
Up to him

Beth pats Zora's head and gives a little smile to the door before watching them leaving. Standing at the door Beth gives a wave as she watches Justin and the dog drive away before heading back inside.

"He has to let me work here, he's my Uncle. Ok, well he doesn't have to but I guess he'd rather it be there than for someone else."

Anastasia gives another grin and a small shake of her head as Quinn still doesn't tell her his name. He was the man of mystery and for some reason, something about that seemed even more luring.

"Maybe she will tell you stranger, maybe she will."

Watching as he leaves Anastasia just stands there for the longest moment. Grinning at her own self.

"You look redikulace standing there grinning at nothing."

A man in his early Fourtys was standing infront of an office door looking at her his own grin showing on his face. His hair was a short spiky jet black color and his cloths resembled an older rockstare but not way out there and tacky.

Turning around Anastasia eyes the man for a moment before sticking her toung out at him.

"Oh shut up."

The man laughs and walks closer to her giving her a half hug and leaning down a little to kiss the top of her head.

"I'm your Uncle I am aloud to tease you and look out for you. Why do you think I hired you here?"

"Ummm...because I know what I am talking about when it comes to older music and this is where I mostly get my stuff from?"

Anastasia gives a laugh and shakes her head again. She'd worked for her Uncle quite a while now and loved every moment. When she was off sometimes she could be found here too. This place alone was like home. She just...felt like she belonged here.

"Ok, so maybe that is why I highered you but I got to make sure no skum bags try to take advantage of you."

"I think that guy was hardly that."

"Yeah, but I've never seen him before just watch yourself if you plan on going to After Hours tonight."

"You know I will Uncle Chuck."

Anastasia leans up and gives her Uncle a kiss on the cheek before moving away from the counter and going back to putting the records back in order. Would she go to the Cafe tonight? She hadn't been there in a while it might me fun. Not to mention the mystery man might be there as well.

Looking at the clock and see what time it was Jess figured she'd call Axel now. He had been home for a little but now more than likely and been able to relax a little so it would safe to call. Dialing the number and waiting Jess finally hears Axel's voice.

"Hey Hun, I figured I'd call because I wasn't to sure if you up to company tonight or not. Are you ok?"

Jess wasn't sure what to say other than that. Making sure Axel was important was a must and than if he still wanted her to come over than she would but she would leave it up to him.

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