."

The phone call didn't need to last much longer than that. It was already well into the evening, so Justin immediately got up to get ready to go. The dogs would stay home this time - it would be good to see how Beth reacted now to just him without the security of her furry friends.

Wandering to his closet, Justin scans his shirts. He pauses though and looks down at himself. His t-shirt was worn but clean. His jeans were a bit tattered with a hole just starting above one knee and they were faded, but for all practical purposes, they were clean too. He really didn't feel like anything else tonight. Maybe it was time Beth saw one level deeper anyway. He was alright enough to go, eat and assist. But he was tired, and it had been a long day. Why pretend otherwise?

Closing his closet, Justin ambles back to the living room to find his socks and sneakers. Fifteen minutes later, he was on the road, heading for Beth's. This time he knew where he was going so he wound up just a few minutes early instead of late. Standing at the door, he rings the bell and waits while fiddling with his car keys.

Hearing what had really happened, Alec's eyebrows rise just a little. The first words that came to mind were, "Well, that was stupid," but he refrains. He knew better than to say that to Gage's girlfriend. And he did feel sorry. Mostly for Sapphire. She was nice and it was obvious she was worried about Gage.

"He'll pull through." Alec nods with confidence. "A bullet to the head is the only way to take down ex-Agency." It didn't seem to come out as well as it had sounded in his head and he clears his throat a bit awkwardly. "Okay, well um... thanks for filling me in. I guess um... I'll check back again sometime."

The time available for the picnic seemed all too short and Sparky didn't want to leave the cozy little spot, but he knew they had to. He had to finish out the work day, whether his head was in the clouds or not, and he didn't want Faith to overextend herself either.

Walking back to the ranch hand-in-hand, it was hard to believe that things were different now. They weren't, but they were. Nothing had really changed, but it was official now and that was good enough. Sparky didn't know how he'd break the news to his brothers, but no matter what they said, he was going to hold his ground. They could think whatever they wanted, and he wasn't going to change his mind.

Ambling back towards Faith's bunkhouse, the first person who sees them is Jade. She was just on her way to the barn to go for a ride, but stops and waves at them. "Hey, you two." She grins, having known that they were going to have their own picnic today. "Have a nice time?"

"Mm-hmm." Sparky nods as they approach, then stops. "Sure did." He smiles, giving Faith a sidelong glance.

Jade catches it and quirks an eyebrow. "Alright, what are you up to, Sparky?"

Sparky chuckles and shakes his head. "Nothing."

"Right. I see that glint in your eye." Jade folds her arms. "Out with it, come on."

Sparky looks to Faith again and shrugs. It wasn't like they could keep this a secret. He lifts up her hand so Jade can see.

Jade immediately spots the ring and her eyes widen. Giving an excited little shriek, she bounces and gives Faith a hug, then Sparky a big kiss on the cheek. "Oh, congratulations!" She claps her hands then takes a closer look at the ring. "It's gorgeous! I'm so happy for you two! This is so exciting!"

Sparky can't help but laugh at his niece's bubbly enthusiasm. "Well we think so," he agrees teasingly.

Jade giggles. "Do you know when the big day is?"

Sparky shakes his head. "Not yet. I figure I better see if I get killed before now and then."

Jade is confused for a moment then rolls her eyes. She knew he was referring to Jim and her dad. "Yeah, well, if I can survive being engaged to Dan, it'll be a piece of cake for you two." Doing a little hop again, she has to give Faith another hug. "If you need any help with anything, just say the word."


Moving forward

Tilting her head a little bit and looking up at the ring on her finger and how it sparkled in the sun light. Moving her hand back and forth a little to make it shimmer even more Faith's smile grew even more. Sparky had done a great job picking the ring out and to her it was very so pretty.

"Every moment I spend with you is worth ever moment and any harmful word anyone says. Your amazing, and you make me feel amazing. To know I get to spend the rest of my life with you makes me extremely happy, even if its in a little card bored box as long as it was with you."

