

Justin gives a little nod. He wasn't completely sure Beth wasn't just avoiding interaction with him, but by her slightly disheveled appearance, which was unusual, and the fact that she'd already said she was late, he was going to believe that yes, she simply didn't have time for frisbee right now.

"Okay. I'll bring it a long tomorrow. I'm a mean player though," he warns, followed by another warm smile. His eyes search hers once more. Every day she came. She had to be tired. Yet she still came. In a way, he pitied her. In a way, he admired her.

"Take Care, Beth. I'll see you tomorrow." He didn't say "if" this time... it just didn't seem necessary.

Alec bites his lip as a smile seeps out. He looks down at the sand again and wriggles his toes as a child would their first time allowed to play outside with bare feet. Alec was a rough, tough ex-Agency man. But there were still things that he had in common with Gage, even if he didn't want to admit it. He hadn't been sheltered from life - but he'd been sheltered from living.

Looking back up at Ryan, his smile grows. The morning sun catches his eye and bounces off with a sparkling glint. Glancing to the water again, then back at Ryan, the glint increases, now with more mischief.

Taking hold of his borrowed t-shirt, he pulls it up over his head and tosses it a few feet away on dry sand. Then backing into the water, he falls backward with a glorious splash, enveloped in the cool summer water, jeans and all.

A fresh laughter rings out. A laughter quite possibly never heard from Alec's lips since he was just a boy. Curling up his legs so he could sink up to his chin in the water, Alec shoots a splash at Ryan, his eyes shining with playfulness.

"Next few days..." Kyle glances over the papers Jackie had passed around the table. "That's pretty quick. Not sure we can do it that soon."

All eyes widen and look in Kyle's direction, a dreadful silence taking over for several long moments.

Kyle looks up as a grin forms. "What? I'm kidding."

Russ whacks him in the arm. "Behave yourself."

As several start to laugh, Wayne chuckles. It was good to see that this group got along so well and could joke amongst themselves. It was obvious they weren't just out for the money. They were doing this because they loved it. "Fill out the paperwork here, or if you want more time to read it over, take it home - you can bring it back in or fax it to us. Soon as Jackie and I take a second look at our schedule, we'll be in touch."

"Home sweet home." Chance closes the door behind him and Destiny after he'd already given the safe house a once-over. Setting the keys down, he goes to the computers and switches the monitors back on to keep watch.

Turning around, he cocks his head at Destiny. "Want some lunch? I could make us some sandwiches."

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