
Auto Shop

Ryan gives a shake of her head as she continues to stand in front of Axel. She wasn't going to let him beat himself up over this. She wasn't to good with consoling people but she was good at standing for what she alone believe in, and having a friend beat into themselves was not something she'd let continue.

"DNA is as easy to get from a person as asking for a pencil. In everything we touch, drink from, brush against our DNA is left behind. To be manipulated, and placed into a crime scene it really is just as easy."

Letting out a sigh Ryan was quiet for a moment. Her own mind seemed to jump all over the place. The though of her brother seemed to come to her most. John always blamed himself for there father's death. It had been his job to secure the jack and when it gave way he always went over and over about how he could of checked it better. No matter what they told him about how it could of happened to anyone and it was not his fault he never listened.

"Forgetting will only last so long, you know that Axel. Prove your brother wrong, and everyone else who said you where guilty. There are ways to still prove your innocent its just the fact of digging, and looking. You do have people who will stand behind you too. Don't give up on yourself so quickly."

Giving a nod and a smile Anastasia turns and heads back into the record shop motioning for Quinn to follow. Not taking to long to find the number she dials J&J's number. Getting an answer she gives a little nod to Quinn.

"Hi, I have a car over at Disk O Round that has broken down and I need someone to come toe it for me and asses the situation before fixing it. Yeah, ok that would be great thank so much."

Hanging up the phone and turning back to Quinn she was satisfied. She had gone to this auto shop a lot and new they were good.

"Ok, they said it will be about fifteen minutes. So any idea's on where to eat? Don't matter to me as long as your eating with me."

Anastasia's eyes sparkle in the sun light as she looks back at Quinn her eyes running over his face falling deep into his eyes as they come to them.

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