Looking back into Sparky's eyes Faith could see the life he held in them, and the love that reflected. It was so nice to see the same love in his eyes that she had in her own. Every moment with him was like she was meeting him all over again.

Giving a slight nod of her head Scarlet understood what Eli was saying. She new when he was ready and new what he was doing Ryan would be told. Eli cared for his sister to much to just leave without telling her. Not to mention it wasn't her place to say anything.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me."

Taking another sip of her water Scarlet gives a little squeeze in return. Looking across the table Eli Scarlet gives a grin as her dark eyes give a twinkle. A ride with Eli how could she turn that down?

"The day I turn a bike ride with you down is the day pigs fly. I'd do anything as long as it meant I could wrap my arms around you."

Answering the phone and hearing Justin's voice on the other end Beth sits up from the couch. She meant to call him back but she must have fallen asleep on the couch. Blinking away the sleepiness a little she stands and wonders to the kitchen.

"Oh Hey Justin. Yeah sorry I didn't call you back. I have off tonight so if you want to come over still that would be great."

Giving a glance to the table where the box of pictures sat Beth felt a stand churn in her stomach. She wasn't to go through them but she was still scared. Having Justin there with her might make it better.

"I can make some dinner for us, and maybe we could go through these pictures....as long as your sure your up to it. You sound a little tired."

Looking up quickly at the sound of Alec's voice Sapphire's eyes were slightly sleepy. She been sitting by Gage's side since he had been in the hospital. Going home only once or twice to sleep and shower only to return once again so if he woke she was there.

"Hey, he's unchanged in his condition."

Letting out a little side and leaning forward a little to adjust the blanket on Gage it was the only thing she could do that felt like she was helping. Sitting back to look at Alec again she sighs again.

"He'd been keeping himself on up pills so he didn't have to sleep so he would have more time in the day to spend with me, and to do other things. Finally his body just said enough and...wouldn't let him stay awake anymore. So now we are here, and the dr. don't know if he will wake or not."


Sparky grins and shakes his head. "You're thanking me. I'm not sure how that works, but you're welcome as long as I can thank you, too."

Flopping down on his back beside Faith, he takes her hand and holds it up to look at the ring against the sun. It seems the smile simply can't leave his face. "I don't care what my brothers think," he muses aloud. "No matter what, it's worth it. I hope it is for you, too."

Turning his head so he can see Faith's face, he studies her fine features. "A lifetime never felt as short as it does now."

Eli sighs deeply as his gaze drops to his and Scarlet's hands on the table. Her touch brings his fingers around to hold hers, too. He supposed the time frame didn't mean everything, but he hated the position he was in. He hated the letters in the mail asking for full payments, and he hated having to choose between those or paying his sister rent. He knew she didn't care but that didn't matter to him. It didn't feel right. He was the older one... he was supposed to be responsible, and no matter how much Ryan said he was fine, he would always feel like he was mooching if he couldn't pay rent in full. But... leaving here? For a year? At least?

"I guess I'll keep thinking about it," he finally concludes, even though it isn't much of an answer. "Thank you for your honest opinion."

Shoving aside his finished plate, he slides his other hand across the table to take hers. "Don't say anything to Ryan, okay? She doesn't know and..." He shrugs. "I just don't want to tell her yet." He figured his sister would be fine with whatever he decided, but he also knew she'd be somewhat disappointed, and that was enough for him to not want to tell her.

Smiling a little, he squeezes Scarlet's hands. "Wanna take a ride before getting back to work?"

Scott glares at his supper plate as if wanting to stare down the chicken and noodle soup and crackers. He didn't usually sit in the dining room for meals, but tonight he was. His bedroom just felt too small this time.

His eyes were red and swollen from overflowing emotions after getting back from seeing Hope and there was nothing anyone could do about it. He was hurt and he was angry. He'd turned his back on Justin as soon as they'd gotten back to Brookshire, and he wasn't so sure Justin would even show up in the morning. Scott could only hope that if anything more happened with Hope, that someone would have the decency to let him know.

