
Woman's touch

Receiving the half-teasing chide from Dalton, Scott's face reddens a little as he gives him a sheepish look. "I didn't mean..." His words trail off as he sees the slice of cheese go flying and smack on the wall. Blinking, he turns to look at Dalton, amazed and bewildered. "I knew you didn't like swiss cheese but..."

A new grin curls the corner of his mouth. "At least mine was an accident. Mary's gonna kill both of us now." Smirking, he looks back at his food that was still waiting for him. Impaling his toast with the shovel-end of his spoon, he holds it up and looks at it for a moment before having another tiny nibble from a corner.

Giving up, he lets the slice of bread fall back onto his plate and he sighs. Going back to the applesauce, he finally takes a spoonful but looks at it as if the task of just getting it into his mouth was the hardest thing he'd ever done. It takes several minutes just to gradually eat the one spoonful until he gives up on that too.

Setting down his spoon, he leans back in his pillows, his stomach churning in an odd way. Looking to where the sauce and cheese were still stuck to the wall, he cocks his head. "Art. Definitely art. That's what we'll tell Mary."

Greeted at the door, Justin smiles, sensing Beth was a bit nervous, but he was proud of her for following through with plans. "Mmm... something sure does smell good," he compliments. "Dogs are fine, but I'll take a glass of water, if you've got one."

Passing through the living room, his eyes take in everything, noting the things that matched her personality, and those that perhaps didn't seem to. maybe it was good he came - a person's home could be quite revealing.

"I'll come to the kitchen," he decides. "I wanna see what's cooking." He gives Beth a wink, then directs Danitza and Zora to lie down and stay in the living room. They obey and settle down, knowing that this was not play time.

Following Beth to the kitchen, Justin sees she is hard at work, preparing their meal. It was obvious that she was trying her best to make things nice, and he wonders just how long it's been since she's ever had anyone over...or if she ever had. He didn't know if they were going out to a movie after supper or if they were staying in, but either way, he knew he'd find out.

"Mmm... hamburgers. Good choice." Leaning back against the counter, his gaze roams the kitchen while observing Beth as well. "And by the way, this is as nice place - not messy. You've seen my place." He chuckles. "Ma thinks I need a woman's touch. I say she just needs to close her eyes so she doesn't notice my clutter."

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