

Dalton gives a little sigh. He wanted so bad to be able to wave a magic wand and make his friend better but its just want possible. All he could do was sit, wait, and continue to be a friend that Scott needed.

"I'll let them both know for you."

Though he didn't like the subject change Dalton new Scott could only take so much and Dalton didn't want to give him an over drive. Leaning back in the chair again his eyes roam around the room coming to the applesauce and cheese again.

"So you think I should clean that up or leave it there for Mary?"

As the movie comes to a close Beth sits up a little and gives a stretch. It had been a long while since she sat through a whole movie without moving so her body was a little stiff. Taking her plat and Justin's Beth stands starting to clear some stuff up.

"Alright...it's pie time."

Bringing the items to the kitchen Beth gets two more plates and cuts the pie dishing it out. The pie had turned out better than the first time and she was pleased. Coming back to the living room and sitting down again Beth hands Justin his plate. Giving a smile.

Taking a bite Beth closes her eyes for a moment just enjoying the pie. It tasted so good, and was a very nice treat.

"My mom used to make pie too all the time. She'd let me help her, thats how I learned how to make it. This is her recipe I use."

As Carson comes closer Jess relaxed a little bit. He was one of her close friends and she new with him around no harm would come to her. He was good like that. Looking between Carson and this other man as they talked Jess kept quiet as she took everything in.

Hearing that he new Axel her heart raced a little bit. For all she new it could be someone who was trying to hurt him for the past and Jess didn't want that to happen. So could they trust this man or not she really didn't know.

But when hearing his own name Jess can't help the little bit of shock on her face as she looked to Carson and than back to Quinn. Axel talked little of his brother and from what he had said she new it was painful for him to talk about so she never pushed it. There was a bit of hesatation in Jess voice but she spoke anyways.

"Axel hardly ever talks about you because it's to hard. All I know is you abandoned your brother when he needed you the most. Why could you possibly want to talk to him now?"

No she's wouldn't tell Quinn to find Axel brother or not. Not without asking Axel himself first and getting his thoughts on it. It wasn't for her to decied...it was for Axel.

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