"Has it bitten you yet?"

Scott looks up briefly at Jenny who was doing her best to cheer him up, but a smile just wouldn't come. "No."

"Pretty soon I'm gonna have to reheat it for you." Jenny cocks her head thoughtfully then eases down across from him at the little table. Taking an extra spoon, she dips into the soup her self and blows on it before taking a bite. "Mmm... it's actually good today."

For some reason, Jenny could treat him like a little kid without making him feel like it. "Martha's in the kitchen?"

"Yep." Jenny nods. Martha was the best of the cooks they had there.

Scott finally picks up his own spoon. Staring into the soup, he grips his utensil. He was angry. Angry that things always went wrong. Angry that everything was continually being stolen from him over and over and over. Angry that his life was ripped from him again and again. Angry that every time he thought he'd conquered it, something else happened to set him right back on his backside again. He'd thought he was okay more than once... thought he'd gotten through the nightmare more than once... but was always proven wrong. He had lost everything, including his dignity. Now he was losing Hope too. And he was tired of it. He was tired of losing. Tired of giving in and being trampled on by life and circumstance.

Shoving a mouthful of soup into his mouth, he chews the hearty chicken and noodles and lets the warm liquid slide down his throat. He almost gags and his stomach immediately starts to churn. But he doesn't care. He stuffs another spoonful in his mouth and forces himself to chew and swallow.

Jenny grins a little and helps him with another bite of her own. "Easy, big guy. What did the soup ever do to you?"

Scott swallows and grimaces, forcing the meal down. "It exists. That's good enough."

Jenny smirks at him. "Well I certainly hope I don't get the same treatment just for existing."

Scott looks up quickly with his own smirk. "As if. You're the only one in this place I don't hate."

"Is that a compliment?"

"The best I can do today."

Jenny grins knowingly. "Fair enough."

Scott points at his bowl. "Have another bite. If you help me, I can actually say I finished a meal."

"Mmm, that would be a first, wouldn't it?" Even if she was helping him, she was only taking small spoonfuls and if the bowl ended up empty, it wouldn't have been because of her efforts.

"I guess so."

"Good. Then today will be a day of accomplishment, no matter what else happens."

Justin sits on his front porch in his old jeans, t-shirt and barefoot, one hand absentmindedly stroking Danitza's head. His other hand held his phone. Beth hadn't called him back, and it was already starting to get dark. He still didn't know if she was working tonight, she hadn't called, and he was in no mood for socializing. But... wither he had other problems or not, he couldn't just leave her high and dry.

He finally flips open his phone and dials, waiting for an answer. "Hey, Beth... it's Justin." He tries not to sound as weary as he was. If Beth was ready to face the past through photos, then he needed to be there for her. "I don't know if you got my last message or not. I, um... well, my evening is free, so if you still want to get together, I'm all for it."

Gage continues to lie quietly in the hospital bed, not having moved all day. Doctors had been in and out along with nurses, but there had been no change. It was still uncertain when Gage might awake, but he was stable and that was what kept the doctors positive.

Out in the hall, a figure appears, almost hesitant. He wasn't sure why he was there... someone might say he cared. But that didn't seem right. He'd never cared before. He did feel a little funny, but surely it wasn't because he cared about Gage or even Sapphire... was it?

Biting the inside of his lower lip, Alec tucks his helmet under his arm and finally slips into the room quietly. Approaching the bed slowly, he glances over to Sapphire. "Hi." He was sure she wouldn't know what he was doing here either. "How's he doing?" He still didn't even know why Gage was here, but he was sure Sapphire would tell him - if she wanted anything to do with him, that is.

