

Hearing he had seaweed on his head, Alec looks up almost cross-eyed. He starts to laugh again too and reaches up to pull it off, flicking it out into the water. Still laughing, he nears Ryan, grabbing her waist and treading water for both of them. "You're not boiling yet," he mentions coyly.

Leaning closer, he kisses her lips, finding it a little difficult to stay afloat at the same time, though he manages. Letting the passion linger for several moments, he draws back, raising his hand to wipe away water droplets from her face, his thumb running over her eye and down her cheek.

"It's getting warmer." He nods with satisfaction before returning for another even longer kiss while he pulls her closer to him underwater.

Pulling away just enough he can still lean his forehead against hers, he looks into her eyes, studying them both. His heart thumps hard in his chest from both the exercise of swimming and from a rush of adrenaline. Whenever he was with Ryan, he seemed to lose himself, forgetting about his past and the way he used to be. Used to be... it was strange to think he'd been someone else before. At the time, he'd wanted to stay in that place. But now... he wouldn't want to go back. He wouldn't want to return to a heart of stone or a mind that could do anything without remorse. He was just beginning to feel again and deep down he craved more.

His hands rub Ryan's back gently as they float together, his eyes never leaving hers. "We better be careful," he muses. "We might create steam and draw too much attention to ourselves."

Being hung up on, Justin sighs and shuts his phone. He didn't know what he ever did to Dalton to always receive such a brushoff, but he wasn't going to try and fix it. It wasn't worth his time if the big man wanted to be enemies.

Heading into the office, Justin taps his knuckles on the half-open door, even though he'd already been allowed in. "Hey. I'll make this brief to minimize the torture of my presence."

Approaching the desk, he lays down both of Scott's nameplates. Looking Dalton in the eye, Just gives a little nod. "Thank you." He pauses, opting to say one more thing. "I believe you'll be needing those again. And if you ever want to visit Scott, just get word to me and I won't get in your way."

Reese returns Angelica's light kiss and smiles. Pulling her close, he gives her a warn hug before releasing her. "Let's go."

It didn't take long to get out of the building and soon Reese is driving downtown. making a quick stop for some coffee, it's the park next where there was an empty bench right near the pond. Reese leans back and sips his coffee, glad to get away from work for a while, and hoping Angelica was too. His free hand slips down and takes hers, while he just remains quiet.

Chance tightens his grip around Destiny, realizing now that she was crying. He closes his eyes and just lets her vent a little before he gently turns her around. Holding her closely, he lets her head rest against his chest, his arms wrapped around her in a protective hold.

"Shh... it's okay." He kisses the top of her head. "I don't know why. But you're safe now and we're going to put an end to it, you'll see."

Rocking her a little, he forgets about lunch or tea for now. Standing here with Destiny in the kitchen seemed much more important than a noon meal. "In a couple days, we'll go visit the graves, okay? Just you and me, and you can close that chapter however you need to without anybody ruining it."

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