
Do you really

Hearing Alec had an interview Ryan's eyes lite up more as she takes a bit of her sandwich. She figured he had been looking but to get an interview so fast that was great timing and most likely a great boost for Alec.

"Wow, thats so great Alec. I bet they will call, I mean whats not to like about you right?"

Giving a grin Ryan's foot finds Alec's under the table and runs along side it and up his leg just a little her eyes giving a small twinkle. Looking into Alec's eyes Ryan wondered about the bike and how he had gotten it. She wanted to ask but something stopped her. She had to trust Alec and know he'd do the right thing, this was one time she would hold her question for now anyways.

"So after we eat want to take a walk around the park or find a nice shaded spot to finish our dessert?"

Leaning back letting her sandwich sit on the plate for a moment Anastasia doesn't rush the meal. She didn't want it to end to quickly because than they would have to say goodbye, and she was not looking forward to it.

"Does there really have to be an excuse to not just pretend the clock has stopped? At least for a little while?"

Giving Quinn a little wink Anastasia sits up again and takes another bit of her food. The subject was off Quinn's brother now and she wasn't going to push it.

Looking back across the table at Quinn she gives a smile her eyes twinkling but something a little more deep was hidden behind them as she puts her food down.

"Well, I guess I should say it now before its to late. I already thought I missed the train once when you didn't show up for lunch."

Anastasia looks down at her plate thinking for a moment. It was not always easy for her to tell her feelings. Even if she was so bold when it came down to a personal relationship with someone it was a little hard, but not that much.

"All in all, I'm happy I got to met you and spent some special moments with you. Your a sweet guy and if you ever find yourself in this neck of the woods again I'd love to see you again."

Taking the bottle of water from Erik Karla gives a nod. She hadn't been with the group long, even shorter than Alice and Kyle but she had picked up quick on Kip and his amazing amount of energy.

Heaing out the door and down the walkway looking around a little bit she can faintly see Kip and heads in the direction knowing he would slow down sooner or later. Seeing him come to a stop and fall into the grass Karla makes her way over to him sitting down as well.

"I think you sounded pretty good. I like your voice its so soothing ya know."

Holding the bottle out to Kip Karla gives a smile. She really did think he sounded good when he was singing. A lot better than she would anyways.

Looking over at Wayne Jackie gives a shake of head. She could see the potential in Kip, and had no doubt he could sing.

"I don't think He's holding them back. Your mind often wonders all over the place too you know."

Jackie gives a sly smile as she glaces at him and than back down to the sound bored again for a moment. She always loved teasing him, but as well as teasing this time she really ment it too.

"Really I'd like to not count Kip out yet. He's part of the band too and I'd like to keep it that way. Lets just give him a little more time..ok?"

Leaning into Kyle a little bit Alice loves his soft and quiet affection. It was nice and she enjoyed it. Looking up at him and giving him a soft quick kiss before leabing her own forehead against his.

"Not in the least. I could never be bored listing to you or even being around you for that matter."

Alice eyes twinkle as she looks up Kyle completely wrapped up in him. She just looked feeling the soft beat of his heart, and his soft breath on her skin. To her this was perfect.

"Tired of having me around yet?"

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