No hurry

Just letting the kiss happen and not resisting when Sparky gentile lays her down a small smile forms on Faith's lips making sure not to break the kiss. He made her feel so good, and to know her love was returned was just an amazing feeling that Faith new would never end. What her and Sparky had very few found, but she was one of the lucky ones!

"Even if they tried the would be heart broken when they found out I wouldn't leave you for anything. You've made me so happy, and feel so wonderful how could I ever give that away!"

Bringing her own hand to the side of Sparky's face and letting her thumb run over his cheek Faith lets her smile grow even more. Her heart was still racing in her chest but she didn't care. It was a good feeling and she loved every moment of it.

Leaning her head back again to return the soft kiss from Sparky Faith's eyes twinkle even more when he pulls away. Hear that she could help him with the building of the house Faith can't help the small chuckle that escaped her lips and the small tear that rolled down her cheek.

"I'd love to be able to help with the house. Than it really would be our totally because both our touches would be on it. Thank you Tyler so much for making me feel this way."

Scarlet can't help the chuckle that escaped her lips at Eli's comment about all the work she went through before dating him. Really when she stopped to think about it, it was a lot of work but to her it was well worth it.

"Getting out of debt is a good thing but do you really have to leave to do that? I mean I know its going pretty slow as of right now but really there is no hurry right?"

Though she did understand what Eli was saying about getting out of debt Scarlet wondered if many there was a hurry for him. Sometimes certain thing couldn't wait or just the simple fact of not wanting to have money issues hanging over your head was enough too.

Letting her thumb move just a little so Eli's on finger fell down between her own Scarlet puts her thumb back to be able to hold it. His touch, the way he talked, riding his bike with him it was all so perfect to have it gone seemed to made her even sadder.

Hearing him ask her what she would do Scarlet looks up at Eli and lets her eyes search his. What would she do? It was a hard question to answer because she already went away with her job that kept her away days on end, but if they asked her to stay longer would she?

"Well, My job already takes me out of town, across the state for days on end. Getting away, going new places is nice. but if they asked me to stay a month or two for one job I think I'd have to turn them down. I don't have any brothers or sister though I've always wanted some...and to have my parents back that would be wonderful. I really don't think I would be able to leave for a long time with out them coming with me. My limit is two weeks at most."

It was always hard to answer a if you were me question but Scarlet tried the best she could just being honest with how she felt about the whole thing. She deffintly didn't want to see Eli go, that she new for sure but if he did she wouldn't be made, and they would work there way through it.


I am now

Hearing Faith say yes, Sparky lets out the breath he didn't even realize he'd been holding. Being pulled into her embrace, he slips his arm around her, still kneeling. "I was gon ...mmmm." His words are cut off by her kiss, but he doesn't care. Returning her kiss with pent-up emotions, one arm stays around her while the other hand comes up to stroke her soft hair. What he was feeling was indescribable. It was joy... a new kind of joy that he'd never experienced before. He loved and was loved in return.

Gently pushing Faith back while still kissing her, he eases her down on her back, leaning over her and never wanting this moment to end. The day she said yes... he would always remember.

Resting on his side with one arm draped over her, he finally releases the kiss to look into her eyes... the eyes that had captured him from day one. "You have made me the happiest man alive." Cheeks flushed and eyes bright, he felt as though he were young again. His rough hand brushes aside a lock of hair from her face so softly as if touching the petals of a delicate flower.

Still looking down at her, his hand comes around that still held the the little box. Leaning on his other elbow, he removes the ring and takes Faith's hand, slipping the ring onto her finger, proving a perfect fit. "Mm... now no one will dare take you away."

He leans down over her again and kisses her nose then her cheek, retreating to grin at her. "And now you get to help plan how the house will be built."

Scarlet's response was perhaps more like what Eli had expected in the first place. And though he felt relief that she actually cared, it did send a new pang to his heart - one that made him question this whole thing even more.

Cocking his head and leaning down a little so he can see her eyes, he draws her gaze back up. "After all that work you went through... background checks and hunting me down... you'd really let me go that easily if I said we were breaking up?"

