
GoodBye Forever!

Anastasia gives a long sigh and sucks in a few of the tears that had found there way down to her mouth Quinn's words cutting a little deeper. She new he had to go, she new he couldn't stay yet it was still so hard to say goodbye to something almost perfect.

"Bye Quinn."

Cocking her head a little bit to look at Quinn's face one last time it was like taking a picture in her mind. His face was one she did not want to forget. Letting her eyes fallow him till he was finally inside Anastasia just sits there in the parking lot for a long moment.

She could feel she wanted to cry more as her heart seemed to break just a little more. It had been a long time since she felt like this, and it was a bit strange to think they hardly even new each other. Finally letting her tears out Anastasia just sits there and lets her tears flow. It felt like her heart was breaking. Some people might think she was strange or a little crazy for feeling so bad about someone she had just met, but after just a few there was something there, she new it, she could feel it and to let it go felt like the worst mistake ever.

Laying on her back now and looking up at Alec Ryan gives a small chuckle as he puts the small flower behind her ear. If anyone at the shop saw her act like this or let him put the flower in her hair that would razz her, but Alec she didn't mind at all and she left that softness show to him.

Bringing her hand up to his face Ryan cocks her head a little bit more so it was easier to give him the soft kiss. Hearing his comment about her being his freedom Ryan's lips curl into a smile as she leans up to kiss him again.

"You know your more charming than you like to let on."

As Alec goes and starts to kiss her neck Ryan gives a laugh not minding to much that he ruined the moment the kiss made up for it along with the feelings that came with it. Moving her hands so they find his hair Ryan runs her fingers through it giving a little tug her own voice a little whisper.

"Mmm...I don't mind if you misbehave just a little."

Hearing Kips words it made Karla feel good inside. A warm feeling ran though her and made her feel a little less alone. Though since she had met Kip that feeling had become less and less. Though her loyal friend was gone and she missed him terribly she had a new friend now too.

Was there more with them? Karla wasn't sure but she let it be what it was and didn't want to rush anything. Kip meant to much to her to let that happen.

"You're welcome Kip, thank you for having me tag along and make me feel special."

Leaning her head into Kip's hand Karla moves her head a little to feel his skin against hers. Coming a little closer to him Karla leans up and press her own lips to Kip's for a moment giving him a kiss her feelings coming though when words could not.

Jackie rolls her eyes again giving a small chuckle shaking her head. Holding her pen in her hand she looks over at Wayne again.

"Just sitting next to you makes me a partner in crime, and if one day it catches up with us, its your butt I am gonna kick."

Looking back at the paper she had been jotting some notes down on Jackie was content in keeping the silence here. But hearing Wayen's comment she looks over at him and raises and eyebrow.

"He has been...are you jealous?"

Letting the silence linger for a long moment Jackie laughs again and shakes her head. The thought of Wayne having a crush on her was a funny on. Why she wasn't sure but it was.

"He has been in here a lot. He likes asking questions about how we do things. I think he's just interested in how we do things."

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