
Worst nightmare

Jason struggles to remain alert as his body begins to fight what was happening inside of him. It had been a long time, but he'd known it would come again eventually.

Feeling Katie start to draw out some of his emotions, he lets her, though it's like trying to hold back a raging river with just his hands. He had to wait... had to hang on... a little longer....

Sensing her nearing, his heart begins to race. He knew she was here, though his mind had already begun to swim in a dark haze. She was asking him something... something... he needed to reply...

Yeah... unlocked... just come...

Feeling Katie coming even closer, Jason's body curls into a tight ball, his arms wrapped around himself and his fists clenched tightly. His scarred palm begins to burn as the emotions continue their attack.

Unsure if Katie was inside yet or not, it didn't matter - Jason couldn't hold it any longer. His body begins to shake and his eyes roll back in his head, sweat pouring down his face and neck and soaking his t-shirt. And in an instant, he's back in the forbidden corners of his mind... back in the darkest crevices... back in that room that held a nightmare that would haunt him forever... that would forever feed the emotions that bound him.

Shooting pain surges through his body like an electrical shock and the images fly through his mind, one after the other, each tagged with such strong emotions that the coffee table begins to rattle. But Jason didn't know it. All he knew was that he was a child again being dragged across the floor, the carpet burning his skin as he's tossed into that room once more. And those were the emotions and images that were hurled in Katie's direction without control, forcing her to relive his worst nightmare right along with him.

Quinn laughs and nods in agreement. "I may sing in bars but I don't really care for hanging out in them. Too many idiots. I just sing, grab my pay and go."

Swallowing a swig of coffee, he realizes he's reached the bottom again and he sighs. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he also sees it's getting late. But he was far from tired - because of his occupied mind and now because of all the caffeine he'd just had.

"Well, Princess... I would feel quite unchivalrous if I kept you out any longer. Though my legs are asking me to take them for a walk. If you recommend a good spot to stretch them out, I shall leave thee in peace."

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