He gives her a crooked grin and shakes his head. "I may be crazy but I'm not stupid. Why would I break up with the hottest woman in town?" He didn't want to leave her behind. He didn't even want to leave his sister behind. Not to mention some other friends he'd made here. He liked it in Nevada more than he'd thought he would. But... Florida was the perfect opportunity for some good cash, too.

Sliding his hand across the table, he finds Scarlet's and runs his fingers over hers, back and forth. "I enjoy having you around, too and... I don't really want to go either. I just... how can I pass it up? With the job I got, I just can't get ahead and out of debt. But with a little extra cash..."

His words trail off as he realizes how shallow it all sounded. "I don't know how I can say no to the job offer, but I don't know how I can leave either... not when I hear you talk like that... You're too good at it."

Smirking a little, his hand stops moving and just lies on top of hers. "I haven't even talked to Ryan about it yet. If you were me... would you go or stay?"

Returning Libby's kiss, Ty grins at her as she pulls away. "Getting in trouble with him isn't so bad," he muses. "But you're probably right."

Finally sitting up, he sighs deeply, ending in a big yawn. Putting his arm around Libby to roughly pull her close, he kisses the top of her head before standing up. "See ya in the morning." Wandering to the other door, he looks back through for a moment to toss her a wink, then closes it.

The old man walking alongside the road did catch Quinn's attention, and his eyes focus on the rearview mirror, wondering at the peculiar sight, miles out of town. Next came the broken-down car on the shoulder with its hood propped open. The scene made sense now.

But as he continues to drive, the familiar - even though it might be unwanted - jabs to his conscience arise. Sighing, Quinn checks his mirrors again. There were no other cars that he could see. The old man would probably overextend himself and have a heart attack on the way back to town.

Giving a little growl, Quinn pulls off to the side and does a u-turn, heading back the other way. Reaching the man again, he stops and rolls down the window. "Hey... need a lift?"

The old man looks up quickly, a smile appearing on his weathered face. "Do I ever. You headed into town?"

Quinn grins wearily. No, he really wasn't. "I am now."



"If you left...would...we be breaking up? I certainly don't want that nor do I want another guy. Honestly I don't even want you to go but I can't make you stay either. My job has me travil all over and it wouldn't be right to say you had to stay."

Looking down again Scarlet tried to hold in the feeling she had not waiting Eli to see them. She wanted him to stay, but she couldn't be the one who told him that. How she felt was an odd feeling happy and sad at the same time.

"I...I don't want to lose you Eli thats something I know for a fact. You've filled the hole in my life and...I enjoy having you around."

This was something Scarlet always had a hard time doing. Telling her feelings and trying to explain how she felt. She only wished Eli would understand and see she really did care a lot for him and didn't want him to go.

Sitting on the bed next to Ty Libby giving a laugh at the comment only she can hear. Finding Ty's hand on the bed her fingers lock with his as she leans a little closer to him. The night had been great, the food wonderful, and spending the time with Ty even better. It definitely nice to know she had someone like him in her life.

"I don't want to have to wait eight house either. But the faster we fall asleep the faster we can wake and see each other again."

Leaning down over top of him Libby press her lips to his letting her emotion flow to him. Words were sometimes complicated so a simple emotion just seemed to work better this time around. Finally backing away knowing Rick would be calling for Ty again soon she smiles.

"You better get going before we get into anymore trouble with the Dr."

Just enjoying the out side and listing to Sparky talk Faith gave him her fill attachen like she always did. The sound of his voice was so comforting and just made her feel so safe. Letting her eyes follow him as shifted on the blanket Faith just continued to listen.

Not even realizing it right away Faith's heart starts to race and a nervouse feeling enters her tummy. Sparky was talking about building a house, and he was talking about not shearing it alone. In a way she wondered if he was asking her to live with him, or if he was having them go there own ways so he could find what he wanted. Faith didn't think it was the last reason. Why would he bring her out here if it was? But still it was a thought that entered her mind.

