
Even better

Karla can't help the smile that spreads across her face at Kip's comment. He always had a way of being silly, but cute at the same time and making her feel good.

"Mmm...ice cream does sound good. Think there is any way for us to sneak out of here and get some?"

Karla grins. She still was pretty shy but she had before a little more bold with Kip and some of the others. Bring out and seeing new things, living with Alice and Twila it was a new experience that was helping her to open her up.

Just leaning into the hug and giving a small giggle at the kiss Alice didn't mind Kyle didn't show a lot of affection in public. She was the same way and would rather show that in privet and not made a scene. The little but of affection was nice, and it just made the bigger stuff better.

"As long as you keep saying than I'll keep believing it, not that I really would even thing different. But it still feels good to hear it."

Tilting her head a little to see up into Kyle's eyes Alice smiles at him again. A happy feeling ran though her, and she new he missed his friends, maybe when things calmed down a little they could have a cook out at her house and get everyone together.

"Did I tell you how proud of you I am?"

Looking up from the sound table at the sound of Wayne's phone Jackie gives a nod. She had already started rechecking everything and mixing it together seeing how it sounded, and maybe what could be tweaked.

"Yeah yeah take your call."

Moving the head phones back in her head again Jackie listens to the music moving a few buttons on the bored, backing the table up and listing again. Glancing to Wayne's seat as Erik sits down Jackie stays quiet for a moment as she reaches to pause the tape. Not letting Erik know she was watching him out of the corner of her eye she says nothing waiting to see if he said anything.

Seeing he didn't say anything but continues to look at the bored Jackie finally turned her chair to him and gave a friendly smile.

"If you want to throw that headset on and listen while I mix a few things your more then welcome to since Wayne is not here. Just don't think him I let you, he might get jealous."

As her brother comes and takes the case of beer from her Ryan gives a small laugh following him into the kitchen and putting the bag down on the table. Taking in a wiff of the dinner it smelled so good.

"Mmm...I have no problem with that since it smells so amazing. I picked up a few things from the store to have with dinner, nothing amazing but it gives us a little something else to eat."

Going through the bag and taking out some of the items to put in the fridge for now Ryan stops be her brother looking up at him. He wanted to ask her something...she couldnt help but wonder what it was and thats why when the phone ran she had no problem letting it.

"Ok sure...whats up?"

Waiting for Eli to continue Ryan can't help but straighten a little hearing Leo's voice. She was a littel shocked and surpised he was calling...but...he was. Looking to Eli she would of went to the phone but he hung it up to fast for her to get to it.

"Wow...that was....unexpected. Maybe I should call him back or talk to him him tomorrow at work. Either or, I wanna you to finish what you were asking first."

Pulling into the drive way Sapphire gives a smile with a bit of surprised seeing Gage waiting for her. She though for sure she'd have to wake him up today like she normally did. Not that she minded but it was nice to see him a little less tired for his own health.

Stopping the car and getting out a little Sapphire leans on the top of the car and looks across at Gage with a smile.

"Well good morning to you bright eyes. You look extra perky today. Really were looking forward to our date?"

Sapphire continues to smile as she waits for Gage. It was good to see him that was for sure. After a few days of going without because he was just to tired, it made this even better!

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