Letting her eyes fall to Sparky's hand and seeing the small velvet box there was no denying what it was. Her heart beat increasing even more Faith felt as though it would pound right out of her chest. She hadn't been expecting this and it added to the excitement.

Bringing her hand down to his and running her fingers along his fingers and than to the box ever so lightly letting her fingers run over the ring a few tears seemed to escape Faith's eyes. She felt so happy right now it was hard to even try and contain.

Looking up into Sparky's eyes letting her own glisten Faith can't help the smile that was on her face. In that simple smile it said everything and held her answer to him but still with her shaky voice to hear herself say it was even better.

"Yes Tyler, yes I will marry you!"

Leaning forward and wrapping her arms around his neck Faith pulls herself close. She didn't have hardly anything to her name here in the US, but to Sparky that didn't matter he loved her anyways and that made her feel better.

Pulling away a little and looking into his eyes Faith can't help the smile, and the tears as she leans in and pushes her lips to Sparky's. She was so happy, and she just let her emotions, she passion flow to Sparky not caring how much time passed by.

So much it hurts

"Tomorrow," Jason agrees. "And it's no trouble. If it was, I wouldn't have offered."

He cocks his head looking at Destiny for a moment. Though seeming to be on the mend herself, there was still such a sadness about her that continued to make Jason feel as though he wished he could do something more to help. But there still was not. He probably shouldn't tell her that Chance had dropped off radar either... that was in the notes he'd read just this morning. Reese was less than happy but no one could explain how Chance had slipped out from under them.

Eli looks across at Scarlet for a moment and seems to shift gears a little. He clears his throat and sits up a little straighter as if trying to be more casual about the whole thing. Perhaps he'd expected a different kind of response but... he shoudn't have, right? It wasn't like he and Scarlet were joined at the hip here... she obviously wanted him to accomplish what he wanted so... he shouldn't have thought she'd react any other way, right?

"I hope so," he answers, his fingers slowly turning his glass as his eyes drift down again. "I mean, I got a lot here, ya know? Ryan... you... and Florida was alright, but never was my cup of tea."

Glancing back up again, the questions linger in his eyes. "Of course... I don't know... I might not wanna go and risk some other charmer to come along and steal you away."

Rick chuckles and heads for the front entrance. "Well come on then."

Ty hangs back a moment and grins, giving Libby's hand a squeeze. "You'll have to help me with the menu," he muses. "No lying though. I don't wanna end up with something like cow brains or something."

It wasn't cow brains he ended up with, but rather a nice large steak, the same as Rick. The restaurant really was nice, but even though they might not have been quite as nicely dressed as most of the patrons, it didn't seem to matter, and Rick made sure of that. It was rather a fun evening - very different than what was usually experienced back at TJY. And though Rick was the older leader, he did a good job at entering into conversation with both Ty and Libby. The food was good and the laughter was even better...

"...I don't think I'm gonna need to eat for a week," Ty moans. He doesn't move, still lying on his back, sideways on Libby's hotel bed.

"Ty, you coming?" Rick calls from the adjoining room.

"Uh-huh." Ty's eyes fall shut and he still doesn't move. "If you come drag me in there," he finishes, too quiet for Rick to hear.

Opening his eyes, he finds Libby and grins at her. "But I suppose I should leave you be anyway. I just didn't want to wait another eight hours to see you."

"Mmm... maybe forever can be wrapped in one single moment at a time." Sparky smiles again and finishes his piece of chicken before sitting up and taking a sip from his water bottle. For a few moments, silence is invited into their little scene until he speaks again.

"You know... a while back when Mick and Rosetta raised my pay and all, um... well I guess they talked a little more and... they're giving me a piece of land. Kinda like some of the others around here... you know, if I wanted to stick around here at the ranch and all. Finally have my own little spot that I can call mine."

He looks down and plucks a blade of grass. "I chose this spot and Mick approved." Glancing up, his eyes roam the clearing as if imagining what it might look like in the future. "I was thinking about a house over in that corner there." He points to the far corner. "Maybe even plant a few of my own fruit trees or something... but keep all these nice trees around so it's still secluded." It really wasn't that far of a walk through the trees back into the heart of the ranch, but it felt like it was far away. "I was thinking maybe a log cabin... rustic but nice."

Sparky gives Faith a sidelong glance before shifting and crawling over the blanket to take a knee front of her so he's at her eye-level, and removes his hat. Reaching out, he takes her hands in his, noting as he often did, how soft they were compared to his own. But today, his own were shaking ever so slightly. "Thing is... even with all that... it wouldn't mean much if... if I was all alone."

His eyes pierce hers, staring, searching, hoping. Swallowing hard, he lets go of her hands and fishes in his jeans pocket, pulling out a little velvet box. For a moment, he stares at it as he wonders if perhaps Faith can hear his heart, it was beating so loudly.

Opening the box, he turns it around and holds it out to her. Nestled inside was a dainty diamond ring, small but lovely, sparkling in the sunlight. It seemed to sparkle even a little more, his hand still trembled. The words seem to get stuck in his throat, but he forces them out. "I'm... tired of being alone. And you... you make things brighter and you give me more purpose than I've ever had, and... and I love you so much that some days it hurts."

He swallows again, knowing that he had so little to offer. He felt so strongly about Faith, but did she feel that way for him, too? To this degree? He didn't know what he'd do if she said no.

"Faith... will you... will you marry me?"


Moving through the morning just keeping herself busy and trying to help with what she could Faith tryed to just let time slip by waiting for the afternoon and lunch to come. And not soon enough it did.

Getting settle under the tree with Sparky Faith couldn't be enjoying herself anymore. Shifting just a little so she could eat and see Sparky better she smiles. Taking a sip of her drink her eyes twinkle in the sun light as she looks back to Sparky.

"Mmm...I do like it here. It's so peaceful and quiet, Definitely a nice place to spend with someone you love. So its more than perfect for us."

Being here with Sparky for Faith it was perfect. She loved every moment spent with him, and had gotten use to what the other though. Now it really didn't matter anymore. She new where they both stood with each other and was happy no matter what.

"Can we just get lost and stay here forever? It's just to wonderful to want to leave."

Pulling away from being so close to Ty Libby doesn't lose full contact as her hand slips down to his and her there fingers lock. Hearing about dinner some place nice Libby's smile grows a little more. Food was something she liked, and something she could never say no too.

"I think dinner sounds like a great idea I'm starving."

Looking up from the couch and turning her attachen away from the tv Destiny looks over to Jason. It was good to see him up and about again after being sick for a little while. Though he seemed to be ok Destiny did her best not to cause any problems knowing he was still on the mend.

"Yeah maybe later today or tomorrow if your feeling up to it we can go to my parents house. There is still a few things I'd like to do there. If its..not to much trouble that it."

Over the last few days things hadn't seemed easy and though much pain still cased her heart Destiny tryed to see things in a better light. Though it didn't come easy she didn't stay in her room as much and moving around the safe house was more she still hated it. Would things get better? Would this pain stop? And would she ever stop thinking about Chance?

Looking up from her empty plate Scarlet just looks across the table at Eli. The news of him having a job offer in Florida and considering to take it surprised her though she didn't let it show.

"Wow, that would be great for you to get caught up on your bills. Than you wouldn't have those hanging over your head all the time."

Continuing to just study Eli Scarlet couldn't help a few of her own throughs that ran through her mind. A sudden sadness seemed to pass through her eyes that mixed with the softness that only Eli got to see. But trying to push it away Scarlet wanted to let her strength show though. She should be happy for Eli.

"I know Ryan would miss you, and I know I would miss you too. Would you ever be coming back?"